Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How To Build Corrugated Iron Fence

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion


The mirage God (The God Delusion) is a good book to begin in militant atheism. Although focused from a more American than European or Latin, the theses expressed by the author are applicable in any society. Richard Dawkins leaves no puppet head in a trial that runs from fury to the more detailed reasoning.

Highly critical, Dawkins in the study of belief systems in general and its influence on society. The sharp analysis that subjects both believers and theists or agnostics leaves no one indifferent. The conclusions he reaches are categorical, no doubt, religion is not only beneficial, but highly damaging.

However, it should be noted that Dawkins is a respected scientist in evolutionary biology, and although it seems difficult to understand, his extensive mastery of this material becomes the weak link in his argument. The author applies natural selection at all. Any aspect of life, including psychological, social or cultural, is likely to be analyzed from the viewpoint of evolution. He said the development not only demonstrates that the Bible is wrong, but it makes absolutely unfeasible the existence of any God. At times, one is tempted to define it more as an atheist Darwinian about religious trends.

Some of the passages in the book are still rough diamonds. Among them, the assimilation of religious belief with the madness, the proof that intelligent design is a fallacy, the critical influence on children and the unnecessary show of religion to act altruistically.

In short, a highly recommended text for those who want to end up with more questions than it had to start it. To avoid for those not willing to subject their beliefs to scrutiny.

Quote: Kozmic Books

In the preface, Dawkins writes that The God Delusion contains four messages 'increasing awareness'

  • Atheists can be happy, balanced, moral and intellectually fulfilled.
  • The natural selection and similar scientific theories are superior to hypotheses based on God - as the fallacy of intelligent design - in regard to explaining the living world and the cosmos.
  • Children should not be labeled by the religion of their parents. Terms like "Catholic child" or "Muslim child" get people back.
  • Atheists should be proud and no compunction, because atheism is a proof of a healthy mind and independent

I recommend buying the book for a better reading of it. But for those of you in a hurry or you can not get it because of its descatalogación in bookstores:

Rapidshare download links (pdf)

Megaupload download link (pdf)

If you want to know more about the author:


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