The term comes from the Latin sect 'path', 'method', 'Lifestyle', 'political party', 'school of philosophy' (hence sectátor sectatorios and 'sticky', 'tracker') coming from sequi 'follow'. Concerns have been raised that comes from the Latin secare (cut, split). De secare from the word "insect" and "sector." In both cases there is the idea of \u200b\u200bseparation.
In Europe the word cult is derived primarily designed sequi 'follow'. This is to follow a teacher, a leader. In many sects is so.
also used the euphemism "new religious movements." The problem of terminology is important, since from different areas of thought and science offer different definitions. The expert Vicente Jara has compiled more than 15 definitions before proposing its own: the cult is "a social group that practices predatory mimicry and the lure."
SECTA The English word comes from the Latin sequor which means continue , this in turn comes from the Indo-European root * sek-(track). [Sanskrit: take off, 'he continues'].
Pursuing is the expression of a general feature of social behavior, perhaps related to tribalism , seeking impose or enforce conformity .
religious sects
Although the term "sect" is related to groups having the same affinity, over the years has acquired a connotation connected to radical groups, usually religious. The psychologist who specializes in cults Michael Langone the following statements described in his concept of the sects
![La cruz ardiente es uno de los símbolos de los grupos sectarios del Ku Klux Klan que imitó al catolicismo al punto de usar prendas sacerdotales, desarrollando un ritual elaborado y una jerarquía igualmente elaborada.](
Religious sects are defined as radical religious groups, usually small, but high rate of expansion, comprising men and women associated voluntarily after a religious conversion. Are characterized by highly exclusive groups that are placed against other cultural and religious positions, which develops in a significant loss of identity in its members, creating a kind of inner world where the leaders or have the total control group. The fans groups adhere to concepts closed, rigid and conservative , oblivious to modern plurality and religious tolerance , separate from the spiritual world, voluntarily, and create a faction that advocates and promotes its values \u200b\u200bover others.
In many cases, attract new members preaching easy solutions to the problems of life, immediate outputs personal situations of oppression or bouts of depression, the passport to paradise after death or life lighting.
leaders of such groups usually have a strong and charismatic personality, and induce its members to believe in a true "deeper" than other people or religions, using what is commonly known as washing brain. Achieved gradually and that followers obey dogma blindly, with no room for opinions or personal feelings of freedom of criteria, gradually abandoning its own discernment.
is present and, in some sects, the brainwashing, mind control the the persecution, human exploitation and sexual violence, slavery and various forms of abuse, from the point of view sociological .
Although the term "sect" is related to groups having the same affinity, over the years has acquired a connotation connected to radical groups, usually religious. They may or may not, a judicial record in one or more countries for mental manipulation or being destructive cut sets. In some countries, those considered sects shall be accredited or licensed. In general, a sect is more focused on personal worship to the prophet or leader of the group.
Thus, in Europe the word sect is designed primarily derived from the Latin sequi 'follow'. This is to follow a teacher, a leader. In many cults is the case.
According to the exparlamentaria, politics, writer, teacher and columnist Pilar Salarrullana , member of the Commission of the Congress for the study of cults, the real reason to register with Ministry of Justice is the tax advantages it provides and the serious image printing.
Another of the dangers of cults , says the author, are advocating social isolation, religious radicalism and the pursuit of criticism against him.
The sects among them with quite famous people. It is not unusual, for, according to experts at organizations such as Steven Hassan Salarrullana or , claims are important to bring new believers and expand their social recognition, if Tom Cruise with the Church of Scientology . In the decade of the 60, Transcendental Meditation (TM ), promoted by the guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi achieved worldwide fame through its relationship with members of the counterculture of the 60, especially stars pop and rock as Beach Boys or The Beatles . The latter attended a transcendental meditation course Rishikesh, India wrote during which most of the items White Album 1968. The conversion of the Beatles popularity gave the yogi and his movement, but soon some of the artists, were disappointed. relationship with The Beatles was instrumental in the dissemination of MT among young Westerners.
