Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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The son of" God "- Documentary

This documentary about the true origins of Christianity as the Roman Empire created the myth of Jesus plagiarizing earlier myths and beliefs that then consider "pagan" (popular - a derogatory way). This continued to underpin the control and dominion over the people living in that empire, which was divided by centuries of decadent rulers and a variety of religions and beliefs that had absorbed the same rule to expand throughout Europe, North Africa and Middle East. All these conflicts were resolved by a famous council (Nicaea in 325) and the political and diplomatic skills of Emperor Constantine, who in the council laid the foundations of Christianity today, ending with the other religions.

Christianity before Jesus
If it were true that Jesus never proclaimed himself the Son of God, as some scholars, who ' did?, "and that ?.... The original message of the Great Teacher of the myth forged by St. Paul and his successors: a fascinating search for the true origins of the faith cristiana.Emprenderemos this adventure in time, under the guide for researchers, historians and mythological speak of the existence of many other "sons of God" before Jesus resurrected, Egyptians, Iran, Greece and Rome. Developer to undertake a journey that goes from the first decades of our era, when the apostolic and episcopal communities I and II century adopted the mystery cults and the miracles attributed to Christ and other wonders of the eastern Mediterranean hombres.dioses as Dionysus and Mithras, until the fourth century, when the Council of Nicaea defined the official doctrine of the Church of Rome and proclaim Jesus of Nazareth as the only Son of God "by imperial decree.
the Jesus the Jewish Messiah Christian
The canonical Gospels were written decades after Jesus' death. And the creed and the Christian dogmas were invented centuries later. What we know about Jesus Christ right then? ... Currently, many researchers are finding that the interpretation made by the Christianity of his life and the meaning of his mission on earth does not coincide with ideas that had seguidores.La his first controversy arose and soon after his death and those who believed in Christ sustained conceptions much more varied and divergent from that today divide the Christian churches. Was the son of God? Was a God manifested in human appearance? "It was an extraordinary man who was deified mythically ?....

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

Part 5.


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