Monday, February 28, 2011

Ballet Sliiper Gumpaste


Master El Morya

..... ..... A lasting peace can only come to Earth through goodwill. The willingness (ie, the Will of God), of course, is the activity of Darjeeling, is the radiation of Our Call, Our Ray and our Brotherhood. The goodwill is not superficial brotherhood. The good will comes from the heart, and is composed of sincerity of purpose and design, enlightened faith and confidence, common sense, wisdom and discernment, as well as flexibility to act in the capacity instantly to be convened to serve you .

.......... Goodwill is based on love, not flattery. Goodwill is based on Love of God and love of man where there is no discrimination against [racial] or fanaticism, where light and life of the human heart And not the color of his skin is the consciousness and feeling of the chela.

Goodwill is based on the purity and selflessness. The real good will is based on the ability to focus on that part of the plan that you can make, and you certainly have enough sense to know that even I can make the entire Plan of God, nor could the Dear Jesus, Lord Gautama or the Lord of the Flame Sanat Kumara before them.
.......... Good Will is the concentration on the practical development and use of that part of the plan of God that your talents and abilities allow you to use for the benefit impersonal Earth and its evolutions.

Goodwill is the willingness to minister to those in distress, but in a positive way and voluntarily, without sinking into apathy, into pity or negative vibrations down your vibration to a point similar to the person in distress. The goodwill is established by invoking all the powers of God Almighty and all Being God you know, and certainly we have presented on the screen of the living beings of which I can possibly remember in your mind external.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Speaker For Audio Bahn Hct 2200 Amplipier

The Electronic Belt

Since radiation Electronics of the Great Belt project were I am today, from the heart of the City of Golden Rays are projected Twins over which are the word, light and sound.
Time has quickly reached and we must be more alert towards the great electronic belts that surround all of creation from the Deity to the individual.

electronic waist around the City of Gold is more impenetrable than it could be a steel wall many feet wide. Thus, to a lesser extent, the individual who has sufficient understanding of its Being active Divine, can be surrounded by a circle or electronic waist, which he can qualify in the manner he pleases, but woe to that individual who qualifies destructively! If anyone had the temerity to do this, you would find this e-force seat belt would lock their external form and consume, but those who build and qualify with wisdom, God's great love, and constructive power, will find themselves moving in a world untouched by human ignorance.

Each creation, which is self-conscious action, has this circle surrounding electronic force-factly, but to some degree, his strength is uncontrolled and therefore eliminated.
consciously By creating this great ring pure electronic force, stop any leakage of your essence and boundless keep in reserve for direct use and conscious. After months of this creative activity and conscious in this electronic ring must be very careful in directing this force. Than in any other way than the Divine Love.
The principles of the individualization of man, he was naturally surrounded by this magic circle, but as his conscience would tear down is made in the great circle of force, causing leaks, until it disappeared . The circle was not a conscious creation of man was a natural circle bound by its purest state of consciousness.

students now have to be made light work conscientiously, and without hesitation to create this circle contour Electronic themselves, visualizing perfect, unbroken in its construction. So it will be possible to consciously reach deeper into the Electronic Belt of Divinity, where he received Wisdom, Love and Light without limits, as well as learn the application of simple laws by which all creative power is possible. Although the student is recommended to always look, never forget, to his own higher, creator of individualization however, has not obtained a single achievement which has not been given the assistance of those more advanced.

Since there is but one God, one presence and activity Almighty, it is more advanced than that is just a little more of the Divine Being in Action. In this recognition you will understand why it is that you can feel "I AM I AM here and there", since there is only one Divine Being everywhere.


But until you get to this state of consciousness there is a difference, because the individual almost certainly feel a division of One Being, which is possible only in ignorance of the outside activity of mind.
When the student thinks of that expression, exterior, must at all times remember activity is outside of the unique intelligence , keeping himself well against the division-in his own conscience of this great and only Divine power centered on it.
Again I must remind you that this Great Power Unlimited God can not get into your outdoor use, but by virtue of your own invitation. There is only one kind of invitation you can make it flow, and your deep sense of love and devotion.
When you have generated the contour E Circle itself, there is no power that can penetrate but Divine Love. As for entering the Heating, Hot Circle of Deity, it is only your awareness of Divine Love which can penetrate, and through which the Deity takes his Big Spill, which gets you through so transcendent that exceed Messengers in your current concept so that you can not transmit you in words the majesty of Love, Wisdom and Power of these Great Beings.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Left Leg Hurts When I Drink Alcohol

Because I love you I want to see still more.

