Friday, February 4, 2011

Astrostart Series 120


This dictation was received by Walter Javier Velasquez October 11, 2007.

Beloved of my heart. You must understand that although it sometimes seems that your happiness depends on things of this world, that's not an illusion in which chimeric have fallen. The things of this world are transient and changing. Can never grant them a real sense of security that gives you eternal happiness.
Even when you consider what they manage to give you joy, you will discover that this was not exactly what you wanted. So iniciareis a new search for some material to achieve the longed-for happiness outside yourself.

This reminds me of the old riddle: "What is that the more you take away the bigger it does? ". The answer is: "a hole." So are your human desires, bottomless abyss that can never be filled.
This is similar to the squirrel that is running on his wheel. By faster than it can never run out of it-while still running in that direction. Tomarais Ideally, the decision to stop running on the same path that brought you throughout your life, that is, the way of the pursuit of such external. Now start looking within yourself to find the eternal source, the source of true happiness: your Mighty I AM

The Eternal Source

Once you discover that all the happiness you sought was inside you, then you can attract all the material goods that you wish to have. This time will come naturally and there will be that sense of anxiety or fear about not having this or that subject material. When you understand that you are sons and daughters of love, the universe will agree to please you in everything you need.
That's as simple and sit on the edge of the bed and focus your attention on the heart. Once your mind has quieted, recognize that there, within you is the eternal source: the I AM. Then know that you are that I AM, that there is no difference because that is the source of your true identity. Then, holding that consciousness most of the day, in the midst of your daily activities.

What happens when you feel separated from God

But as you continue thinking that you are separate beings from God, by this or that reason do not deserve happiness and abundance, the universe will strengthen your belief by creating conditions to confirm that you are not worthy. As you can see, the universe is like a big computer and you are the hand that controls the mouse.
Until you do not become really conscious of your dignity and your role, you can not embody the full consciousness of abundance. Let be any criticism of yourself and your brothers and sisters. Be steadfast, recognize your shortcomings without judging, then start working on transcend.

The sky is eager to pour out his blessings on you

If you knew that already are worthy and deserving of everything that you perceive as remote. I see everything, I enjoy seeing how the sky wants to pour upon you His glory while you reject it with a series of conditions imposed by the church and family. These constraints say that you can not receive the abundance and happiness if they first do not live up to this or that external requirements.
I'm not saying that a person who is totally identified with his ego is ready to take plenty. But the fact that a person is not ready does not mean it is not worthy. I do not say you have to meet the requirements of the perfect human being does not exist. Simply must be willing to look at the plank in your eye, to take one step at a time and provide a practical service life. That, and accept what we are, "beings-is worthy enough to receive the Kingdom of God, both spiritual and material.

But, if you continue thinking that somehow your happiness depends on the fulfillment of certain material conditions, you will be basing your sense of happiness in a false expectation of your ego. True happiness does not require material wealth, but once you find true happiness-that is, your identity Divine-material goods arrive one after another without any difficulty. That will happen because you will not be attached to them and not be dependent on that to be happy.
This is how the universe works. Stop thinking that you are loved separated. Accept that and you are the I AM. Furthermore, recognize that you always were, what happens is that you were not willing to acknowledge before. If the eternal source of happiness is always within you and you turned it down because they ran after the goodies that you gave your ego, toys transient, placebos, doping, which you away to eternal happiness.

My concept of happiness

One last thing, when I speak of "happiness" I mean the mistaken belief that suddenly have no more difficulties and problems in your life. The difficulties always come as an incentive to take the challenge and discover the blessing behind. The difficulty will always come as a teacher to teach a new lesson that will make you a more independent, more integral.
What I mean by "happiness" is that you will have the consciousness sufficiently focused to meet the challenges in perspective. I no longer in a glass ahogareis water but will have the maturity and vision to see light at the end of the tunnel.
will know that God would never allow that you were in a situation where not been able to do anything. With each intersection is an instruction manual on the back. All you have to do is be open to recognize the manual. That takes you to have a certain level of connection to the Christ within and then you can recognize the output. This will come in different ways, perhaps displayed by divine inspiration, or hear from the mouth of a friend, or you arrive by any means used to help divinity.
We seal in the heart of God, the heart of love, and leave you a simple prayer. If you do slowly, internalizing, savoring and digesting every word, you can open the inner gates of heaven for all the abundance of God to manifest in your life-not tomorrow or a year, but TODAY.


I AM El Morya.

Prayer for Divine Abundance

Thank you Father for Abundance is mine.
accept infinite Abundance of my Mother and my Father Divine
I agree that I have to do anything to deserve it, because I belong in their own right, as I am a child of love.
give up all my fears and say that my sense of security is internal, coming from my presence I'm inside of me.
waive any false sense of security that is based on the things of this world.
I am an extension of the God who created the universe, therefore I am One with All and I have access to all the abundance of material and spiritual universe.
I am one with God, am whole, I am complete and I have inside me, all I need to be happy.
accept Wealth and Happiness Divine in my world now.
Thank you Father for being you inside me.


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