Sunday, June 20, 2010

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" The arrogance of the atheist? Religion and culture

The first contradiction of the believer:
Religious believers define us atheists as arrogant people who think we know all the answers . What I do not know is that they contradict themselves when later or earlier than the prosecution launched the phrase " science has all the answers ."
Well, how can we be arrogant if instead of relying on trust in science religion which does not have all the answers?

What really bothers them is that every scientific discovery, it is confirmed but the falsity of their religion. Maybe that's why looking for ways to adapt scientific laws to their personal beliefs and myths prehistoric.
in U.S. have reached amazing levels of stupidity: after inventing the creationism in a desperate attempt to introduce more of their God (or gods) in science and not feel such idiots, they decided to give a new name "intelligent design " (in contrast to the stupidity of those who believe in it.)

In fact there is even a "creationist museum" where they say dinosaurs lived in harmony with man in Eden (attempt to adapt the animal creation in Genesis to the fossil evidence of extinct dinosaurs ago million years).
All this derives from the literal interpretation of the supposedly "sacred" writings under whose chronology (the life of his characters) the world can not have more than 6014 years (counting from 2010 AD).

526893292_e95eb57c10 Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure of the Universe. (Albert Einstein)

Forget the millions of archaeological evidence, geologists, paleontologists, etc.. And also forget about the various methods of scientific dating (radiometric, radiocarbon, bones, etc.) All this to fit myths written during the Bronze Age by a nomadic people (the Hebrews), who was plagiarizing stories and other tales previous cultures that coexisted with the many evidences found and sense common.

museo_creacionismo A Hebrew happy playing with your pet?? A baby of one of the greatest natural predator of the Cretaceous period, the Tyrannosaurus .

"Both have difficulty admitting that the universe is" created "in 6 days but is" shaped "for millions of years? (And they call us fools).

Another contradiction to the fact arrogant call:
We atheists are arrogant to think that the more logical the evolution of animal species raised by Darwin and they who believe they were created by a deity to its image and likeness "(Genesis 1:26 ) to" have dominion over all species "animals (Genesis 1:28 ) in a land created and tailored to the man (Genesis 1:29-30 , 2:9-15). Which lead to believe from his beloved people "elected" plagiarism that story to the Mesopotamian culture.

suppose to feel stupid for believing in myths and that all scientific evidence consistently showing you what this should piss off a lot. And even more when your beliefs are based on fear or reward God according to your moral acts (something that is innate in each animal species)

no longer have anything to say that it is the hypocrisy of the religious believer to assume that all answers are found in the Bible, which are already known, But atheists are arrogant and presumptuous to trust in science which strives to find every day.

Believers should ask a few things before you say anything:
Why should your religious leaders are promoting the Bible as the source of all knowledge and discarding or impeding scientific research?

try to capture not only the individual gullible by their religion or fear of the unknown, but try to put it against both science and the rest of the same beliefs as human curiosity and knowledge ( Genesis 2:17) ... But that's another separate issue .

Who then is the arrogant?


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