Monday, February 7, 2011

Viral Infection At 30 Weeks Pregant

Karma: God's Divine Order

Lanto Speak beloved
Taken Private Bulletin Thomas Prinz
("Bulletin" of January 5, 1958)

.......... This year, my beloved, has left the Gran Silencio Being will be of great benefit to you individually, provided they choose to invoke it. You have often heard the phrase that reads, "The order is the first Law of Heaven." Well, this Being is the God of Divine Order. I'm talking about order in their personal affairs in order emotional reactions, intellectual order in their facilities, order in and around your physical world, which will be theirs if they choose to invite. In our area, we know him as the beloved prince, God's Divine Order. Those of you who want to be precursors bearing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth people will want to represent the first Law of Heaven, which is the Divine Order. Therefore, the Great One has come along for the first time since the advent of the "laggards" and that the disorder began to manifest on the planet Earth and its atmosphere inside. Prince returned on December 15 last, and is now willing to give them the assistance of His Ray Guideline.

.......... The Divine Order of which I speak is very important, and I want you to consider with regard to themselves. Divine Order is something to which you aspire. Aspire to be one with our Divine Order. This is an aspect of the law that have confirmed their presence in all year groups. Then, bring the Divine Order to the chaotic conditions of planet Earth at this time involves being a messenger of the Cosmic Being. The measure of his own world will quickly tell how much (or how little) you require assistance.
.......... When facing a specific project-be it a group project of personal one related to your home, business or business- if you invoke the great God who represents the Divine Order before even lifting a finger or start the process of dressing, you will find that everything in that day, everything in that project, especially in such activity will unfold smoothly in Divine Order, and each piece of your employer and plan fit perfectly with the others.

.......... This will do much for you, particularly in the control of their feelings, because his emotional nature will be stripped of the sense of struggle . Let the Law and the Lord of Divine Order intermingle in, through and around you and in, through and around any activity or project in which they are working. And if you decide, ask her to start working twenty-four hours before the start of the project and see how real and tangible can be a Being of this type.

.......... at higher levels, my beloved, all adhere to the Divine Order. You are entering the Seventh Age, and the Seventh Ray is ordered service, ceremony in which the Divine Order is recognized. --- The Divine Order in the person's dignity, the dignity that is reflected in his words, thoughts, in their actions and feelings.


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