Monday, March 28, 2011

Bottomless Party Stream

The kingdom of Harmony to Life

Master Kuthumi

greet the name Harmony Presence!
has been my joy, my honor and my privilege for many years to bring Harmony Master Control wherever I can invoked, to assist those dear life flows showing interest in teaching men, to become themselves harmonizing presence, and through you, the Master Control all circumstances.

Each messenger ever came from the court of Sanat Kumara, eventually had to be controlled power by which, through them, the energy is channeled into a beautiful and constructive.
While this achievement is not woven into the energies of the stream of life, the secrets and powers of the sacred fire that are contained in the Kingdom of Harmony may not be fully discharged first into the receptive consciousness of the facilitator and, through him, to be taught to students.
Thus, to some extent, the teacher is responsible for the amount of truth and understanding that flows from the Source Everlasting because of control and mastery of their own energy will depend on the extent of Message and Truth that flow into the currents of life of students in a particular movement.
Within the heart of these large withdrawals and shrines that dot the surface of this world, the most exquisitely balanced power control forms the pattern for living.
If any of you would come consciously, in their physical bodies, some of these holy sites, their first impression would be one of exquisite peace and relaxation. This explains the fact that even in the Orthodox world, described the Kingdom of Heaven as a place of overwhelming peace.
In My service to life, representing (as I do) this great embodiment of Cosmic Harmony-a whom you have come to know and love as our Lord Maitreya, becomes my joyful opportunity, wherever it is I'm entering the consciousness of a devotee of Truth , remember when external Harmony -like Mercy, Love and Compassion - NO is a negative quality, but a powerful and positive force that belongs only to the strong, and grown through century after century of self-discipline.

It is thought often that individuals who sleep in the slumber of inertia are expressing and experiencing harmony ... Nothing could be further from the truth !
All Peace Messengers are embodied not only masters of the power-that is its own gift you have been assigned from the Life-Source but teachers are constant heaving sea of \u200b\u200bemotion and mental strength of even the physical bodies of those around him.
All we sit and consider the great Mahachohan the opportunity is coming, when the attention of both the Light as candidates will focus on the great masters, the Lord Gautama, the beloved Lord Maitreya, the Brothers of the golden robe and My humble self.
The beloved Mahachohan, speaking to us, suggested we will emphasize the fact that every aspect of expression in the Seven Rays is harmony embodied-be it the big push of the Service Order, in which every wheel clicks into place appropriate ... whether it's the harmony that results from all understanding ... whether it's the harmony that is within the beauty, the harmony that lies within the scope of scientific balance Life, or the one in the ceremonial worship and glory of our beloved brother Jesus ... or the perfection and harmony contained in the Seventh Ray.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pokemon Silver Online Games

Order it

..... The Great Presence of Life has always said: "Ordénenme!". When this Great Presence, which is the Law of Life, Source of Life for every human being issued an Order, the whole universe except the human race is due. My beloved, not because you do not want to obey it because they still do not understand the importance of the protection of life that have been given for their use. You know that you are the only guardians of the Great Stream of Life that flows into their bodies, and then goes to his world? Their bodies, these bodies are not yet permanent unless achieve Ascension. Physical bodies are not permanent, since individuals with the rule and assume others ... many times.
..... So far only keep your attention on the "Presence" and that the action invoked firmly, she clarified the substance, I note that the substance "of his brain so it can be tuned. You now understand how to tune the engines of their cars when something is not right, and this procedure makes the machines operating smoothly. However, the individual's brain is only an instrument that should be qualified and refined to the point where the subtle vibrations from your "Presence and the Ascended Masters can consciously act through you in activity outside world.


