Master Lanello
The path Christhood begins when you recognize you have a human ego, but you still do not know who they are. At this stage you still call themselves sons and daughters of God, and that's fine. But when you guys see themselves as God's children are somehow accepting the consciousness of separation, yet accept that they have the genetics of Mother-Father God in their spiritual bodies.
By Walter Javier Velasquez
Since we worked the path of Being for a few days, it's good remember that there is also the path of Christhood and many must work.
So today I decided to bring an interesting excerpt from a recent issued Lanello Beloved where we explain what are the stages of this path, which gives us a very clear at what point we are in our spiritual walk.
Lanello loved Says:
So loved, in that path Christhood , you begin to recognize all the mistakes they have made and begin to follow certain rules and regulations, including spiritual for example, abstain from alcohol, hallucinogenic drug, nicotine and certain substances that you know they do not agree on their spiritual journey. And then stick to the standard and begin to meet that standard and move forward.
The next step in the path of Christhood is when they start to move beyond the norm and begin to recognize the universal spiritual principles that the Ascended Masters have incarnated on Earth .
Then you start to become living models of these principles, they become the pillars of Christ on Earth and become living these principles in action.
And then, then comes the process of starting to love yourself, to heal yourself and heal their souls through love. The path of Christhood is a path of hard work ritual. And the ritual is important, the ritual is absolutely necessary during this path Christhood because the ritual and repetition mantras, decrees, prayers or rosaries to help them anchored in the consciousness of Christ and begin to assimilate and merge with the Holy Christ, my beloved.
But then, at some point begin to transcend these spiritual principles and to rise and awaken to the need to go further. Then embody one of the first principles of Christhood that is compassion and become compassionate beings who begin to walk the Earth , delivering and sharing your compassion with others.
Then comes the moment they begin to serve. When I say I do not mean serve typical service model Mother Teresa, because in reality there are many models and many forms of service. You can provide a great service to God in the office of the company where they work, you can provide a service helping to give love, to heal and raise awareness in your family, you can provide a service to the people in your neighborhood or your block and you can provide a service to students if they are teachers or fellow students if they are students. You can always provide a service where they are and whether you a humble coffee picker in the mountains of Colombia, you can provide a service transmitting the love and devotion to your peers at the time of harvest.
So my beloved, the path of Christhood is a walking trail where you are, but some point you realize suddenly that you no longer belong to the ignorant masses but you are at a point where they want to know more, where they want more and want to let go of all attachments of the masses, but still have something human and still have a lot of fragmentation in his soul.
So many times are driven by gravitational consciousness of the masses to make those old mistakes, to fall into old habits or addictions. However, that form part of the Christhood . In so that's not something that should worry them dear.
Throughout this process the Holy Christ is here speaking to you as a mediator, as a guide, until at some point you merge with the Holy Christ. This is the point where many of you and you are one in the Holy Christ.
However, since it still has fragments in his soul, you can not believe and accept that they are a Christ Earth. So let to push again for the gravitational mass consciousness to make the old mistakes, and then allow the prince of this world to come and find something in you, that is, find that sense of guilt do not let them be and grow. Then you crawl down the spiral staircase, because they believe unworthy sinners because they believe because they believe they were allowed to fall into this or that mistake. But, beloved, a Christic be walking the Earth can make many more mistakes than you imagine.
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