This dictation was delivered through Walter Javier Velásquez.

this I

I am present in the hearts of those who express God's love for all life, I am present in the hearts of children on earth, I am present in the hearts of those that drive these children to be the Most of God on Earth.

I am love, I AM a rose and expand my fragrance loving on Planet Earth. I AM a Master Violet Flame, but also of the pink flame of Divine Love, the White Flame of Purity, since I have balance in the Seven Rays. Unconditional Love Divine I AM expanding my fragrance for Planet Earth. Let this aroma to expand across the planet.

Because I love you, I see you being more

I AM Divine Love in Action. But I'm not that love that says, "how are you stay." I AM the love that loves you like you are at this moment, with your limitations and defects. I AM the love that says, "Get up, stand up, stand up and be the More Now. Get up on your current state of consciousness, because I wait up to be the most". I want to see being the most, and I want to see being the Divine Flame of God on Earth.

I AM the Cosmic Consciousness in the elements.

I AM that divine love that expands.

I do not want to see your limited consciousness to a physical body, but see the divine consciousness manifesting on Earth.

I AM the love that heals. I AM love that sound where there are problems with the electrons, where there is discord between the cells.

I AM the love that nourishes, I'm the love that gives. But I AM the love in you must learn to received
True love means service

I AM a practical love, because I can not just be a love expressed in meditation. If you feel the love of Babaji only through meditation, you are wrong, you are on the outer path of love hypocritical, false and thoughtful love. If the love you feel in meditation does not become practical through the daily action, then it is a false love, and love that I do not serve.

The problem with many yogis in India is that they can spend eight hours, sixteen hours in meditation touch my love. However, they can go outside and see a beggar without feeling sorry for him. "You believe that divine love can work only in the Alpha, without express in a practical way in the Omega?

I live in the electron, I live in subatomic particles, neutrons, in Bozon, the quarks and every particle that you make. So I
that when you feel my love, or love of Jesus, or Krishna, or Bob, absorbáis to subatomic particles of your Being

Because really there are blockages in your psyche that you say that you are not worthy of that love that does not deserve the love of God. But are
blocks created by religion, false teaching, your parents, you have unwittingly delivered.

Please, please, with tears in his eyes, and the Goddess of Love Servant, whom known on Earth as Mother Teresa of Calcutta-are One at the moment and we say :

"help my children! Not leave them on the street, do not let them become victims of abuse, lack of love Help them! Do something! Ask for them in your Rosary, aid them in your meditation and sustain Immaculate Concept, but also do something practical on Earth. "

If you do not feel that calling directly serve children, then support people who have this vocation, whether financial or brindadles somehow support. But do not stay with folded arms, do not stay like robots making Rosaries and meditations, because you are not providing a practical service life.

This service practical, Jesus came to exemplify what is the reason why we send to Mother Teresa of Calcutta to India. To go and teach what is practical love, not only love meditating, not just love that prays. But the love that becomes the earth in service to my children, my children, my children are in the Planet Earth.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Could A Man Work In An Underwear Shop

Conqueror of the I Am Presence

Taken from the Holy Book I AM

When I recognize who "I AM", I entered the great silence which is the largest activity of God. This recognition should bring great insight to the individual if he accepts it gladly.

In your experience abroad, the practice of any activity develops more and more your performance, is not it? If one can apply this to an outside activity, do not you see how important it is for an indoor activity? The more you use more power will manifest. You know you can do with spiritual things, so larger and faster than with the outside, as in the spirit to act instantly. No waiting when the "I AM" acts.
The fact that the musculature by exercise, you should understand that the same effort to the inner power, naturally have to produce much greater results. For example, men think they have to do physical exercises to build muscle. Well, I've done it many times that my students develop a beautiful and symmetrical body with powerful muscles without doing a single exercise. In any development, both the exterior and interior, the first part of the exercise is mental.

