Monday, February 28, 2011

Ballet Sliiper Gumpaste


Master El Morya

..... ..... A lasting peace can only come to Earth through goodwill. The willingness (ie, the Will of God), of course, is the activity of Darjeeling, is the radiation of Our Call, Our Ray and our Brotherhood. The goodwill is not superficial brotherhood. The good will comes from the heart, and is composed of sincerity of purpose and design, enlightened faith and confidence, common sense, wisdom and discernment, as well as flexibility to act in the capacity instantly to be convened to serve you .

.......... Goodwill is based on love, not flattery. Goodwill is based on Love of God and love of man where there is no discrimination against [racial] or fanaticism, where light and life of the human heart And not the color of his skin is the consciousness and feeling of the chela.

Goodwill is based on the purity and selflessness. The real good will is based on the ability to focus on that part of the plan that you can make, and you certainly have enough sense to know that even I can make the entire Plan of God, nor could the Dear Jesus, Lord Gautama or the Lord of the Flame Sanat Kumara before them.
.......... Good Will is the concentration on the practical development and use of that part of the plan of God that your talents and abilities allow you to use for the benefit impersonal Earth and its evolutions.

Goodwill is the willingness to minister to those in distress, but in a positive way and voluntarily, without sinking into apathy, into pity or negative vibrations down your vibration to a point similar to the person in distress. The goodwill is established by invoking all the powers of God Almighty and all Being God you know, and certainly we have presented on the screen of the living beings of which I can possibly remember in your mind external.


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