Monday, June 14, 2010

How To Redo Rv Interior

babel and why the man did not mean never. Another big lie and biblical plagiarism.


heard Many know of the biblical story of Babel .... What I do not know is that the story of Babel has totally different and apparently unnoticed: a God that far from helping the man to unite, is the biggest culprit that humanity can not understand and never reconciled.
Not only that, but the myth of Babel is another myth plagiarized from the Sumerian civilization.

Genesis: 11

ERA whole earth in a language and a
words. It happened as they journeyed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And
said one to another: Well, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly. And fuels the brick for stone, and bitumen
mortar. And they said: Come, let us build
a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven, and
make a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.

E is the real purpose of the tower, make a name and that people did not disperse to gain fame for such building, a tower that reaches to the sky (something clearly impossible until now). The text says absolutely nothing about the purpose of these people were building to reach the sky and thus be with God, or live there and other inventions church.

LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men.

And it assumes that God is omnipresent (is everywhere), but here as in other biblical stories, is to descend to see something that happens in creation. ...?

And the LORD said, Behold the people is one, and they have all one language, and have begun to act, and nothing will be restrained now than they have imagined to do. Now let us go down and there confuse their language, they will not understand another's speech.

Accordingly, God is concerned and worried enough that the man should be united, be understood and reached the goals proposed. And another contradiction regarding his omniscience and previously reported: It is assumed that he had "descended to see the city", and this goes back down a second time.

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of the whole earth, and they stopped building the city. Hence the name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth, and from there spread over the face of the earth.

So Judeo-Christian believers, thank your god that his ego and fear of the unity of man, it never fails to be understood.

Just as point of absurdity of this story:

"If God existed and were omniscient (as it affirms the Judeo-Christianity and Islam), you would know that such a feat was impossible, and More on that time with the materials that people had. With which would be absurd for an all-powerful and infinitely wise lake worry so trivial. And more just and merciful god (as believers say)

Today there is a building in Dubai called the Burj of 818 meters high and built by people of different languages \u200b\u200band nationalities.

is an impressive piece of engineering made with modern materials and high strength, and, for now, holds the record for the tallest building in the world.

image002 As you can see, is not the only tall building built by man.

Do you really swallow the story that
people who lived in prehistoric times, when not yet known nor iron or steel, wanted to build a tower high enough to touch the sky and God cared so much so he decided to act and to separate those people doing that are not understood and thus create and different languages?
If that God was so wise, know that even if the man wanted to build that time does not mean that it could be feasible.

But is that not only this time there are huge buildings, other buildings are also not biblical stressed at the time they got the height (and in which the Hebrew God did not act to prevent anything): Previous

Lighthouse of Alexandria, extol a big building which was the highest in history until the fourteenth century was overtaken by spire of Lincoln Cathedral (England) and the building stone world's tallest until well into the nineteenth century, being then passed through the needle of St. Nikolai, Hamburg. This is The Great Pyramid of Giza . built about the year 2570 ASC and an original height of 146.61 meters (currently 136.86 meters)


-No archaeological sites ever found in a building, only assumptions based on interpretations.

All Western archaeologists attempted to locate this famous building in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Iraq. Among other sites, was sought in Akar QUF (west of Baghdad), where Dur formerly existed Karigalzu (twisted ruins of which ziggurat, identified by some travelers to the Tower of Babel still challenges to the winds that have shaped) and in Birs Nimrud, where the ruins of the ancient Borsippa , near the ruins of ancient Babylon, to the southwest.


In 1913, archaeologist Robert Koldewey found a structure in the city of Babylon, which he identified as the Tower of Babel. This tower would have been destroyed and rebuilt several times due to changing target in the area. The Assyrians destroyed and the Syrians. It was rebuilt several times by the Chaldean princes, including Nabopolassar (625-605 BC). It is estimated that the oldest building of the "House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth" was built during the third millennium BC.

base this tower would have been a square of side 92 meters , and its original height would have been increased in times of Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II (605-592 BC), to make a worthy example of his power and greatness. Calculations based on other archaeological excavations determined that this tower step may have had between 60 and 90 m in height (something insignificant compared to any high-rise today to a supposed god would take care of it.)

http:/ / / wiki / Torre_de_Babel

- Different languages \u200b\u200bhave arisen because of the history of babel but have been created by different cultures.
To understand it better: The man is not separated by having different languages, I think these different languages \u200b\u200bthanks to live in different places and different cultures form.Ć³n

OTHER Sumerian myth plagiarism by the Hebrews.

