..... The Great Presence of Life has always said: "Ordénenme!". When this Great Presence, which is the Law of Life, Source of Life for every human being issued an Order, the whole universe except the human race is due. My beloved, not because you do not want to obey it because they still do not understand the importance of the protection of life that have been given for their use. You know that you are the only guardians of the Great Stream of Life that flows into their bodies, and then goes to his world? Their bodies, these bodies are not yet permanent unless achieve Ascension. Physical bodies are not permanent, since individuals with the rule and assume others ... many times.
..... So far only keep your attention on the "Presence" and that the action invoked firmly, she clarified the substance, I note that the substance "of his brain so it can be tuned. You now understand how to tune the engines of their cars when something is not right, and this procedure makes the machines operating smoothly. However, the individual's brain is only an instrument that should be qualified and refined to the point where the subtle vibrations from your "Presence and the Ascended Masters can consciously act through you in activity outside world.
..... Let me tell you, my beloved, that the use of snuff in any forms of a discharge in the brain that will not allow its refinement beyond a certain point. The intake of meat-filled atomic structure carefully observed, with fear. Now I can not spend time going into details of this explanation, except to cite some laws, only a fraction of such.
..... If you waste your energy for pleasurable gratification, then they have taken from his body the energy from the "presence" they must have to maintain the courage and strength to invoke the "Presence" into action, and keep it there until it dissolves and disappears the human qualities that you have accumulated around him over the centuries. Do you know that sexual energy that mankind wastes are the strength, courage and confidence? Have you ever noticed that people who waste this energy becomes fearful, weak and full of distrust and suspicion? Why? Well, because in the shed of that life is wasted courage and strength that have accumulated in the emotional world of the individual. In the waste of sexual energy, the individual throws away her strength and courage, because that is what comes out. Light Liquid flowing through the nerves containing the courage and strength of life, which is feeling. That is why you have been taught Messengers to mankind the necessity of preserving sexual energy. Never intended to be used for anything other than the spread of the human species. The big mistake which has taken over the sinister force to hypnotize individuals and certain channels in humanity, has made many people believe that sexual activity is only for gratification.
..... The Wisdom of the Ascended Masters is always more practical nature. By no means extreme, but given the Understanding and the Power of "Presence" to draw from their emotional world all desires that are not there for good you. All desires, not for their good build-up are only human. They are the result and come from information gathered from the world of appearances, and rarely-if ever-that this information is correct.
.... Remember that unless your intelligence come from this great "I AM Presence, the Source of Life, how could he be right? The world of humanity is full of human opinions, most are not correct. Therefore, if you want to be free, if they want to perfection in his world, only one place which can receive, and it is from your own Presence of God the "Mighty I AM."
..... All we had to go entirely to this "presence", sometimes greatly yearn to tell human beings about things they are doing that prevents the expansion of His Light. Much they yearn to be free. Many people have approached this Radiation Saint Germain in the last two years, they are ready for this light. You are ready to be Free! With just a little more determination and strength from you, to adhere to their "presence" could quickly Liberation.
..... Saint Germain asked me today I bring this to the power and radiation that I use, so they could understand it clearly. This will make it let go of all the feelings that you do not want to stop a habit that is binding. If sexual desire is strong in someone, do not fight, simply say, "I AM Presence Magna" out of me this wish, and replace it with your satisfaction and Perfection! "Then, keep calling and proceed calmly with their daily activities . Suddenly, they find that this feeling will be gone. Can use the same Call for self-liberation from craving and desire to eat meat, the same applies to all mankind uses intoxicants.
--- The Victoria is sure to give you as Obedience to these great, but simple laws. It is for this reason should control your life energy! Not that sexual activity should be used for procreation of their species. That is right, even if they have reached a great height ... But the tragedy of humanity is wasted energy! It gives them energy to keep it in your body, so they need when using it. People will has taught the use of these different things through the human sensory awareness: intoxicating snuff, meat and all that stuff. Now, what did? It was the very desire of mankind, but the cumulative destructive qualities of humanity that were appropriated and used by humans who failed on the Path of Life. This is what has bound to the masses .---
--- Today I'm calling attention to these vital things for a reason, by far powerful than they imagine. If you give obedience to these requests, we will give all possible assistance to each of you individually, to their cities, provinces or states and the nation. We do not want to see people suffer, while it can be avoided, but if humanity rebels and refuses to obey even after having received an explanation as final, then we can do but wait. I've waited a long time! How do you suppose someone in my place feels, even though I did not touch any human feeling or thinking? However, I get to see the failure of humanity throughout the centuries. After a big push into humanity's rose-like in every Golden Age "to a great height in which thousands and thousands became masters of themselves and their worlds, however failed due to human desires because sinister activity accumulated humanity began to hover over them. Finally, the mass gave way under this activity, bursting Our Labor.
..... Today, the Great Cosmic Law for the first time in all those hundreds and thousands of centuries, has placed in his hands the only sustaining power is in the universe. It is your own God Presence, the "Mighty I Am. "This is the means by which you reach your Victoria and dissolve any build human and human desire. His call them free on the Action of" Presence "-first, through the Higher Mental Body, which rules and directs with surprising wisdom, until the time comes that you, in their calls for the "Presence" and the expansion of the light within themselves, dissolve the density of his body enough so that the Earth loses its attraction him. Then ascend above these limitations. However, it is imperative to do certain things.
--- Most people, after deviating at a time anterior, habiendo experimentado una gran rebelión y desobediencia en sus sentimientos, tienen que disolver -mediante el Llamado consciente a la "Presencia"- su acumulación discordante. Luego, mediante un deseo fervoroso, podrán auto-elevarse mediante el Llamado a la "Presencia", hasta el punto en que también podrán recibir Nuestra Asistencia.
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