Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Left Leg Hurts When I Drink Alcohol

Because I love you I want to see still more.

This dictation was delivered through Walter Javier Velásquez.

this I

I am present in the hearts of those who express God's love for all life, I am present in the hearts of children on earth, I am present in the hearts of those that drive these children to be the Most of God on Earth.

I am love, I AM a rose and expand my fragrance loving on Planet Earth. I AM a Master Violet Flame, but also of the pink flame of Divine Love, the White Flame of Purity, since I have balance in the Seven Rays. Unconditional Love Divine I AM expanding my fragrance for Planet Earth. Let this aroma to expand across the planet.

Because I love you, I see you being more

I AM Divine Love in Action. But I'm not that love that says, "how are you stay." I AM the love that loves you like you are at this moment, with your limitations and defects. I AM the love that says, "Get up, stand up, stand up and be the More Now. Get up on your current state of consciousness, because I wait up to be the most". I want to see being the most, and I want to see being the Divine Flame of God on Earth.

I AM the Cosmic Consciousness in the elements.

I AM that divine love that expands.

I do not want to see your limited consciousness to a physical body, but see the divine consciousness manifesting on Earth.

I AM the love that heals. I AM love that sound where there are problems with the electrons, where there is discord between the cells.

I AM the love that nourishes, I'm the love that gives. But I AM the love in you must learn to received
True love means service

I AM a practical love, because I can not just be a love expressed in meditation. If you feel the love of Babaji only through meditation, you are wrong, you are on the outer path of love hypocritical, false and thoughtful love. If the love you feel in meditation does not become practical through the daily action, then it is a false love, and love that I do not serve.

The problem with many yogis in India is that they can spend eight hours, sixteen hours in meditation touch my love. However, they can go outside and see a beggar without feeling sorry for him. "You believe that divine love can work only in the Alpha, without express in a practical way in the Omega?

I live in the electron, I live in subatomic particles, neutrons, in Bozon, the quarks and every particle that you make. So I
that when you feel my love, or love of Jesus, or Krishna, or Bob, absorbáis to subatomic particles of your Being

Because really there are blockages in your psyche that you say that you are not worthy of that love that does not deserve the love of God. But are
blocks created by religion, false teaching, your parents, you have unwittingly delivered.

Please, please, with tears in his eyes, and the Goddess of Love Servant, whom known on Earth as Mother Teresa of Calcutta-are One at the moment and we say :

"help my children! Not leave them on the street, do not let them become victims of abuse, lack of love Help them! Do something! Ask for them in your Rosary, aid them in your meditation and sustain Immaculate Concept, but also do something practical on Earth. "

If you do not feel that calling directly serve children, then support people who have this vocation, whether financial or brindadles somehow support. But do not stay with folded arms, do not stay like robots making Rosaries and meditations, because you are not providing a practical service life.

This service practical, Jesus came to exemplify what is the reason why we send to Mother Teresa of Calcutta to India. To go and teach what is practical love, not only love meditating, not just love that prays. But the love that becomes the earth in service to my children, my children, my children are in the Planet Earth.


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