We know that there is but one power and energy that comes from the presence "I I am "in each. Therefore, the exercise of your powers interior is called mental, but I tell you is God in action, because you can not form a single thought without the intelligence and power of God to achieve. Therefore, your mental activity is the power of God at work. Now you see, then, is how easily and can produce a physical body, strong and symmetric, without doing physical exercises to achieve.

Most scientific men, doctors or teachers of physical culture, will deny this; but I assure you that is just not have penetrated deeply about energy or power that is acting, as no activity can take place if not for the use of this energy and inner power. Allows people who join doubts and fears with regard to knowledge of these great powers are free and for the use of those who want to use at any time. What happens is that they are submerged as a cork held under water, which was just released, it jumps to the surface. I assure you that it is regrettable that sincere students spend so many years striving, trying and making use of these powers, then, because I do not see trading immediately, dropped again in a state of inactivity until the re-animate something to fall back again.
persistent and specific recognition of the Presence "I AM" will take quite some achievement, unless you abandon him.

I see at this point to a number of individuals with a little encouragement and simple description of these practices, jump to freedom, especially those who receive instruction verbal along with the accompanying radiation.

Is not that disastrous for sons and daughters of God are subject to limitations as a persistent and determined effort would open the door and go into this huge inner chamber filled with light, jewels, gold and substance of all foods in the universe? And then with the full truth before them, these individuals still hesitate because of the impossibility to believe they can take the plunge, take the scepter and be free.

Amado, again I say: great melody sings the Conqueror Presence of "I AM." Sing your heart continuously, feel it with all your skill, hold on tightly to that determination. Knowledge and Path of the Masters, will open and will manifest the eternal freedom. Just keep reminding you that you have pierced the veil.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gay Charlotte Night Clubs

Healing Activity Master

From "Journal of Bridge / Mother Mary"

Beloved, My activity has been associated with healing for many, many centuries. It is natural that, as My beloved son, Jesus performed many miraculous healings in His incarnation, in terms of the external mind of the people concerned, but merely used the Spiritual Law Purity and the cloister of those working towards world brotherhood, the humanitarian aspect of the beloved Paul the Venetian, of men and women using the activities of the Second Ray in research and accumulation of knowledge put to good use, or if it is honest and sincere individuals healing by faith.
Few want to know the law

Particularly in the case of Jesus, many who rejected conscience in life, but that accepted hundreds of years later. That human consciousness operates. Only when one has passed safely beyond the door of the said death, it seems to be safe for humans to accept their truths. That will not always be so! I saw a man, majestic beyond all description in words, to walk humbly in Judea and talk to men and women for hundreds, giving Act, and then trying the Act arising from the aforementioned "death", making clear to the blind, the deaf hear, cripples walk, lepers and clean. That man was my son! I saw how few wanted to know Act, although there were many who wanted the fruit of that law!
Auto Protect yourself first

Today, measure each chela, we see on the screen of life more and more of you are applying the law on their own, and this is really great because that was not the case in our time Earth. A those of you who are particularly involved with the activities of healing, I tell them if you constantly remind long as they are non-promoted, self-wrapped in the bright presence of a member of the Scope of the Ascended Masters before even begin to deal with the problems and afflictions that come to your attention, so that, as it said on Tuesday MaháSahib not attract themselves that trouble, but rather enclosed, sealed and isolated in my presence, the love of Jesus , that of Lord Michael or Saint Germain, you can then direct healing streams within those individuals who need assistance from either your own Presence "I AM" or any Ascended Master, invoking all the Flames and Lightning the Kingdom of the Divine that you are familiar within those flows to assist them.
Eliminate the causes and nuclei of anxiety.

Let me remind once again, even though as we have done all, to first to be eliminated CAUSED AND GRIEF CORE at the international level where it is seen, BEFORE YOU CAN HAVE A PERMANENT HEALING here on the earth plane, where it sees itself. Otherwise, what will be precisely that: using mental power, you put a scarf on the condition, and for a time is not apparent, particularly when the practitioner or healer is alive, whose very same life energy and repel the cause and core, and often accepted within. But when the individual who is providing this service out of the body healing before disembodies the individual who has been afflicted, in most cases the condition will return even while still in that embodiment, or if disembodies the individual who has been temporarily healed, and the cause and core of the condition has not been eliminated in the domestic level, will have to re-experience this condition until someone makes the call.

