Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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The son of" God "- Documentary

This documentary about the true origins of Christianity as the Roman Empire created the myth of Jesus plagiarizing earlier myths and beliefs that then consider "pagan" (popular - a derogatory way). This continued to underpin the control and dominion over the people living in that empire, which was divided by centuries of decadent rulers and a variety of religions and beliefs that had absorbed the same rule to expand throughout Europe, North Africa and Middle East. All these conflicts were resolved by a famous council (Nicaea in 325) and the political and diplomatic skills of Emperor Constantine, who in the council laid the foundations of Christianity today, ending with the other religions.

Christianity before Jesus
If it were true that Jesus never proclaimed himself the Son of God, as some scholars, who ' did?, "and that ?.... The original message of the Great Teacher of the myth forged by St. Paul and his successors: a fascinating search for the true origins of the faith cristiana.Emprenderemos this adventure in time, under the guide for researchers, historians and mythological speak of the existence of many other "sons of God" before Jesus resurrected, Egyptians, Iran, Greece and Rome. Developer to undertake a journey that goes from the first decades of our era, when the apostolic and episcopal communities I and II century adopted the mystery cults and the miracles attributed to Christ and other wonders of the eastern Mediterranean hombres.dioses as Dionysus and Mithras, until the fourth century, when the Council of Nicaea defined the official doctrine of the Church of Rome and proclaim Jesus of Nazareth as the only Son of God "by imperial decree.
the Jesus the Jewish Messiah Christian
The canonical Gospels were written decades after Jesus' death. And the creed and the Christian dogmas were invented centuries later. What we know about Jesus Christ right then? ... Currently, many researchers are finding that the interpretation made by the Christianity of his life and the meaning of his mission on earth does not coincide with ideas that had seguidores.La his first controversy arose and soon after his death and those who believed in Christ sustained conceptions much more varied and divergent from that today divide the Christian churches. Was the son of God? Was a God manifested in human appearance? "It was an extraordinary man who was deified mythically ?....

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

Part 5.

Friday, June 25, 2010

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fatal flaws in the Bible

6.5 Dt, MT 22:37, 12.30 Mc , LK 10:27 Love God. DT
6:13, PS 33:8 , 34:9 , 111:10, 115:13 , 128:1, 147:11 , PR 8:13 , 16:6, 19:23 , 22:4, IS 8:13 , LK 12:5 , 1PE 2:17 Fear God. 1 Jn 4:18
There is no fear in love.

PR 30:5 Every word of God proves true.
1 Kings 22:23, 18:22 2CH , JE 4:10, JE 20:7 , EZ 14:9 God deceives some of the prophets. JE
8:8 The scribes (scribes, editors, teachers) falsify the word.
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 God deceives the wicked (to condemn).
(Note: Not all the words of God can be certain, if God does not fool anyone at all, lessons of the Bible are not trusted if the scribes falsify the word may. In other words, the first reference is mutually exclusive with the other three. Thus, the Bible can not be the perfect work of a perfect, almighty and loving God since one or more of the references are obviously false. Also note: Some versions use the word "convincing" and not "cheat." The context makes clear, however, that deception is the game of the same.)

EZ 20:25 God says that intentionally gave out bad laws. (This means that God has given laws or commandments that are sometimes suspects.)

Lk 1:26-38 The angel appearing to Mary to predict the birth of Jesus says that Jesus was given the throne of David, will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and that his kingdom will never end. (None of this was carried out and can now be satisfied.)

MT 16:28, MK 9:1, LK 9:27 Jesus says that some of his listeners will not know death before that comes back to his kingdom. This was said almost 2000 years ago.
(Note: This passage and many others point out that Jesus was coming back in a relatively short period of time, and not just "quickly" as current biblical scholars say. All listeners have died, however, Jesus did not come back to his kingdom. All the words that Jesus supposedly said and written in the Bible have been fulfilled. Sources are therefore suspect.)

MK 16:17-18 A believer can handle snakes or drink poison and not experience any damage.
(Note: Many unfortunate believers have died as a result of handling snakes and drinking poison. This kind of statement denies the Bible as a useful guide to life.)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

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Cain - José Saramago


"The Lord wanted them, the Lord gathered ... Until one day the future realized that it was time to manifest. "

After the murder of Abel, the fall from grace divine pushes Cain to wander the land of Nod and doubtful for the sole sake of immortality.

In Saramago's pen, however, that exile becomes a journey of knowledge, a rapid back and forth across time and place that will allow Cain understand the origin of his own curse.

From the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham to the conquest of Jericho, the destruction Sodom the Flood or the suffering of Job, Cain attends each of the episodes of a history of blood, the Bible, written by a capricious god and irresponsible.

With the distance that allows the irony, but with the approach that gives a passionate commitment to the facts he narrates, Saramago gives us a stark at the same time humorous parody of the government of heaven.

In this new novel by José Saramago of the most remote origins of the man who points out the Christian world: the creation of Adam and Eve and the expulsion from Paradise. The first human crime, the murder of Abel by Cain, God gives way to download his wrath for the second time on men and sentenced Cain to wander forever through the land of Nod, ie the land of nothing. And this after they made a shameful treatment where, in exchange for his silence and a kind of bribery, God gives Cain immortality.

