Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Long Can A Bad Virus Last?

The Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood

By Elizabeth Clare Prophet

We have all the Holy Spirit Great White Brotherhood.
When we call the whole spirit of Great White Brotherhood, we are calling the specific manifestation single, personified, the Holy Spirit each Ascended Master and carry Cosmic Being.
explore what it means. Means that we drink from the cup of the Holy Spirit is expressed only by every member of the Brotherhood .

means that El Morya has a very specific and peculiar expression of the Holy Spirit. Paul the Venetian is another single aspect of the Holy Spirit that we identify with him. Can you name many saints dressed in white across the cosmos. Each of them has an individuality in the Holy Spirit that characterizes it, and allows us to understand the identification of what they are and what their power-to-power with respect to the Holy Spirit.
Now take the full Mystical Body of God in heaven and earth. Let us all together, each of us has something unique and precious to express the Holy Spirit, as a body that is the Holy Spirit in an impersonal way of the word.
As you know, Great White Brotherhood is a spiritual order of Western saints and masters of the East. These adepts are known as the Ascended Masters because they have mastered time and space and their karma and conducted union with God through the ritual of the ascension.

Ascended Master Each individual has an identity that has a unique profile of the Holy Spirit. Many of you have heard a given for many years and know who is the master before you start talking, because they feel his aura, vibration and know the quality of the Holy Spirit to which he belongs Saint Germain, or Maitreya, or Gautama. That is the special profile of the Holy Spirit that they carry. You also have a special profile and need to develop it.

Ascended Master Each comes dressed in the cloak of the Holy Spirit. No Ascended Master without it. The way a teacher shows the Holy Spirit reflects their specific achievement in the Path What is specialized in previous lives?. What did? How do I qualify to receive the Holy Spirit?

Stop and think. What unique quality of the Holy Spirit comes to your mind when you think of the Ascended Master Saint Germain?,
"El Morya?, Is Jesus Christ?, "Kuan Yin? Why, the appearance of the Holy Spirit of Kuan Yin is as different as day and night, to El Morya, that of Krishna, or Elijah, or the Blessed Mother Mary. All we know personally, and that is why, on the specific embodiment of the virtues of the Holy Spirit.

When you meditate on a particular teacher perceive the quality or virtue of the Holy Spirit says that Master. So, if any is required under say,''Well, if I need a certain thing, I know this really Ascended Master has tremendous power in this momentum. Thus I will seek the Holy Spirit through the Maestro and give their orders, songs and devotions to him.
Each Ascended Master, angel and servant of God, including you and me, we have a developing personality of the Holy Spirit. Each embodies a unique aspect of the Holy Spirit. Reflect on your heart what is the best feature you think you have. Intended to evolve the look of the Holy Spirit comes easily to you, if it is kindness, compassion, leadership, artistic ability, etc..
Even if this element of your being alone is a seed that has not begun to germinate, design blueprint of the Holy Spirit is different from others. You can not fully express the Holy Spirit, but it emerges from within as you go on the Path, as you take your orders, as you reveal your heart, as you find in your heart many things to share with others. One day the potential of that seed will become a mighty tree.
So then, when you call "the whole spirit of the Brotherhood White "are calling to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit combined the mystical body of God promoted and not promoted.'re Accessing all that light and momentum are combined into one because we are one body, one mystical body of God.

When a person in the Mystical Body of God expresses its special quality of the Holy Spirit, God's whole body is deprived of that special quality. Do not hide your light under a bushel. You have a quality to contribute, and no one else can because it is your special gift, your gift unique.

This knowledge should give you an understanding that there is no such thing as a lack of dignity. All are worthy because only we can contribute to the Mystical Body to something essential, something that is uniquely ours to develop and deliver.
Do not let the forces of evil to tempt you to believe you're no good or you're not worthy, or you're not worthy live because you are not helpful to anyone. Still under investigation. Discover what your quality that you can develop and grow it because you love apréciala in that quality.


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