A cause and core behind all conditions-be it something mental, emotional, etheric, physical, financial or whatever. When that was taken root for any of the Divine Beings offered to do it (myself, Goddess of Light , Astrea, Kwan Yin, any amount of Ascended Beings), when this is removed, then YOU HAVE A PATIENT HEALED PERMANENT. And while removed trends to create new causes and cores ... Because what we find on Earth many people will be busy!
Generate comfort, not distress.

Individuals are constantly creating, awake or asleep, day and night, constructive and otherwise. Just like the beloved Mahachohan I said yesterday, people create more anxiety (which requires more comfort) or more comfort, more light.
Those of you who are interested in is healing well aware that the individuals they heal (or whom God heals through you) re-create these conditions unless you are alert and call upon Presence "I AM", the Santa Call Christ, Flame that person to remove the ability to create a new cause and core. I've practiced this, Beloved Ones, I have been doing for nearly two thousand years now. I give it to you as an explanation of Law of Healing for those who choose to have it.
share my light with you.
It is not always comfortable that you will make a presentation of the full truth, and I know it's always more comfortable simply say-and this is true, that I love with all my heart. I love them enough to share my light with you, believe in you and believed in Jesus, even when I was on the cross at Golgotha, where every cell and fiber of my being recognized the reality of Light immortal, holding that feeling for Him until His resurrected form relieved me of that surveillance in particular.
So I believe in you, and you hold to the Immaculate Concept for each one of you ... and the other too, even though for a time lost the pattern of their own path back home.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Difference Between Pms And Pregnancy Cramping

Know your Lord Prince

Beloved Maha Chohan

Note: This message was delivered by the Maha Chohan, who is the representative of the Holy Spirit, through Walter Javier Velásquez in Group-Shangra of Cali on Friday, February 9, 2007.

So I'm here to tell you of that old master of the old guide that God has ordained for each one of you. It's a rough master, is a teacher a bit rough, however, is very honest and straightforward and you can teach very well. This teacher is called "KARMA" think of it, think of what you experience when you listen the word karma: Is there fear? Is there resentment? Is there hatred towards karma? It is a great beloved teacher. The mission that I have imposed upon him is not necessarily the most popular or the most grateful for the humanity.

However, I would start speaking to you first of when you were one in Eden, one in Cosmic Consciousness , one in the I AM. At that time you lived each day connected to the radiating source and living of the I AM THAT I AM and you were one in the Living Presence, beloved. Then, at some point you took the decision to experiment in the planes of matter and as you were experiencing those levels, you took the decision to turn away from the Sun I AM Presence and walk a path selfish, in which were willing to experience what was beyond God's creation, ie in the carnal mind and the human ego.

When you took this decision because you could not make direct contact with the I AM, therefore the supply of twenty-four elders Major (*) was to grant them a piece of Universal Christ Consciousness, a holy Christ self to act as your mediator.

Then, there at the level of the Word, the Holy Christ, the Bodhisattva staff, volunteered to guide and help you and decide to listen for a while, dear. However, there came a day when even desoísteis the voice of your Christ, your guardian angel. So to feel so empty because you had the Christ, which rejected, you started to build and create an ego as your new companion

Then, when God Father-Mother saw that were on your way to self-destruction, to the destruction of your soul, I sent a new teacher that I present today because he is here before you and that is called: the Karma. He has a school which you have passed and this is "the school of hard knocks of life", this is the school where you learn by being beaten over and over again, until finally crashing you leave the wall and decide to take a new direction. This teacher has been blamed for humanity over and over again.

But I tell you that thanks to him are here today, because every time I have decided to turn away from way of being, he has appeared in front of you like a wall, like a wall with which you have hit the road only to turn away from self-destruction, self-annihilation you attended, the which is a way that seems right to man but the end is a way of death ". And do not talk about the death of the body but the soul's death, the death of identity, the second death, dear.

