Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gay Charlotte Night Clubs

Healing Activity Master

From "Journal of Bridge / Mother Mary"

Beloved, My activity has been associated with healing for many, many centuries. It is natural that, as My beloved son, Jesus performed many miraculous healings in His incarnation, in terms of the external mind of the people concerned, but merely used the Spiritual Law Purity and the cloister of those working towards world brotherhood, the humanitarian aspect of the beloved Paul the Venetian, of men and women using the activities of the Second Ray in research and accumulation of knowledge put to good use, or if it is honest and sincere individuals healing by faith.
Few want to know the law

Particularly in the case of Jesus, many who rejected conscience in life, but that accepted hundreds of years later. That human consciousness operates. Only when one has passed safely beyond the door of the said death, it seems to be safe for humans to accept their truths. That will not always be so! I saw a man, majestic beyond all description in words, to walk humbly in Judea and talk to men and women for hundreds, giving Act, and then trying the Act arising from the aforementioned "death", making clear to the blind, the deaf hear, cripples walk, lepers and clean. That man was my son! I saw how few wanted to know Act, although there were many who wanted the fruit of that law!
Auto Protect yourself first

Today, measure each chela, we see on the screen of life more and more of you are applying the law on their own, and this is really great because that was not the case in our time Earth. A those of you who are particularly involved with the activities of healing, I tell them if you constantly remind long as they are non-promoted, self-wrapped in the bright presence of a member of the Scope of the Ascended Masters before even begin to deal with the problems and afflictions that come to your attention, so that, as it said on Tuesday MaháSahib not attract themselves that trouble, but rather enclosed, sealed and isolated in my presence, the love of Jesus , that of Lord Michael or Saint Germain, you can then direct healing streams within those individuals who need assistance from either your own Presence "I AM" or any Ascended Master, invoking all the Flames and Lightning the Kingdom of the Divine that you are familiar within those flows to assist them.
Eliminate the causes and nuclei of anxiety.

Let me remind once again, even though as we have done all, to first to be eliminated CAUSED AND GRIEF CORE at the international level where it is seen, BEFORE YOU CAN HAVE A PERMANENT HEALING here on the earth plane, where it sees itself. Otherwise, what will be precisely that: using mental power, you put a scarf on the condition, and for a time is not apparent, particularly when the practitioner or healer is alive, whose very same life energy and repel the cause and core, and often accepted within. But when the individual who is providing this service out of the body healing before disembodies the individual who has been afflicted, in most cases the condition will return even while still in that embodiment, or if disembodies the individual who has been temporarily healed, and the cause and core of the condition has not been eliminated in the domestic level, will have to re-experience this condition until someone makes the call.

A cause and core behind all conditions-be it something mental, emotional, etheric, physical, financial or whatever. When that was taken root for any of the Divine Beings offered to do it (myself, Goddess of Light , Astrea, Kwan Yin, any amount of Ascended Beings), when this is removed, then YOU HAVE A PATIENT HEALED PERMANENT. And while removed trends to create new causes and cores ... Because what we find on Earth many people will be busy!
Generate comfort, not distress.

Individuals are constantly creating, awake or asleep, day and night, constructive and otherwise. Just like the beloved Mahachohan I said yesterday, people create more anxiety (which requires more comfort) or more comfort, more light.
Those of you who are interested in is healing well aware that the individuals they heal (or whom God heals through you) re-create these conditions unless you are alert and call upon Presence "I AM", the Santa Call Christ, Flame that person to remove the ability to create a new cause and core. I've practiced this, Beloved Ones, I have been doing for nearly two thousand years now. I give it to you as an explanation of Law of Healing for those who choose to have it.
share my light with you.
It is not always comfortable that you will make a presentation of the full truth, and I know it's always more comfortable simply say-and this is true, that I love with all my heart. I love them enough to share my light with you, believe in you and believed in Jesus, even when I was on the cross at Golgotha, where every cell and fiber of my being recognized the reality of Light immortal, holding that feeling for Him until His resurrected form relieved me of that surveillance in particular.
So I believe in you, and you hold to the Immaculate Concept for each one of you ... and the other too, even though for a time lost the pattern of their own path back home.


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