Civitis also has a hollow sporting competitions: patronage. By the sponsorship citizens can become a patron of athletes, train them, cure them, participate in races that are organized and, with patience and perseverance, make money from the sports business awards awarded to top 3 finishers in each race. You can also profit by the sale of athletes through the transfer market. There is no magic formula to turn a young athlete at a future champion, train every week properly and regularly enter them in races to catch experience are the two essential ingredients for success.
The first thing we must do to enter the world of sponsorship will acquire the athletes.
There are 3 forms of power ourselves with the services of an athlete:
1 .- Sponsoring an athlete from the screen of patronage
As you can see in the picture above, the cost of each athlete is 50 coins. If you have 5 or more athletes on staff can not gain more by this system.
2 .- Through the transfer market
from down the country civitiano you want, you will see all the athletes that other patrons of that country have been released:
It may happen that other patrons bid after you by the same athlete, which will raise its price. If you are still interested in the same athlete will have to make a new bid. When you reach the end of the auction date the patron who made the final bid will be the athlete in question:
3 .- By Civicard platform Find out more about how to purchase civicards and how to use them you have to click on Civicard option in the menu on the left:
Athletes acquired through this system has better characteristics than those acquired in Patronage and also have starting experience with 25 points. If you have 5 or more athletes can not acquire by this system.
To train and heal the athletes have to go to market and select the "Sports"
In the following screen will appear 5 "products." The first 4 (background, ability, intelligence and muscle) are used to train. The last (health treatment) is used to cure:
If you want it formed to 100 meters you will train in fitness or intelligence. It is more important to train your muscles than intelligence.
If you want to be a need to train for 1500 meters in depth and skill. It is more important to train the bottom than the skill. When you enter the desired "product" you will see a box where athletes are in your template that you have not trained:
worth recalling that the athletes are trained once a week so when you have trained an athlete, will disappear from the drop-down until next week:
To cure athletes, you click on "health treatment" and, as in the training, you'll see your template down athletes. Just to confirm with
to each athlete and have already healed for that week. As in training health treatment is only done once a week and a sportsman.
When you have trained and curing will see reflected in the characteristics of athletes:
to each athlete and have already healed for that week. As in training health treatment is only done once a week and a sportsman.
When you have trained and curing will see reflected in the characteristics of athletes:
indicates the health of our athlete. The more health you have, the better performance we will offer our athletes. Each week, after the update , health wears 5%. As explained above, buying health treatment will go up the level of health of our athletes. If your athlete is under 20 health points can not participate in any race.
is high quality for the specialty of the 100-meter races. BACKGROUND:
is the main quality for the specialty of the races of 1500 meters.
is the main quality for the specialty of the races of 1500 meters.
WEIGHT: is the main quality for the specialty of the 100-meter races.
is high quality for the specialty of the races of 1500 meters. CHARACTER:
particularly influenced the careers of 100 meters, the higher the better. This can vary between 1 and 9 points.
indicates the level of tiredness of our riders. When we dispute a 100-meter dash our athlete raise your fatigue by 5 points. If you dispute a 1500-meter race, our athletes will increase your fatigue 15 points. On Thursday, after the weekly update
all athletes will lower their fatigue by 30 points. A lower yield greater fatigue.
is possibly the most decisive factor in the performance of athletes. Every race contested an increase of 3 points of experience. If you win the race also get 3 extra points, if you get second, you get 2 bonus points, if you get the third will get 1 point of experience. That is why the more races our athletes better, but making sure that fatigue does not increase beyond 30 points.
is the difference between the prizes won and the sums paid by entry in the races. This balance does not take into account the cost of training or the acquisition of the athlete.
Each week we train our athletes, they go up 1 point in this feature.
REGISTRATION AT THE RACES to enter athletes have to press button
there right in front of the trash:
On the next screen see the careers that are convened, stating the expertise (or 1500m 100m dash), the total award to be divided among the top 3, the date of the dispute, the maximum age for participation and registration fees:
is high quality for the specialty of the races of 1500 meters. CHARACTER:
particularly influenced the careers of 100 meters, the higher the better. This can vary between 1 and 9 points.
indicates the level of tiredness of our riders. When we dispute a 100-meter dash our athlete raise your fatigue by 5 points. If you dispute a 1500-meter race, our athletes will increase your fatigue 15 points. On Thursday, after the weekly update
all athletes will lower their fatigue by 30 points. A lower yield greater fatigue.
is possibly the most decisive factor in the performance of athletes. Every race contested an increase of 3 points of experience. If you win the race also get 3 extra points, if you get second, you get 2 bonus points, if you get the third will get 1 point of experience. That is why the more races our athletes better, but making sure that fatigue does not increase beyond 30 points.
is the difference between the prizes won and the sums paid by entry in the races. This balance does not take into account the cost of training or the acquisition of the athlete.
Each week we train our athletes, they go up 1 point in this feature.
REGISTRATION AT THE RACES to enter athletes have to press button
there right in front of the trash:
On the next screen see the careers that are convened, stating the expertise (or 1500m 100m dash), the total award to be divided among the top 3, the date of the dispute, the maximum age for participation and registration fees:
also pressing on "info" see Further details of the race in question, as the company that organizes and athletes already enrolled in the race, with indication of the personal best of each:
Simply press the button "register" to be on the right of it and you just have to wait to run the race:
Until the race is run you can not enroll in another.
3rd place: 15% of total prize
Until the race is run you can not enroll in another.
The awards were distributed as follows:
1st place: 50% of the total prize
2 nd place: 35% of the total prize
1st place: 50% of the total prize
2 nd place: 35% of the total prize
3rd place: 15% of total prize
If for any reason you wish to sell any athlete, you have 2 options:
In the example above image through the sale of civicard would get the 25% of 1,380 coins, ie, 345 coins.
When an athlete turns 33 disappears from our staff of athletes without compensation.
I stress because I consider it very important
Patience and perseverance will eventually pay off.
1 .- With the transfer market:
sufficient to indicate the down the number of days you want to run this auction (1 to 3 days) and pulses
to confirm. If at the end of the term no one has bid on your athlete back to your squad of athletes.
2 .- Through the platform Civicard
This system sale will be automatic, but only get 25% of your quote:
sufficient to indicate the down the number of days you want to run this auction (1 to 3 days) and pulses
to confirm. If at the end of the term no one has bid on your athlete back to your squad of athletes.
2 .- Through the platform Civicard
This system sale will be automatic, but only get 25% of your quote:
is possible to eliminate athletes in your template, for this you must click on the trash icon to the right of all:
When an athlete turns 33 disappears from our staff of athletes without compensation.
I stress because I consider it very important
- Take the training and weekly as sacred healing
- Aim your athletes to the races as possible, but beware not to go to the topic of fatigue, the experience is a very important factor.
- Aim your athletes to the races as possible, but beware not to go to the topic of fatigue, the experience is a very important factor.
Patience and perseverance will eventually pay off.
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