So karma has both hands open to you: The left hand shows you the path where it will multiply every action, every negative thought and I will return to experience it in the flesh, so that you feel everything that you send to others and to take him back. This is the path school of hard knocks of life. But in the right hand has the light to multiply your good deeds, your good works and everything you do to life with love and care will return to you multiplied. You can choose which of two paths to follow, the left or the right. He is a master of love and respect your decision.

certainly will say that the path of right, but I tell you to walk this path, you must begin to become critical of yourself and begin to analyze day by day you are sowing time on the left and when you are sowing in the right ones. You again in retrospect and analyze laboratory where do you are sowing in fertile land or barren land? Anyway, sooner or later will have to reap the harvest you like it or not, agree with what you have sown.

thus also come to tell you that if you are ready to merge completely with the Christ I AM in every one of you, then the beloved Master KARMA bow before you and I say " Well done! Mission Accomplished! "and retire. So, karma is no longer necessary because you will have learned the lessons. While life is a school and at school through lessons learned, some of these lessons are hard and that's called the school of hard knocks. But if you learn the lessons, I graduareis in the school of hard knocks and the teacher is no longer necessary karma. Then you can embrace the Master Christ, or the I AM, or the Maha Chohan if you feel that you want to be my disciples.

So meditate on this, if you want to be free of karma, then, sit in your house, take up your agenda and analyze what you have not yet learned lessons and learn them quickly and transcend them. So, karma is not necessary ones, but if you want to be free from karma, if you keep sowing on the path to the left, then how can free you loved?

when you do not condemn you karma because the condemnation comes from the prince of this world. Just when you do, do it in a conscious way and learn, and know what lesson you must learn now, what lessons have not assimilated and so have to repeat this task again.

So here is your Master, and was impatient because he wants to retire. When did you let remain free and you will begin to be? Now, next week? "Next year? This is what you decide and not simply say, "Yes, I accept it is done." It is not that a beautiful word, or a wonderful prayer. These facts, these are acts of consciousness in the mind, in emotion and subject matter.

I do not much interest do these beautiful prayers. I am interested in more practical ones. I am the Maha Chohan and I say that I conmovéis heart with prayers that arise from the solar plexus, very emotional, but not translated into deeds. If you want to move the Maha Chohan then act!, Sed!, Expressing the SER on the subject, in your daily life and in your everyday world. If you want to touch my heart, to transcend your limitations and be more psychology than you are now, every day.

is not easy to be a chela of the Maha Chohan, so if you have outstanding lessons with El Morya or other Masters of the Seven Rays still do it, I will wait. Relax, I have all eternity to wait. But maybe if you leave a long time, discover that the Maha Chohan has not been where it was because no teacher is static, discover that I've moved up in Cosmic Consciousness, then, you have to make a greater effort to catch me.

So you can delay that decision for months or even years. I will keep waiting but moving in the River of Life and the more you expect, the more I demorareis to get to my feet and I welcome you as a chela.

karma I present is before you, and not murmuring among yourselves more!, And not judge him more!, Or you to take the blame on him, or the Morya or Teachers who pass by the evidence! Because the evidence Morya not invents, tests are made with materials that you create rhythms through of your actions and your state of consciousness. El Morya is not a teacher who invented a terrible ordeal to make you suffer, it only takes what you have. That is why I once said that "what you have and you shall receive more of what you have not even what you do not have will be taken away."

So, Morya only handles use the tools that you give, which is equal to what the prince of this world. If you have handles you grab him, but if you become Christic beings, the prince of this world will have no where take, where will not pull and then you can say with Jesus, "For the prince of this world came and found nothing on me." So it repent Christic beings!, Release all those handles, all those loops where the prince of this world can be grasped. Then he shook and doblegaos, throw off all that!

What are those handles? Are your expectations, are the desires of the ego, are what you expect of life, are thinking about the future or the past instead of living in the Eternal Now that I am and where I'm loved. Let go that! No longer you need it! You loaded all your life a heavy sack full of rocks that have carved your back and the ribs are all these expectations.

Van all these visions of the future, will all those flashbacks, all the old grudges, hate all those useless cargáis even in your back ones. Go all the limitations you have self-imposed. You have the burden of doubt, the burden of fear. All that binds you to this world, dear. Whether this desire to be successful, but not being successful in God, but the desire to succeed in the ego, dear.

how long you will carry this bag? You can let go now and come before me. But first you have to be at the school in El Morya for a while and then you will come to me and I will receive bare ones, will receive you without those fancy dresses that the human intellect used to appear wise, to look very interesting people, very smart . I do not care about that, because no matter how many outfits traigáis pride, I know well who you are!, I know you!, Do not deceive me trying to pretend that you are a wise person to captivate others and receive admiration of others.