Following in the footsteps of Cain, the author finds the guide that will show from a vantage point some of the most significant events of the Old Testament: the aborted sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses' anger Mount Sinai, the conquest of Jericho, the Flood ... Chapters all with a common denominator: the cruelty of God Christian and arbitrary decisions. Eyewitness

and even leading some of these episodes, confident in itself that gives you not have anything to lose, Cain becomes a critical consciousness that seeks God and his faithful stalwarts, condemning the sacrifice of innocent, that is no meaning to the divine test that looks for reasons which are only available designs. This led to a questioning of blind faith, of unconditional obedience, while a parody of authoritarianism. The Christian God, devoid of reason and sometimes it seems that reasoning, is shown in the light of the talks with his servants as a spoiled child or a tyrant.


go back and forth in time in which the protagonist is doomed, or more accurately, as its author, "those sudden changes of mind", will that Cain has the perspective of someone who knows the past and to come, and paradoxically act more like God than God himself. It is Caine is the only character who wonders about fate, about the meaning of his life, and he even has answers for it.

With Cain, Saramago explores the everyday history of the Bible. Daily because, from the exile that caused the murder of Cain, the author plays to put voice and specific words to each speech, dialogue and even thinking of the great protagonists of the Bible. This makes us more understandable facts and figures always entrenched behind the solemnity and mystery of the sacred texts. Cain closely follows, therefore, the facts of the Bible and they fable, but from a certain knowledge of the sacred texts.

Like other novels of the author, Cain is devastating in his view of human destiny, and does so through its main character, which takes a despairing view of providence, devoid of confidence in the future of man and God's goodness. And in this desolate landscape, are perhaps the characters 'damn' in the Bible who awaken greater sympathy: Cain and Lilith the enchantress, in addition to the banished Adam and Eve.

In the short but intense novel that is Cain, through a fine sense of humor and irony, José Saramago turns a vision of the biblical facts matured in the heat of the years, experiences and books, a foremost vision is tinged with criticism and questioning, which avoids the cliches and the parody easy even at the risk of being insolent, a vision that, ultimately, is in the injustice and human suffering around the lighthouse reasoning.



"I do not believe in God and I do not at fault. At least I'm safe to be intolerant. Atheists are the most tolerant in the world. A believer passes easily intolerance. At no time in history, anywhere in the world, religions have served to human beings closer to each other. On the contrary, have only served to separate, to burn, to torture. I do not believe in God, do not need it and I am also a good person. "

" God is the silence of the universe, and man, the cry that gives meaning to the silence. "

"If there were more atheists there would be fewer wars."



Related Post :

The Gospel According to Jesus

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" The arrogance of the atheist? Religion and culture

The first contradiction of the believer:
Religious believers define us atheists as arrogant people who think we know all the answers . What I do not know is that they contradict themselves when later or earlier than the prosecution launched the phrase " science has all the answers ."
Well, how can we be arrogant if instead of relying on trust in science religion which does not have all the answers?

What really bothers them is that every scientific discovery, it is confirmed but the falsity of their religion. Maybe that's why looking for ways to adapt scientific laws to their personal beliefs and myths prehistoric.
in U.S. have reached amazing levels of stupidity: after inventing the creationism in a desperate attempt to introduce more of their God (or gods) in science and not feel such idiots, they decided to give a new name "intelligent design " (in contrast to the stupidity of those who believe in it.)

In fact there is even a "creationist museum" where they say dinosaurs lived in harmony with man in Eden (attempt to adapt the animal creation in Genesis to the fossil evidence of extinct dinosaurs ago million years).
All this derives from the literal interpretation of the supposedly "sacred" writings under whose chronology (the life of his characters) the world can not have more than 6014 years (counting from 2010 AD).

526893292_e95eb57c10 Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure of the Universe. (Albert Einstein)

Forget the millions of archaeological evidence, geologists, paleontologists, etc.. And also forget about the various methods of scientific dating (radiometric, radiocarbon, bones, etc.) All this to fit myths written during the Bronze Age by a nomadic people (the Hebrews), who was plagiarizing stories and other tales previous cultures that coexisted with the many evidences found and sense common.

museo_creacionismo A Hebrew happy playing with your pet?? A baby of one of the greatest natural predator of the Cretaceous period, the Tyrannosaurus .

"Both have difficulty admitting that the universe is" created "in 6 days but is" shaped "for millions of years? (And they call us fools).

Another contradiction to the fact arrogant call:
We atheists are arrogant to think that the more logical the evolution of animal species raised by Darwin and they who believe they were created by a deity to its image and likeness "(Genesis 1:26 ) to" have dominion over all species "animals (Genesis 1:28 ) in a land created and tailored to the man (Genesis 1:29-30 , 2:9-15). Which lead to believe from his beloved people "elected" plagiarism that story to the Mesopotamian culture.

suppose to feel stupid for believing in myths and that all scientific evidence consistently showing you what this should piss off a lot. And even more when your beliefs are based on fear or reward God according to your moral acts (something that is innate in each animal species)

no longer have anything to say that it is the hypocrisy of the religious believer to assume that all answers are found in the Bible, which are already known, But atheists are arrogant and presumptuous to trust in science which strives to find every day.

Believers should ask a few things before you say anything:
Why should your religious leaders are promoting the Bible as the source of all knowledge and discarding or impeding scientific research?

try to capture not only the individual gullible by their religion or fear of the unknown, but try to put it against both science and the rest of the same beliefs as human curiosity and knowledge ( Genesis 2:17) ... But that's another separate issue .

Who then is the arrogant?

