Is Cherry Coke Good With Captain Morgan Rum?
Updated The update is a regularization of the various modules that make up the game and is done weekly on Thursdays between 20 and 24 hours (English time). In Civitis operations are having an immediate effect, such as, for example, the purchase of raw materials, manufacturing, etc. But there are other operations in which the effect or consequence of the same are made visible after the update, such as those listed below:
Diseases: The purchase of the foods that make up our diet each purchase is immediate and we're going to see reflected in the table of nutrients in the form of colors (left), but the consequences of good or bad
power in the form of diseases
(right) will be visible after the upgrade.
Quality of life: Investments has made the citizens and government during the week to improve the quality of life (consumer goods, healthcare, education, etc.) will be reflected once made the update.
Consumer Goods: after upgrade consumer goods of which the citizen has halved.
all taxes payable by both the city and the company is traded at the time of the update.
weekly draw lottery each country and payment of the prize to the lucky recipient is also done in this process.
Loans and deposits
paid the corresponding period of the loan we have asked the bank
workers salaries
: performed weekly payment of wages to workers we have employed in our company.
The store
athletes cu
mplen 0.25 years each update. Also suffered a gash on his health, fatigue is reduced by 30 points, is updated their fitness, training status and curing is still "no" (you have to re-train and cure) and its listing on the transfer market increases.
after each update is running a week of the legislature of each country (the full term lasts 8 weeks) and in the event that is only 1 week are holding elections at the time of the update is the counting of votes.
the state is also updated every update. The investments made by governments each country are converted into percentages of welfare and education levels of public health, environment and R & D. Also, after updating and in terms of climate in the country to make dams and recharge batteries each country providing water and energy for next week. If sun makes further recharge the batteries (power), if it rains recharged further dams (water) or if it's sunny and it rains recharge the two in similar measure. As you can see, the update is a very important process that affects almost every aspect of our lives civitiana. That is why the Players look forward to that moment to see what state it is our citizen, company, country, etc. and we even have the morbid to see who has gone to the cemetery for the week ending. MY RECOMMENDATION
often more common than it may seem to forget to perform operations are performed only once a week (food , merchandising purchase and training of athletes, etc. .) That is why they consider most desirable that such operations are conducted very beginning of the week to avoid that we forget such unpleasant surprises as some irreparable cases. Finally, do not forget that
every week, after the upgrade by clicking the link weekly earn 100 coins
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