..... Let me tell you, my beloved, that the use of snuff in any forms of a discharge in the brain that will not allow its refinement beyond a certain point. The intake of meat-filled atomic structure carefully observed, with fear. Now I can not spend time going into details of this explanation, except to cite some laws, only a fraction of such.
..... If you waste your energy for pleasurable gratification, then they have taken from his body the energy from the "presence" they must have to maintain the courage and strength to invoke the "Presence" into action, and keep it there until it dissolves and disappears the human qualities that you have accumulated around him over the centuries. Do you know that sexual energy that mankind wastes are the strength, courage and confidence? Have you ever noticed that people who waste this energy becomes fearful, weak and full of distrust and suspicion? Why? Well, because in the shed of that life is wasted courage and strength that have accumulated in the emotional world of the individual. In the waste of sexual energy, the individual throws away her strength and courage, because that is what comes out. Light Liquid flowing through the nerves containing the courage and strength of life, which is feeling. That is why you have been taught Messengers to mankind the necessity of preserving sexual energy. Never intended to be used for anything other than the spread of the human species. The big mistake which has taken over the sinister force to hypnotize individuals and certain channels in humanity, has made many people believe that sexual activity is only for gratification.

has tried to use every possible excuse to make people believe they can use sex for purposes of pleasure and yet, continue towards Perfection. I tell you, my beloved, that would never, never, never be! The promotion of this error by various means, and the excuses that many facilitators, trainers and teachers [with "m" lowercase] have because that desire is very strong them ... Is the greatest tragedy facing humanity today! ---


..... The Wisdom of the Ascended Masters is always more practical nature. By no means extreme, but given the Understanding and the Power of "Presence" to draw from their emotional world all desires that are not there for good you. All desires, not for their good build-up are only human. They are the result and come from information gathered from the world of appearances, and rarely-if ever-that this information is correct.
.... Remember that unless your intelligence come from this great "I AM Presence, the Source of Life, how could he be right? The world of humanity is full of human opinions, most are not correct. Therefore, if you want to be free, if they want to perfection in his world, only one place which can receive, and it is from your own Presence of God the "Mighty I AM."
..... All we had to go entirely to this "presence", sometimes greatly yearn to tell human beings about things they are doing that prevents the expansion of His Light. Much they yearn to be free. Many people have approached this Radiation Saint Germain in the last two years, they are ready for this light. You are ready to be Free! With just a little more determination and strength from you, to adhere to their "presence" could quickly Liberation.
..... Saint Germain asked me today I bring this to the power and radiation that I use, so they could understand it clearly. This will make it let go of all the feelings that you do not want to stop a habit that is binding. If sexual desire is strong in someone, do not fight, simply say, "I AM Presence Magna" out of me this wish, and replace it with your satisfaction and Perfection! "Then, keep calling and proceed calmly with their daily activities . Suddenly, they find that this feeling will be gone. Can use the same Call for self-liberation from craving and desire to eat meat, the same applies to all mankind uses intoxicants.

--- The Victoria is sure to give you as Obedience to these great, but simple laws. It is for this reason should control your life energy! Not that sexual activity should be used for procreation of their species. That is right, even if they have reached a great height ... But the tragedy of humanity is wasted energy! It gives them energy to keep it in your body, so they need when using it. People will has taught the use of these different things through the human sensory awareness: intoxicating snuff, meat and all that stuff. Now, what did? It was the very desire of mankind, but the cumulative destructive qualities of humanity that were appropriated and used by humans who failed on the Path of Life. This is what has bound to the masses .---


--- Today I'm calling attention to these vital things for a reason, by far powerful than they imagine. If you give obedience to these requests, we will give all possible assistance to each of you individually, to their cities, provinces or states and the nation. We do not want to see people suffer, while it can be avoided, but if humanity rebels and refuses to obey even after having received an explanation as final, then we can do but wait. I've waited a long time! How do you suppose someone in my place feels, even though I did not touch any human feeling or thinking? However, I get to see the failure of humanity throughout the centuries. After a big push into humanity's rose-like in every Golden Age "to a great height in which thousands and thousands became masters of themselves and their worlds, however failed due to human desires because sinister activity accumulated humanity began to hover over them. Finally, the mass gave way under this activity, bursting Our Labor.
..... Today, the Great Cosmic Law for the first time in all those hundreds and thousands of centuries, has placed in his hands the only sustaining power is in the universe. It is your own God Presence, the "Mighty I Am. "This is the means by which you reach your Victoria and dissolve any build human and human desire. His call them free on the Action of" Presence "-first, through the Higher Mental Body, which rules and directs with surprising wisdom, until the time comes that you, in their calls for the "Presence" and the expansion of the light within themselves, dissolve the density of his body enough so that the Earth loses its attraction him. Then ascend above these limitations. However, it is imperative to do certain things.
--- Most people, after deviating at a time anterior, habiendo experimentado una gran rebelión y desobediencia en sus sentimientos, tienen que disolver -mediante el Llamado consciente a la "Presencia"- su acumulación discordante. Luego, mediante un deseo fervoroso, podrán auto-elevarse mediante el Llamado a la "Presencia", hasta el punto en que también podrán recibir Nuestra Asistencia.