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Many of the biblical stories were plagiarized by the Hebrew nomads Sumerian culture and religion. Today, the Judeo-Christians and many Muslims live with those believing they are original stories of the Jewish people .. Nothing is further from the truth.



In Lower Mesopotamia there were human settlements from the Neolithic culture as evidenced Jarmo, (6700 BC - 6500 BC) and Chalcolithic the of culture Hassuna-Samarra (5500 - 5000 BC), El Obeid (5000 - 4000 BC) Uruk (4000 - 3200 BC) and Nasr Yemdet (3200 - 3000 BC).


Since there are no written records of that period to know the origin of this people, nor found skulls clarify the problem of the origin these people, because they are represented both as dolichocephaly brachycephaly, with some evidence of the type Armeniod. Sumerian sculptures are investigated showing a high rate of brachycephalic skulls in their representations that could perhaps clarify the origin of this village, along with the colors and dimensions of the sculptures, which are a mix of Caucasian and black members. However, this is not enough evidence to solve the problem because the plastic could have been idealized, as happened in the Egyptian sculptures.


The possibility of identifying based on cranial rate developments throughout the Middle East has been ruled out to be quite mixed, however, we can distinguish four groups with the main features of each from different periods: before 4000 a. C., dolichocephalic populations are only such as "Mediterranean", the "eurafricanos", which is only one variety of it that did not have a significant role to 3,000 a. C.; type "alpine" manifest moderately brachycephalic after 2,500 a. C., and "Armeniods", derived perhaps from these Alpine appear in abundance after in 500 BC C. The peoples descended from the Cimmerians on average tend to have more heads "rounded" (brachycephalic) than the other peoples of that area and the word "Sumerian" may be a transliteration of the word "Cimmerian" according to some philologists , which is why many researchers believe that both peoples are the same people at different times, but there is insufficient evidence to support this hypothesis.

seems possible that the Sumerians were a tribe from outside, possibly from the steppes, but its specific origin is unknown. This is what has come to be known from the twentieth century as the "Sumerian problem."

However, during the period of progress occurs Obeid crystallizing Uruk to consider it as the beginning of the Sumerian civilization.


Uruk Period

Uruk, the biblical Erech and Arabic Warka, is the scene of fundamental discoveries in the history of mankind: the wheel appears by the 3500 a. C. and writing in the 3300 a. C., which is the oldest dating of clay tablets with cuneiform found to date. Are these written records which confirm that the Sumerians were not Indo-European people, nor a bed nor ELAM-Semitic nor Dravidian (group, the latter, to which the Elamite people, for example). This is evidenced by his tongue-type binder. Thus it is speculated, as has been said that the Sumerians were not the first people to settle in Mesopotamia, in the lower reaches of the Fertile Crescent, but came at a certain time of the Copper Age or Chalcolithic , beyond the year 3500 BC, during the period now known as U. Dynastic Period


archaic dynastic period

Situation of the main Sumerian cities and scope of this culture during the archaic dynastic period.

The dissemination of the progress of the Uruk culture for the rest of Mesopotamia gave birth to the Sumerian culture. These techniques allowed the growth of cities across new territories. These cities will soon be characterized by the appearance of walls, suggesting that the wars between them were frequent. It also highlights the expansion of writing that sprang from its administrative and technical role to the first dedicatory inscriptions in enshrined statues of the temples.

Despite the existence of the Sumerian king lists the history of this period is relatively unknown as much of the reigns have dates set out in them impossible. In fact, these lists were made from the seventeenth century a. C., and its creation was probably the desire of monarchs traced their lineage back to epic times. Some of the kings are probably real, but in many others there is no historical record and others who know their existence is not contained therein.


Akkadian Empire By

A. 2350 C., Sargon, an Akkadian source usurper, seized power in the city of Kish . He founded a new capital, Agade and conquered the other Sumerian cities, beating Lugalzagesi , the king of Umma hitherto dominant. This was the first great empire in history and would be continued by the successor of Sargon, which would have to face constant riots. Among them, the grandson of the conqueror, Naram-Sin . This step marked the beginning of the decline of the Sumerian language and culture for the Acadians.

The empire broke into 2220 a. C., due to constant riots and the invasions of the nomadic Amorites and mainly Gutians . After his fall, the entire region fell under the domination of these tribes, who were imposed on the city-states of the region, especially in the vicinity of the destroyed Agade. Sumerian chronicles describe consistently negative, as "barbarian hordes" or "dragon mountain", but reality may not be so negative, in some schools there was a real flowering of the arts. This is the case in the city of Lagash , especially during the rule of Gudea patesi . Addition artistic quality in works of Lagash were used materials from remote regions: Lebanese cedar wood or greenstone, gold and carnelian from the Indus Valley, suggesting that trade should not see especially burdened. Southern cities, furthest from the center of power guti, bought his freedom in return for large taxes; Uruk and Ur prospered during his fourth and second dynasties.



According to a memorial tablet was hengal Utu-king of Uruk, who in about 2100 a. C. defeated and expelled Gutians the rulers of the Sumerian lands. Its success will not be of much benefit since shortly after the king of Ur, Ur-Nammu , achieved hegemony in the region with the so-called Third Dynasty of Ur or Sumerian Renaissance. The rule emerged from this hegemony would be as long or more than that of Sargon, which would take the idea of \u200b\u200bunifying the empire. This influence is evident even in the name of the monarch, who in imitation of the Acadians will be called "kings of Sumer and Akkad"

A Ur-Nammu will happen to his son, Shulgi , who fought against Elam and nomadic tribes of the Zagros . He was succeeded his son Amar-Suen it first and his brother, Shu-Sin and then another Ibbi-Sin. In the latter's reign the attacks of the Amorites, from Saudi, became particularly strong in 2003 a. C. last fall predominantly Sumerian empire. Henceforth it will be the Akkadian culture which predominates and then Babylon inherit the role of Sumerian empires.


