Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wiring Of The Coil On Vw Sandrail

Is it necessary to belong to a spiritual group?

This dictation was delivered by Babaji on May 8, 2007 by Walter Javier Velásquez

Can you follow a trail without having to congregate with people of similar beliefs?

The answer is yes and no. If your motivation for doing this is really pure, ie not contaminated by the bitterness and prevention, then it is valid. However, you may spend too much time working with yourself and raise your consciousness in the midst of the apparent loneliness, which in reality is the state of union with God. You can grow a lot in this process, but invariably come a time where your spiritual evolution must be confronted by situations in the world.

come a time in which some people will become aware of your Light. Your spirituality will be tested by the conditions of this land. You will to leave your cave and go to help others who are wanting to get out of duality. There comes a time in which you give back to the Masters for the light they have received, and that remuneration is helping others to climb the ladder of life. If a person is not willing to take on this new challenge, then your spiritual growth will be stalled indefinitely until you decide to take responsibility for life.

This does not mean that a spiritual person have to be converted directly into a guru or spiritual leader in the truest sense of the word. You can restore the service life by example and also providing education based on principles of life to help others rise above their current conditions. Not necessarily have to talk always of the Masters and teaching. Although by definition, that person should be both a representative of the Masters as a real example of education.

study your question again under this new perspective. If your motivation is not to rely on a human organization and seek God in your own heart, the answer is that it is possible, but at some point you look back and reach out to those who come in search of Light.

If your motivation, by contrast, is to escape from other people and not assume the responsibility to confront inherent to all aspects of human personality and return unconditional love, then I want to tell you that your spiritual growth will be slowed substantially.

The goal of spiritual groups

"When the student is ready the Master appears." There is always a teacher or a spiritual teaching available for each level of consciousness on earth, on these teachings, usually create groups of spiritual seekers, which are located in different places, once you find that teaching with vibes You can choose to participate in one of several groups that have formed around it.
A spiritual group can offer a great opportunity for growth, because you can learn from others while helping others with your experience and views. It is quite true that a group can become spiritually one time a limiting factor for the evolution of Being, either because the environment is not suitable offers. In this case we encourage people to withdraw from there and placed in a site that allows growth, but not before it tried to raise enough awareness of the people by showing them a Christ perspective.

If you just run away from there because some people do not like them or because they can not be raised, without trying in different ways, will be fleeing your responsibility to life.
I do not define a site that allows for growth as a place that should be free of conflict. The conflicts that arise in a site can be an opportunity to test your ability to express unconditional love, to hold the immaculate concept and express the Christ through you to help resolve a situation. Sometimes people are trapped at a certain level of awareness and need someone to come with a whole new perspective to help them rise above that level of consciousness determined.


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