                                                                                    I AM

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bind Salmon Patties Without Eggs

Trail Stages

Master Lanello
By Walter Javier Velasquez

Since we worked the path of Being for a few days, it's good remember that there is also the path of Christhood and many must work.

So today I decided to bring an interesting excerpt from a recent issued Lanello Beloved where we explain what are the stages of this path, which gives us a very clear at what point we are in our spiritual walk.

Lanello loved Says:

The path Christhood begins when you recognize you have a human ego, but you still do not know who they are. At this stage you still call themselves sons and daughters of God, and that's fine. But when you guys see themselves as God's children are somehow accepting the consciousness of separation, yet accept that they have the genetics of Mother-Father God in their spiritual bodies.
So loved, in that path Christhood , you begin to recognize all the mistakes they have made and begin to follow certain rules and regulations, including spiritual for example, abstain from alcohol, hallucinogenic drug, nicotine and certain substances that you know they do not agree on their spiritual journey. And then stick to the standard and begin to meet that standard and move forward.

The next step in the path of Christhood is when they start to move beyond the norm and begin to recognize the universal spiritual principles that the Ascended Masters have incarnated on Earth .

Then you start to become living models of these principles, they become the pillars of Christ on Earth and become living these principles in action.

And then, then comes the process of starting to love yourself, to heal yourself and heal their souls through love. The path of Christhood is a path of hard work ritual. And the ritual is important, the ritual is absolutely necessary during this path Christhood because the ritual and repetition mantras, decrees, prayers or rosaries to help them anchored in the consciousness of Christ and begin to assimilate and merge with the Holy Christ, my beloved.
But then, at some point begin to transcend these spiritual principles and to rise and awaken to the need to go further. Then embody one of the first principles of Christhood that is compassion and become compassionate beings who begin to walk the Earth , delivering and sharing your compassion with others.

Then comes the moment they begin to serve. When I say I do not mean serve typical service model Mother Teresa, because in reality there are many models and many forms of service. You can provide a great service to God in the office of the company where they work, you can provide a service helping to give love, to heal and raise awareness in your family, you can provide a service to the people in your neighborhood or your block and you can provide a service to students if they are teachers or fellow students if they are students. You can always provide a service where they are and whether you a humble coffee picker in the mountains of Colombia, you can provide a service transmitting the love and devotion to your peers at the time of harvest.

So my beloved, the path of Christhood is a walking trail where you are, but some point you realize suddenly that you no longer belong to the ignorant masses but you are at a point where they want to know more, where they want more and want to let go of all attachments of the masses, but still have something human and still have a lot of fragmentation in his soul.

So many times are driven by gravitational consciousness of the masses to make those old mistakes, to fall into old habits or addictions. However, that form part of the Christhood . In so that's not something that should worry them dear.

Throughout this process the Holy Christ is here speaking to you as a mediator, as a guide, until at some point you merge with the Holy Christ. This is the point where many of you and you are one in the Holy Christ.

However, since it still has fragments in his soul, you can not believe and accept that they are a Christ Earth. So let to push again for the gravitational mass consciousness to make the old mistakes, and then allow the prince of this world to come and find something in you, that is, find that sense of guilt do not let them be and grow. Then you crawl down the spiral staircase, because they believe unworthy sinners because they believe because they believe they were allowed to fall into this or that mistake. But, beloved, a Christic be walking the Earth can make many more mistakes than you imagine.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Abercrombie And Fitch Roseville Galleria

Christhood Extraterrestrials can teach us spirituality?

Master Babaji
This dictation was delivered on 19 June 2007 by Walter Javier Velasquez (extract).

are you looking for aliens?