The disappearance of the Akkadian Empire allowed Sumer renaissance and return to the city-states regime. Are highly relevant reforms II Gudea of \u200b\u200bLagash dynasty in this Neo-Sumerian period (2175 BC). Later in the Third Dynasty Deur, Ur-Nammu conducts a well structured code with numerous changes. In this age are beginning to appoint as Kings of Sumer and Akkad (2111 BC). Shulgi in 2093 a. C. promote developments relating to weights and measures, to strengthen the border while the harassment of Semitic - Amorites.

Nevertheless, he finally succumbed to the attacks of the Amorites (Amorites) who auxiliaries had -Semitic Elamites, from the plateau of Iran, who prevailed and plundered Ur (2003 BC). It becomes a state of political fragmentation and proliferating local dynasties. Rimsin created a small empire in 1792 a. C. where private property was introduced, giving a pre-capitalist society. In contrast, in Babylon is enthroned an Amorite dynasty (1792 BC).

Society of the Third Dynasty of Ur is organized as follows:

  1. mashda "seconds." Eren
  2. "crowd of the palace." Maybe it is bonded or court of the palace.
  3. go / game: bred (free). Parents sold their children to the temple but the children do not lose their freedom for this condition.
  4. Nimr: slaves. They are distinguished by wearing a collar with the name or a tuft of hair on the head.


    Literature Sumerian Literature

    Ode to iddin-Dagan, king of Larsa . Registration Sumerian cuneiform in , around 1950 a. C.

    Sumerian literature covers three broad topics: myths, hymns and lamentations. The myths are composed of short stories that try to shape the personality of the Mesopotamian gods: Enlil, chief god and father of the minor deities; Inanna, goddess of love and war, or Enki, god of water frequently faced Ninhursag , goddess of the mountains. The hymns are texts in praise of gods, kings, cities and temples. The issues relate lamentations catastrophic destruction of cities and temples and the abandonment of resulting gods.

    Some of these stories may rely on historical events such as wars, floods or construction activity for a king importantly, magnified and distorted over time.

    own creation Sumerian literature was a kind of poetry dialogues based on the opposition of contrary concepts. Proverbs also an important part of the Sumerian texts.

Like the people who have not been civilized, the Sumerians were the movements around him as the spirit magic, magic that was the only explanation I had of how things worked. These spirits were their gods. And with many spirits around, they believed in many gods, they had human emotions. Believed that the sun, moon and stars were gods, like the reeds that grew around the beer and distilled.

believed that the gods controlled the past and the future, that God revealed to them that they possessed skills, including writing, and the gods gave them everything they needed to know. They had the view that their civilization had been developed by their own efforts. And they had no vision of technological or social progress.

Each of the Sumerian gods (in their own language, dingir and pluralism, Ding-Ding or dingira-ne-ne ) was associated with different cities, and religious importance attributed to them intensified or declined depending on the political power of the associated city. According to Sumerian tradition, the gods created humans from clay in order to be served by their new creation. When they were angry or frustrated, the Gods expressed their feelings through earthquakes and natural disasters: the primordial essence of Sumerian religion was based, therefore, in the belief that all humanity was at the mercy of the gods.

dioses sumerios

Major mythological figures worshiped by the Sumerians, it is possible to cite: An

  • (or Anu), god of heaven
  • Nammu , the mother goddess;
  • Inanna, the goddess of love and war (equivalent to the goddess Ishtar of the Akkadian);
  • Enki eRide the temple, the god of beneficence, driver of freshwater from deep under the earth;
  • Utu in Sippar , the sun god;
  • Nanna, the moon god in Ur;
  • and Enlil, the god of wind.

The Sumerians were probably dug in the ground a few feet and found water. The Sumerians believed that the earth was a great album floating in the sea. They called this sea Nammu and thought it had always been in time. Nammu believed had created the fish, birds, wild pigs and other creatures that appeared in the marshes and wetlands.

According to them, Nammu had created heaven and earth. The sky was separated from the earth , giving birth to the male god An and the earth, a goddess called Ki. An believed that Ki and had fathered a son called Enlil, who was the atmosphere, wind and storm. They believed separated day from night and had opened an invisible shell water dropping from the sky. believed that along with his mother and Ki, Enlil laid the foundation for the creation of plants, humans and other creatures that did germinate the seeds and had shaped mankind from clay, impregnating.

The universe consisted of a flat disk enclosed by a dome of brass. Life after death involved a vile descent into the underworld, where he spent eternity in a deplorable existence, a kind of hell.

believed that growing crops because a male god was mating with his goddess wife. They saw hot, humid months of summer, when the fields and meadows were stained brown, as the moment of death of the gods. When fields bloomed again in the fall, they believed that their gods resurrected. Mark this as the beginning of the year, which was held in their churches with music and songs.

did not believe in social change, although Sumerian priests had altered the stories, creating new twists on old tales; not recognize this as a change induced by humans or wondering why they had failed to do it right the first time. The new ideas were simply revelations of their gods.

were different types of priests. Some of the most common were:

  • āšipu , exorcist and medical.
  • baru, astrologer and soothsayer.
  • qadištu , priestess.