Here's the karma to me, he has only fulfilled its mission, so I do not judge him more, nor recriminéis for you will give you back what you sent him to multiply . You can ask for forgiveness if you want on your knees and say,

"Master Karma, I love you, I forgive you, I thank you for always being by my side and not allow me to go to bottomless pit of self-annihilation of the second death. Karma Master, I forgive you because you always were the wall that I progress made towards deeper levels of ego and carnal mind. And forgive me for having cursed, forgive me for having criticized and Having A grudge. Now I understand that everything you did for love and thank you, thank you for your love. "

(The audience does personal prayer)

I am the Maha Chohan, I'm waiting, sitting in my seat in the temple of the Holy Spirit in Sri Lanka. When you will come?, Still do not know. Perhaps some are now ready to come to my feet and hear what the Holy Spirit has to say. But I warn you I am very direct, I'm stroking my ego from anyone or having cuddling with the carnal mind. What is, is and tell it like it is. What is that would be otherwise?

I hope in Sri Lanka, but to meet in Sri Lanka, must first find in your heart. Let me in, because every time I go down seek, as now descend upon each of you because everyone is receiving the Holy Spirit at this time to a greater or lesser extent according to your achievements. Receive me, because this is a new Pentecost, the Holy Spirit's guidance in your hearts. I am the Maha Chohan and I love you, do you love me?

(Audience: Yes!)

Aja! If you love me then Will Make of God and if you want your world to be happy, first analyzes your mind and see what's there. And when God is in the mind, God will be in your world. I stamp my Flame. I am the Maha Chohan forever yours.

(*) Note:
1. Over twenty elders are the trustees of the Court Sacred Fire Divine star Sirius. Its function is to administer and grant dispensations Divine Justice for the evolution of this system of worlds. See also Revelation. 4:4, 10, 11, 5:5-14, 7:11-17, 11:15-18, 14:1-3, 19:4.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Viral Infection At 30 Weeks Pregant

Karma: God's Divine Order

Lanto Speak beloved
Taken Private Bulletin Thomas Prinz
("Bulletin" of January 5, 1958)

.......... This year, my beloved, has left the Gran Silencio Being will be of great benefit to you individually, provided they choose to invoke it. You have often heard the phrase that reads, "The order is the first Law of Heaven." Well, this Being is the God of Divine Order. I'm talking about order in their personal affairs in order emotional reactions, intellectual order in their facilities, order in and around your physical world, which will be theirs if they choose to invite. In our area, we know him as the beloved prince, God's Divine Order. Those of you who want to be precursors bearing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth people will want to represent the first Law of Heaven, which is the Divine Order. Therefore, the Great One has come along for the first time since the advent of the "laggards" and that the disorder began to manifest on the planet Earth and its atmosphere inside. Prince returned on December 15 last, and is now willing to give them the assistance of His Ray Guideline.

.......... The Divine Order of which I speak is very important, and I want you to consider with regard to themselves. Divine Order is something to which you aspire. Aspire to be one with our Divine Order. This is an aspect of the law that have confirmed their presence in all year groups. Then, bring the Divine Order to the chaotic conditions of planet Earth at this time involves being a messenger of the Cosmic Being. The measure of his own world will quickly tell how much (or how little) you require assistance.
.......... When facing a specific project-be it a group project of personal one related to your home, business or business- if you invoke the great God who represents the Divine Order before even lifting a finger or start the process of dressing, you will find that everything in that day, everything in that project, especially in such activity will unfold smoothly in Divine Order, and each piece of your employer and plan fit perfectly with the others.

.......... This will do much for you, particularly in the control of their feelings, because his emotional nature will be stripped of the sense of struggle . Let the Law and the Lord of Divine Order intermingle in, through and around you and in, through and around any activity or project in which they are working. And if you decide, ask her to start working twenty-four hours before the start of the project and see how real and tangible can be a Being of this type.

.......... at higher levels, my beloved, all adhere to the Divine Order. You are entering the Seventh Age, and the Seventh Ray is ordered service, ceremony in which the Divine Order is recognized. --- The Divine Order in the person's dignity, the dignity that is reflected in his words, thoughts, in their actions and feelings.