Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Give A Hair Tattoo

Why should not we eat meat

From the book "The Magic Presence" Godfre Ray King.

......." This lunch box, "said Saint Germain contains a combination of substances is not yet known in Earth. There a definitive reason why we never eat meat, and why humans should not eat. It is because the atoms that compose it are the condensation within the substance of this world of evil thoughts and feelings from the past of humanity itself.

....... there were no animals on this planet for the first two Golden Ages. Began to appear only after humanity was created discord that followed these two initial periods. The First Creation described in Genesis was referring to the two Golden Ages, and were described as very good. After the fog lifted, and there was the fall of man called to focus the attention of the intellect upon the appetites of the body, through the feelings.

....... Thus, the external mind more and more entangled in the world of things, and thereafter forgot Source and Central Energy your Being, which is the Great I AM Presence. Plan-o Fortitude Divine Way of Living -out of sight, and increasingly has continued slipping discord within the feelings of humanity from then.

....... As humanity insists on killing animals, you can not break habits never evil in their own feelings by which has been tied to itself, since it is constantly destroying his own body and leaving out the more refined mental impulses. Love of humanity is raising domestic animals and purifying some of the past creations, and releasing this current phase of life to a more harmonious existence. As mankind go harmonizing and cleansing, all animals start disappear from Earth. Until weeds, poisonous plants and pests that affect plant life will be eliminated and Earth once again return to its pristine purity described as the Garden of Eden meaning obedience to the Divine Wisdom.

....... The great damage eating meat is animal flesh that registers the feeling of fear you have when it is killed. The animal has an emotional body, and the vibration of fear recorded before and during the time of death calls the flesh and that capacity is absorbed by the body's emotional human being who eats it. This also causes a certain substance in the brain condenses, which dulls the intellect and keeps the delicate impulses flowing to him from the Great I AM Presence.
....... Not even the Ascended Masters interfere with it, because the guy does all these things will, using their free will. Fear, in its many phases subtle, is the prevailing sentiment within the current human and is the open door through which the sinister force maintains its control over the personality and carries out its destructive work. The teaching that is necessary to eat meat to gain strength is malicious and utterly false, as the elephant, one of the strongest creatures that are on Earth , is a vegetarian animal.


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