Sumerian temples consisted of a nave with runners on both sides, flanked by rooms for the priests. At one end of the corridor was a pulpit and a platform built of mud bricks, used to sacrifice animals and plants.

barns and warehouses are generally located in the vicinity of temples. Later, the Sumerians began to build their temples on top of artificial hills, terraced and multifaceted: these special temples called ziggurats .


Saturday, June 19, 2010

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Sumerian Origin of Species - Charles Darwin


The Origin of Species (original title in English: On the Origin of Species ) is a book by Charles Darwin published on November 24, 1859, considered one of the pioneering work of literature and scientific basis for the theory of evolutionary biology .

The full title of the first edition was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ( The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ). In its sixth edition, 1872, the short title was changed to The Origin of Species ( The Origin of Species ). In this work

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) proposed the mechanism of natural selection as an explanation for the origin of species. Making a parallel with artificial selection by humans in plants or livestock, Darwin created the concept of natural selection, in which nature selects the most suitable people for survival in particular environment and discards the least fit.

While the first editions Darwin used the term 'evolution' ('evolution'), it would from the 5 th, and appears on the 6 th, 1876, the last corrected and revised by him. Moreover, at no point explanation focuses on the human species.

Charles Robert Darwin (February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882) was an English naturalist which postulated that all species of living beings have evolved over time from a common ancestor through a process called natural selection. The evolution was accepted as fact by the scientific community and much of the public in his lifetime, while his theory of evolution by natural selection was not considered as the primary explanation of the evolutionary process until 1930, and now forms the basis of modern evolutionary synthesis . Amended, the scientific discoveries of Darwin are still the foundation charter of biology as a science, since they constitute a logical explanation that unifies the observations on the diversity life. darwin_5

Download the book:

Origin of Species (PDF)

http://www.megaupload.com/es/? d = JKMZ3CXX

I've posted that many believers throw the typical phrase "do not believe that all species come by chance" and tired and try to explain that science never says that. Perhaps reading the book or see the links and once that does not speak of chance or accident but " causalities" and stop that nonsense in the forums.

Friday, June 18, 2010

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The Gospel According to Jesus (Jose Saramago)


The book describes a fictional story alternative to the life of Jesus Christ, as shown in the Bible. It begins with the conception of Jesus in the spiritual presence of God. The birth of Jesus is announced by a mysterious figure who claims to be an angel. Later, in Bethlehem, Jesus was born in a cave, and three ministers (including the "angel") come to visit.

As described in the Gospel of Matthew, Herod receives a premonition of the birth of the "King of the Jews" (in the Gospel, which is informed by the Magi, in the book, however, is visited in his dreams by the prophet Micah ) and plan the killing of newborns. Joseph learns of the plan but make the mistake of not alerting the community but aims to ensure that your child is safe first, this causes the wrath of God and Joseph, innocent and knowing, is punished for the rest of his life, condemned to dream that kills the child you just had.

Later, when Jesus comes to thirteen years, Joseph was crucified by the Romans, who mistakenly confuse it with a rebel zealot. From the night of the death of his father Jesus inherited his nightmare. Learn about the killing of his mother, and grows apart from his family, among those who no longer can live in peace. He leaves the family and Nazareth and made his way to Jerusalem, where we visit the Temple, then to Bethlehem.

works as an apprentice to a pastor (called The Pastor is defined as the Devil and the mysterious "angel" mentioned above). Pastor teaches you to appreciate your work, and not to another what is one. Finally, meets God in the desert. God force Jesus to sacrifice his favorite sheep and says he has a destiny for him. When Jesus returns he tells what happened to Pastor, the old man rebuke and asked to leave because he has not learned anything. Jesus makes his way back home across the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee, where he discovers an amazing talent for catching many fish, and Magdala, where he meets and falls for Mary Magdalene, and then goes back home to Nazareth. Jesus

is not believed by his family, leaving them again, marries Mary Magdalene and goes to work helping the fishermen in the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee. One day he went to sea alone is visited by God and the Devil. God speaks of his plan for Jesus founded Christianity, because God is angry at being only the God of a race, and the other gods seem to get all the glory. Jesus is in principle against what he sees as a selfish plan of God forcing him to endure great suffering, but God really does see that he has no choice, because God is Almighty.

Jesus became a prophet of God, continuing miracles and preaching. It was to stop himself in a bid to thwart the plan of God, and tries to destroy its own credibility, trying to die as a son of Joseph, not God, saying to the priests: "I am the Son of Man." However, the novel ends with Jesus crucified and realizing that in fact nothing changed and although the plan of God still stands, that after all he had done the will of God when believed to follow and when I thought not.

José de Sousa Saramago ( Azinhaga, Santarém, Portugal, November 16, 1922 - Tias, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, June 18, 2010 ) was a writer, journalist and playwright Portuguese. Portuguese Communist Party member since 1969. In 1998 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature . The Swedish Academy said his ability to "re understandable a fleeting reality, with parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony " el-evangelio-segun-jesucristo-de-jose-saramago

The controversy over the book.