Dear, they have nothing to teach, they themselves could not rise and transcend time and space. Require ships to be transported, it shows only its technological development. Neither I, nor Jesus need any kind of mechanical ship to move through the world of our Father. A true Ascended Master is above the laws of physics that govern this system of things.

Those who come in their ships to ilusionaros with the promise of a bailout are living a lie. The only true redemption is to be one with the I AM. These are the false modern pastors seeking to push the Sons and Daughters of God, the true inner path. They will tell you that your salvation depends on a spacecraft that will rescue you. They will try to wonder, with its lights and shows, so does the city of Las Vegas to lure unsuspecting players and steal their light-money.
They will tell you that the Kingdom of God is near, that its doctrines or calendar you will ensure salvation, pointing to the sky and say: here, the stars come our salvation. "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here or lo there, for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17, 20).

Beloved, spiritual movements based on aliens are the most modern of the outer path. They might make you lose a lot of time and tie tightly to the lowest levels astral plane. The aliens are fallen angels that the Bible speaks. They come to steal your light and part of your resources. Since ancient times have altered the teaching of inner path that God wanted to give their children. From the Nile Valley to the Inca empire from Mesopotamia to Central America, have deceived my little ones with the outer path. A path based on ritual rather than real change in the hearts of men and women.

Question: Dear Babaji, which you can say to people who follow this kind of spiritual movements?

Babaji Response: I would say that everyone has a teacher you need at any given time. Even a false teacher is intended to show the end of lying. The more false than the lessons that follow the easier it will recognize them. This will make the jump to the internal path more easily. I would ask themselves what lessons need to learn from outer path? Why have not understood the true trail which is above the principles of false teachers?.

Being in a spiritual movement of this kind can be very beneficial in a given time. Beneficial because it will help you more easily recognize the lie in the future. Often, within the Divine plan of a person's belonging to a spiritual movement of the outer path. This will serve as a valuable experience to properly speak and teach others who are in similar conditions later.
The spiritual problem is that many students come to a point, do not realize that their stay in a spiritual movement of the outer path was only a step in its evolution. These people may feel so comfortable there that they will not see the need for progress. God always respects the personal choices of each. But the fact of following a path completely foreign to the universe makes deprive the full potential of your God Flame. When the world is deprived of your special gift, the whole evolutionary process is delayed. This happens because you are part of a comprehensive whole and the decisions that you make affect the whole.

In the new era has posited the belief that there is nothing wrong. That each person has to do what I want because it's part of their learning. This is true to some extent, but many people end their learning duality and not because they are beyond the road. It needs someone to show them another option so they can make informed decisions. A lot of people who are trapped in a dualistic thinking has not had anyone that makes waking. It is your role and mine, to show people that God brings about the consequence of their actions or the path they are following, then, do not tie us to the conclusion that must follow our advice.

Question: Are there aliens Master we really want to help?
Babaji Response: yes, of course, are the ascended masters of other systems that come regularly to help the evolution of the earth. But the difference is that they come flying in spaceships (laughs). These teachers alone can intercede for you according to your acceptance of the inner path. They speak directly to your heart through your Christ self. Any being who speaks without going through the Christ self does not have very good intentions.

Fallen angels you speak of love and brotherhood. That sounds beautiful and wonderful. They talk about world peace and ecology, but they have the tools to bring peace. This will not come from heaven or from any spacecraft. Peace will never come as something external. Can flourish only when the hearts of men and women to accept God's love and understand you are all One Does it seem very difficult for people to do that? Well, stop thinking about them and do it yourself. Let God do his work and not limitéis in anything or anyone.

Question: Teacher Where do these aliens?
Response Babaji from different planets that have fallen completely under your control. They also move into the astral plane, which is completely contaminated by the mind of anti-christ. Some come from remote systems where there is no light for feeding and come to earth looking for yours.

As you see, the Sons and Daughters of God courageous of all ages have not allowed them to take full control of the land. They can not enter the land and total control at this time since there is a higher power that does not. It is the light that has been sustained by the few over the ages. This light has been enough to avoid a planetary catastrophe. We expect to see, in the Age of Aquarius, many more hearts spread that Light which is God's love and letting shine on this beloved planet. This will only happen as far more people accept the true inner path of the heart.

I seal my love and greetings to the few who have remained for the awakening of many, I am always, Babaji.