Nimrod, who was the first to become king after the Flood , whom the Bible identifies as a mighty hunter opposed Yahweh is identified as the real manager of the idea of \u200b\u200bcarrying out this huge company . Some have tried to identify with or Sharrukin Sargon I Akkad, founder of the first Empire Semitic (Akkadian ) in living memory. Others see in this mighty hunter figure of the god Ninurta Assyrian god of war and hunting , as Nimrod, was happy to hunt down his enemies.

In the absence of stone for construction, it decided to manufacture bricks. And neither had lime mortar used bitumen.

Peleg (whose name is perpetuated in a city at the confluence of the Euphrates Khabor, mentioned on the tablets of the town of Mari on the Euphrates middle, and Greco-Roman at the time bore the name of Phaliga) have lived from about 2269 to about 2030 asc Its name means "division" because "in his days the earth was divided", ie "the population land "," hence the Lord had spread over the entire surface of the earth. " A cuneiform text-Sharri Shar-kali, king of Akkad (and successor of Sargon of Akkad), who lived at the time of the patriarchs, mentioned that restored the temple tower Babilum ( Babel Babylon), which implies that such a building existed before his reign. In fact, in the Sumerian records is mentioned as Kadingira , which is the equivalent of the Akkadian Babilum Sumerian.

To understand why this myth of Sumerian origin Hebrew is necessary to know something more about the time Acadia: Towards

2350 a. C. , Sargon, an Akkadian source usurper, seized power in the city of Kish . He founded a new capital, Agade and conquered the other Sumerian cities, beating Lugalzagesi , the king of Umma hitherto dominant. This was the first great empire in history and would be continued by the successor of Sargon, which would have to face constant riots. Among them, the grandson of the conqueror, Naram-Sin . This step marked the beginning of the decline of the Sumerian language and culture for the Acadians.

The empire broke into 2220 a. C., due to constant riots and invasions of the nomadic Amorites and mainly Gutians . After his fall, the entire region fell under the domination of these tribes, who were imposed on the city-states of the region, especially in Agade destroyed environment. Sumerian chronicles describe consistently negative, as "barbarian hordes" or "dragon mountain" , but the reality may not be so negative, in some schools there was a real flowering of the arts. This is the case in the city of Lagash , especially during the rule of Gudea patesi . In addition to the artistic quality in works of Lagash were used materials from remote regions: cedar of Lebanon or greenstone, gold and carnelian from the Indus Valley, suggesting that trade should not see especially ballasting. Southern cities, furthest from the center of power guti, bought his freedom in return for large taxes; Uruk and Ur prospered during his fourth and second dynasties.


SUMMARY 1 .- The Sumerians created the myth through their religion. And as has become customary in all religions, adapting a story perhaps an old building right in yours.
2 .- The Amorites (tribes belonging to Canaan), through wars, slavery and trade with the Sumerian people, caught several Sumerian stories and adapt them to their religious beliefs (as they did with the story Noah's Ark and many others).
3 .- The Amorite tribes together (followers of God or Elohim He ), with the tribes of Judah (followers of the god Yahweh ) both unify the stories they had managed to reign as the Sumerian the Tanakh or Old Testament. Which is, during these centuries, in constant growth and change. Proof of this are the hundreds of contradictions in the same Bible stories (some taken Canaanites and other stories of Judea).

Elohist The biblical source is the ages: IX asc
Yahvist biblical source is the tenth and ninth centuries asc

The two biblical texts are written after the seventeenth century Sumerian

So not only have a story plagiarized by the nomadic Hebrew the Sumerian, but that history is immoral and contradictory to the supposed characteristics that are attributed to God Hebrew Judeo-Christian-Muslim.


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