Novel The Gospel According to Jesus (1991) catapulted him to fame because of an unprecedented controversy in Portugal (which is considered a secular republic), when grain government submission to the European Literary Prize that year, claiming that "offend Catholics." As an act of protest, Saramago leave Portugal and settled in the island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands). Website

Foundation José Saramago "

PDF Book (Librosgratisweb)


Note: If you wonder why I posted this book ... the answer is more obvious than you think: A great writer, person and as you can imagine, an atheist. And of the two fictional stories about Jesus, I prefer this version of the Gospels (block better with the Old Testament - but another work of fiction).

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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Abraham a liar and manipulator (thank God). CHAPTERS


After recounting a long list of media sequences that lived 400 years each (although ironically, God said that man would live alone after the flood no more than 120 years). It begins to tell the story of Abraham ...


Genesis 12

Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country and thy kindred, and the house of your father, and the land I will show.
I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee, and make thy name, and will be a blessing. Bless them that bless thee, and curse him who curses you , and be blessed through you all the families of the earth.

The god "fair" (presumably created all men), as has become custom, Abraham takes preference to the point of "curse" anyone who curse him.

And Abram departed as the LORD had said, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five when he left Haran. then took his wife Sarai Abram , and Lot his brother's son, and all their possessions they had won and the people they had acquired in Haran, and they departed to go into the land of Canaan and the land of Canaan they came.

I note, if any such data is lost: Sarai is his wife.

And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Shechem, to the oak of Moreh, and the Canaanite was then in the land. the LORD appeared to Abram and said, Unto thy seed have I given this land. And there he built an altar to Jehovah who had appeared. Then it went from there to a mountain east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west and Ai on the east, and built there an altar to the LORD and invoked the name of Abram departed Jehová.Y journeyed, going to the Negev.

Stay with that information as well: It is God who decides to give "the land". Da As to whom it belonged, when God orders his poor servants ... this, "very reluctantly" can not resist (irony implied).

there was a famine in the land, and Abram to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was grievous in the land.

Go .. God chose to chose a good land ... that if this does not "flowed with milk and honey" (we know that God likes to starve his people every few minutes). May have given them food as God miraculously but likes to do everything complicated instead of simple (miraculous plagues makes comfortable, that if, feeding seems cost a lot) ...

ABRAHAM: The cowardly and manipulative (THANK GOD)

to pass that he was about to enter Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, Behold, now that you know beautiful woman appearance, and when the Egyptians see you, say, is his wife and kill me, they will let you life. Now therefore say you are my sister so that I do well for your sake , and my soul shall live because of thee.

And here comes through Abraham the coward ... who is able to tell his wife to pass off as his sister for fear that someone wants it and disposing him.

came about when Abram came into Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very fair. Also saw the princes of Pharaoh, and commended her before, and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

to God should be reminded that later would these laws against adultery LE 20:10-12, DT 22:22 If you feel so bad adultery why do not you say anything to Abraham? Why Abraham left that allowed his wife to go to Pharaoh's house to become his wife?

And he entreated Abram well for her sake, and he had sheep, cows, donkeys, servants, maids, donkeys and camels.

You know why. And you will wonder to whom God punished ...

LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram's wife.

And if you wonder if the poor Pharaoh knew if his wife were married or not:

Pharaoh called Abram and said, What is this you have done to me? Why not tell me that was your wife? Why did you say is my sister, putting on the occasion of women take it for me? Then
Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and accompanied him and his wife,
with everything he had.

Genesis 13

Increased So Abram from Egypt to the Negev, he and his wife, and all I had, and Lot with him. And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver and gold. And went on his journeys from the Negev to Bethel, unto the place where he had been before his tent between Bethel and Hai, the place of the altar that had been there before, and there Abram called the name of Jehovah. Lot, who went with Abram, had flocks, herds and tents. And the land was not able to dwell together, for their substance was great, and they could not dwell in one place.

After that, the Bible tells the whole story about Sodom and Gomorrah and as Lot offers his two daughters to violate the crowd to keep that same crowd will not infringe on two premises angels sent by God, as God tells Lot to flee and not look back, and God turns his wife into a pillar of salt, and their two daughters got him drunk and, mysteriously, is violated by them without realizing it, etc.



Genesis 20

Abraham journeyed from thence to the land of the South, and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister. And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.

Abraham And here again to take the same strategy that worked so well with the poor Pharaoh. And who blame God?

But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said, Behold, you are dead because of the woman you have taken, which is married to husband.

And poor Abimelech confesses unaware of the situation of Sarah.

But Abimelech had not come to her and said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? Is not he told me: My sister is, and she also said: He is my brother? the integrity of my heart and cleanness of my hands I have done this.

And here the Hebrew God admits that he knew the situation ..

God said to him in dreams, I also know that the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also withheld thee from sinning against me, and so do not let you touch her. Now therefore restore the man his wife, he is a prophet, and pray for you, and live.

might well have acted as God to Abraham if sin was that act. Instead of blaming or warn Abraham of the measure, it punishes the innocent who did not know he was committing adultery (sin morally bad for Judeo-Christian God). But God does not punish the real culprit, it is Abraham, prefers to punish even the innocent victims.

And if thou restore her not, know that you shall surely die, and all yours. Abimelech rose early and called all his servants and told all these things in their ears, and men feared greatly.

As previously and Pharaoh did with Abraham ....

Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said: What have you done? How have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? What ought not to have done to me. And Abimelech said to Abraham: What did you think, for you to do this?

And Abraham confesses his cowardice ... Not only that, he admits that he married his sister.

