Friday, January 28, 2011

Sour Cream And Onion Popcorn Topping Recipe


This dictation was delivered on July 5, 2007 by Walter Javier Velásquez.

Question: Why in this type of teaching is as much about the Bible and no other books like the Bhagavad-Gita?. Is it necessary to read the Bible? Babaji

Response: Dear, my mission on this earth really has many facets. I've been called by the Father to raise a certain number of people who respond to my call. I have over a messenger at this time. I have messengers to different states of consciousness and Walter just one of them. Long ago I am an active part of the gradual process of awakening of humanity.
dictates that I give on this website are intended to reach specific audiences covering Latin America and other countries, especially English speakers. Bible verses used for this audience that I speak comes from a mainly Christian tradition and are familiar with the Bible. It would not make sense to use passages from the Vedas to a public that has not read them.

want you to understand the landscape of the Age of Aquarius from a broader perspective. Jesus Christ has been appointed by God the Father-Mother to serve as the "Savior of mankind" from the age of Pisces and the next two thousand years will the Age of Aquarius. Saint Germain is the chief of Aquarius, that is, the Master directly responsible for fostering the awakening of the masses of which so much has been spoken. However, neither Jesus or Saint Germain are the only ones working on this mission. Many more teachers are committed to this goal of world emancipation.

My mission is to support Jesus Christ in their work, creating an approach of the ancient knowledge of India and the Western Christian culture. That's why I came to South America to support the expansion of light in this hemisphere. Represent and uphold the Christ consciousness to South America, since there are many here who recognize me and will eventually awaken to the knowledge of Christ within. Jesus is the Christ to the earth in a much broader mission. My responsibility is to teach you to love unconditionally all life, beginning to love yourself.

There are a number of my past students who have come to this hemisphere to fulfill a purpose. Due to the different levels of consciousness that are not possible to reach them all with a single messenger. That's why today I have several couriers who do not know each other. They are spread from India to America, via Europe. Also there are imposters who claim to represent and give false messages on my behalf.

Yogananda, although it was my most famous disciple was not the only one who received direct instruction in my his time. There are others who transmit (*) Kriya Yoga in different ways, thus providing a tool for those who want to work with the Sacred Fire of the Mother. There are variations in technique, ie may be different ways of giving Kriya and be all legitimate. Each variation is intended to assist different levels of consciousness.

want you to know that I'm not sponsoring the organization Yogananda founded. Years ago he lost his sponsor for his inability to be open to the flow of the living word. Instead individual sponsorship to other messengers who deliver the Kriya Yoga without much mystery and ritual. Aquarius is the era where just the most secret initiations and the like. Aquarius is the era of freedom, and there is freedom there can be no secret. I sponsor people who are giving this technique publicly, in crowded auditoriums and without prejudice of any kind.

Those who want to continue hoarding the knowledge to maintain control must recognize that they do not carry my mantle. This is the era where knowledge is entirely public, without the manipulation of human organizations and dogmatic. I opened myself to the world, so nobody has right to hide what I taught. That's why my words are posted on this website to be distributed freely throughout the world. All I ask is that alteréis content.

In this process of awakening happen that some legitimate messengers may not recognize others who are also legitimate, due to their different levels of consciousness. For example, many swamis would be very difficult to recognize that speak through an ordinary person, as this messenger. That is also a test for them. I can speak through anyone, but not everyone who says he speaks to me is expressing the truth.

Through this dispensation particularly through this messenger I am not interested in using a specific ritual as a means for spiritual elevation. Let me be clear that it is possible to achieve Christhood and incarnate God in the land without recourse to the Kriya Yoga. What really matters is the sincere desire to self-transcend. Have the Kriya does not guarantee anything. It is simply a tool that, used well, can bring major benefits for students. But many others can do the same thing without the need for ritual, and that's what I show in this dispensation.

Thank you for recognizing the light in my words,


* Note: The Kriya Yoga is the "scientific art of union with one's own Self or Truth."


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