Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Is The Pain In My Shoulder After Laposcopy


civitiano The ABC is a guide that tries to orient new players who join Civitis .

ABC civitiano In an attempt to explain as clearly as possible the operation of this online game aided by graphic media. The graphs green box on the links so that the player knows how to reach the screen you are referring to the explanation and in red those areas of the screen which is speaking. The purple arrows as guides. Images are minimized, to enlarge them just click on them.

To the right of the page there is a index. Clicking on the term you want to see explanations appear.

I hope that this initiative meets the objective pursued, which is none other than to release a little better Civitis to those who have not mastered the art of the game well.

If you see any typos, broken links or any other decisions I beg you do me know by sending an e-mail to gatzaga@yahoo.es



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