And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely there is no fear of God in this place and kill me because of my wife. And indeed she is my sister, daughter my father, but not the daughter of my mother, and she became my wife.

And why using this strategy so mean to her sister? Because that the same order (although it sounds absurd) God ever made him lie to the people by his sister.

And when God caused me to wander from the house of my father, I said: This is the mercy that you will do me in every place whither we shall come, say of me is my brother.

And with Pharaoh, Abimelech give away assets that God forgives him.

Abimelech took sheep and oxen and male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham, and restored Sarah his wife. And d ¼ or Abimelech, Behold my land is before thee: dwell where it pleaseth thee. And Sarah said, Behold I have given a thousand pieces of silver to your brother, and behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes of all who are with you, and for all, and was vindicated. Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech and his wife, and his servants, and had children. For the LORD had closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah Abraham's wife.

Note: Like other biblical characters, Abraham traveled from city to city gaining wealth through the manipulation, deceit and war (all with the divine approval and support of course)

Conclusion: Okay deceive long as you report benefits. You can even deny your wife and your sister go through it so you do not kill anyone who falls in love with her ... that God will not punish you but to the poor sucker who commits adultery without knowing it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How Many Calories In A Vegetable Stirfry

"Networks" 2 (Eduard Punset)


Networks is a program prepared and presented by Eduard Punset which are continuously displayed all the advances and discoveries being producing a scientific level, as well as teach us everything that is known so far thanks to science. In the interviews are conducted and minireportages quite entertaining and very much cultural.

Here you have more chapters on this incredible series. That if, this time for Megaupload links.

Note: Many of the missing chapters can be viewed online from the official page, where you can also see all the new ones are being issued.


217-www.megaupload.com/?d=62A3YL9M creative intelligence

219-orbit change
land www.megaupload.com/?d=QHQ8TRUK

220-martial arts


senses senseless www.megaupload.com/?d=HSFV542D 249-

global brain


259-science, horror and film


264-like dinosaurs were
www.megaupload. com /? d = 3AAW13XT

aging 265-277-


the drugs of the future (part-1)

293 - when the brain becomes excited
www.megaupload.com/?d=NL5PUNMG 294-

for serving the navel

296-fusion of the brain and the machine

297-how to build a machine of
time www.megaupload.com/?d=PX2X28FY

298-the climate of the next century www.megaupload.com/?d=U5Q5YMC7

299-mission to Mars

300-the mystery of the origins

as delaying the aging 310-


www.megaupload suicide. com /? d = WAH743N2 320-

sudden death


322-damned by science


unexpected reactions www.megaupload. com /? d = 0D29RJ4S


emotions www.megaupload.com/?d=GLK4KB0W

419-all are of the same tribe

Monday, June 14, 2010

How To Redo Rv Interior

babel and why the man did not mean never. Another big lie and biblical plagiarism.


heard Many know of the biblical story of Babel .... What I do not know is that the story of Babel has totally different and apparently unnoticed: a God that far from helping the man to unite, is the biggest culprit that humanity can not understand and never reconciled.
Not only that, but the myth of Babel is another myth plagiarized from the Sumerian civilization.

Genesis: 11

ERA whole earth in a language and a
words. It happened as they journeyed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And
said one to another: Well, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly. And fuels the brick for stone, and bitumen
mortar. And they said: Come, let us build
a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven, and
make a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.

E is the real purpose of the tower, make a name and that people did not disperse to gain fame for such building, a tower that reaches to the sky (something clearly impossible until now). The text says absolutely nothing about the purpose of these people were building to reach the sky and thus be with God, or live there and other inventions church.

LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men.

And it assumes that God is omnipresent (is everywhere), but here as in other biblical stories, is to descend to see something that happens in creation. ...?

And the LORD said, Behold the people is one, and they have all one language, and have begun to act, and nothing will be restrained now than they have imagined to do. Now let us go down and there confuse their language, they will not understand another's speech.

Accordingly, God is concerned and worried enough that the man should be united, be understood and reached the goals proposed. And another contradiction regarding his omniscience and previously reported: It is assumed that he had "descended to see the city", and this goes back down a second time.

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of the whole earth, and they stopped building the city. Hence the name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth, and from there spread over the face of the earth.

So Judeo-Christian believers, thank your god that his ego and fear of the unity of man, it never fails to be understood.

Just as point of absurdity of this story:

"If God existed and were omniscient (as it affirms the Judeo-Christianity and Islam), you would know that such a feat was impossible, and More on that time with the materials that people had. With which would be absurd for an all-powerful and infinitely wise lake worry so trivial. And more just and merciful god (as believers say)

Today there is a building in Dubai called the Burj of 818 meters high and built by people of different languages \u200b\u200band nationalities.

is an impressive piece of engineering made with modern materials and high strength, and, for now, holds the record for the tallest building in the world.

image002 As you can see, is not the only tall building built by man.

Do you really swallow the story that
people who lived in prehistoric times, when not yet known nor iron or steel, wanted to build a tower high enough to touch the sky and God cared so much so he decided to act and to separate those people doing that are not understood and thus create and different languages?
If that God was so wise, know that even if the man wanted to build that time does not mean that it could be feasible.

But is that not only this time there are huge buildings, other buildings are also not biblical stressed at the time they got the height (and in which the Hebrew God did not act to prevent anything): Previous

Lighthouse of Alexandria, extol a big building which was the highest in history until the fourteenth century was overtaken by spire of Lincoln Cathedral (England) and the building stone world's tallest until well into the nineteenth century, being then passed through the needle of St. Nikolai, Hamburg. This is The Great Pyramid of Giza . built about the year 2570 ASC and an original height of 146.61 meters (currently 136.86 meters)


-No archaeological sites ever found in a building, only assumptions based on interpretations.

All Western archaeologists attempted to locate this famous building in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Iraq. Among other sites, was sought in Akar QUF (west of Baghdad), where Dur formerly existed Karigalzu (twisted ruins of which ziggurat, identified by some travelers to the Tower of Babel still challenges to the winds that have shaped) and in Birs Nimrud, where the ruins of the ancient Borsippa , near the ruins of ancient Babylon, to the southwest.


In 1913, archaeologist Robert Koldewey found a structure in the city of Babylon, which he identified as the Tower of Babel. This tower would have been destroyed and rebuilt several times due to changing target in the area. The Assyrians destroyed and the Syrians. It was rebuilt several times by the Chaldean princes, including Nabopolassar (625-605 BC). It is estimated that the oldest building of the "House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth" was built during the third millennium BC.

base this tower would have been a square of side 92 meters , and its original height would have been increased in times of Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II (605-592 BC), to make a worthy example of his power and greatness. Calculations based on other archaeological excavations determined that this tower step may have had between 60 and 90 m in height (something insignificant compared to any high-rise today to a supposed god would take care of it.)

http:/ / es.wikipedia.org / wiki / Torre_de_Babel

- Different languages \u200b\u200bhave arisen because of the history of babel but have been created by different cultures.
To understand it better: The man is not separated by having different languages, I think these different languages \u200b\u200bthanks to live in different places and different cultures form.


OTHER Sumerian myth plagiarism by the Hebrews.

Nimrod, who was the first to become king after the Flood , whom the Bible identifies as a mighty hunter opposed Yahweh is identified as the real manager of the idea of \u200b\u200bcarrying out this huge company . Some have tried to identify with or Sharrukin Sargon I Akkad, founder of the first Empire Semitic (Akkadian ) in living memory. Others see in this mighty hunter figure of the god Ninurta Assyrian god of war and hunting , as Nimrod, was happy to hunt down his enemies.

In the absence of stone for construction, it decided to manufacture bricks. And neither had lime mortar used bitumen.

Peleg (whose name is perpetuated in a city at the confluence of the Euphrates Khabor, mentioned on the tablets of the town of Mari on the Euphrates middle, and Greco-Roman at the time bore the name of Phaliga) have lived from about 2269 to about 2030 asc Its name means "division" because "in his days the earth was divided", ie "the population land "," hence the Lord had spread over the entire surface of the earth. " A cuneiform text-Sharri Shar-kali, king of Akkad (and successor of Sargon of Akkad), who lived at the time of the patriarchs, mentioned that restored the temple tower Babilum ( Babel Babylon), which implies that such a building existed before his reign. In fact, in the Sumerian records is mentioned as Kadingira , which is the equivalent of the Akkadian Babilum Sumerian.

To understand why this myth of Sumerian origin Hebrew is necessary to know something more about the time Acadia: Towards

2350 a. C. , Sargon, an Akkadian source usurper, seized power in the city of Kish . He founded a new capital, Agade and conquered the other Sumerian cities, beating Lugalzagesi , the king of Umma hitherto dominant. This was the first great empire in history and would be continued by the successor of Sargon, which would have to face constant riots. Among them, the grandson of the conqueror, Naram-Sin . This step marked the beginning of the decline of the Sumerian language and culture for the Acadians.

The empire broke into 2220 a. C., due to constant riots and invasions of the nomadic Amorites and mainly Gutians . After his fall, the entire region fell under the domination of these tribes, who were imposed on the city-states of the region, especially in Agade destroyed environment. Sumerian chronicles describe consistently negative, as "barbarian hordes" or "dragon mountain" , but the reality may not be so negative, in some schools there was a real flowering of the arts. This is the case in the city of Lagash , especially during the rule of Gudea patesi . In addition to the artistic quality in works of Lagash were used materials from remote regions: cedar of Lebanon or greenstone, gold and carnelian from the Indus Valley, suggesting that trade should not see especially ballasting. Southern cities, furthest from the center of power guti, bought his freedom in return for large taxes; Uruk and Ur prospered during his fourth and second dynasties.


SUMMARY 1 .- The Sumerians created the myth through their religion. And as has become customary in all religions, adapting a story perhaps an old building right in yours.
2 .- The Amorites (tribes belonging to Canaan), through wars, slavery and trade with the Sumerian people, caught several Sumerian stories and adapt them to their religious beliefs (as they did with the story Noah's Ark and many others).
3 .- The Amorite tribes together (followers of God or Elohim He ), with the tribes of Judah (followers of the god Yahweh ) both unify the stories they had managed to reign as the Sumerian the Tanakh or Old Testament. Which is, during these centuries, in constant growth and change. Proof of this are the hundreds of contradictions in the same Bible stories (some taken Canaanites and other stories of Judea).

Elohist The biblical source is the ages: IX asc
Yahvist biblical source is the tenth and ninth centuries asc

The two biblical texts are written after the seventeenth century Sumerian

So not only have a story plagiarized by the nomadic Hebrew the Sumerian, but that history is immoral and contradictory to the supposed characteristics that are attributed to God Hebrew Judeo-Christian-Muslim.