In 1984, the European Parliament approved a report on the phenomenon of new religious movements or sects. In 1983, British Conservative MEP Richard Cottrell a report with previous work on the dangers of certain sectarian groups. The report Cottrell on cults. For more than a year studying the report and the May 22, 1984 the European Parliament by 98 votes in favor, 28 against and 27 abstentions, to approve. MT was one of the groups involved in this report.
Internal Organization
According to Bryan Wilson, most general characteristics of cults are:
- the association is voluntary, but may be induced or encouraged
- a membership that can be assumed some personal requirement established or under consideration by the authorities
- group may be a claim of exclusivity, which sanctioned the expulsion to which contrary to the doctrine, moral precepts or organizational
- group may be a small elite of people who are assigned special knowledge or skills
- desire for personal perfection (whatever way it is conceived)
- real affirmation of the priesthood of all believers
- may rely on lay participation
- possibility that members express their commitment voluntarily
- may show indifference to secular society and state.
According to Stark, sects are groups that are themselves endowed with the structure and organization required to manage the identity of its adherents in terms of a clearly defined set of beliefs or ideologies, but we must also consider the sects have a disagreement with church called majority, ie sects are a counterculture , but maintain a unified system of beliefs and practices relating to sacred things, united in a moral structure called the Church, expressing the sense tending to the "community."
In magical thinking present in religious sects, are taken as valid postulates certain strongly held beliefs in the group, and they construct a "rational" world, following a procedure and pseudo logic. Thus, a person who has not previously screened this branch of ideas or thoughts, to find their most fundamental basis, it may seem at first glance that these thoughts have a scientific order basis and to some extent with formal consistency.
Examples of this may be the science of divination, astrology the the psychoanalysis and a series of pseudo they have accepted, as mentioned above, a magical postulates historical and cultural sense, they do give conclusions, conspiracy theories and arguments much fuller and apparently more meaning and significance for man believer that science itself . It uses the scientific method called to highlight the weakness and arbitrary beliefs based on what supernatural .
Some features that are taken into account to define the sect are
- response to world class reaction
- beliefs
- usual practices of its members While
this provides limited because of the sectarian theological classification:
Ken Wilber distinguishes disruptive or even destructive groups than can be be clarifying and even beneficial, using as criteria:
- the maturity
- integration into society
- the type of authority in the group
The new sects
The subject of destructive cults at certain times has achieved such notoriety, for example in the U.S.. UU. during the sixties or Spain during the eighties , in some European languages \u200b\u200b the word cult is used only to refer to religious groups such alienating without using their other meanings.
Among other meanings of the term, also known as students sect groups emerged during the nineties in various religious schools. Generally
sect has a dogmatic view or spiritual , or so they believe makes proselytes. From the hand of economic and technological development has created new sects whose purpose appears to be the personal development. There are few more powerful than others, their methodologies can be notoriously contradictory distacianciandose much of what they promise.
In two-volume work The Open Society and Its Enemies, 1938-1943, Karl Popper used the term "conspiracy theory " to criticize the ideologies driving fascism, Nazism and communism. Poper claimed that totalitarianism was founded on "conspiracy theories" that relied on imaginary plots driven by paranoid scenarios predicated on tribalism , racism or classism . Karl Popper argued that science is written as a set of falsifiable hypothesis, the theories and assertions that do not support any possibility of falsification are considered metaphysical or unscientific. Critics of conspiracy theories sometimes argue that many of them are not falsifiable and so can not be scientific. This accusation is often accurate, and is a necessary consequence of the logical structure ( cognitive bias) of certain kinds of conspiracy theories. These take the form of existential assertions , alleging the existence of any action or object without specifying the place or time which can be observed. The lack of observation of the phenomenon can then always be the result of looking in the wrong place, ie being tricked the conspiracy. This makes impossible any demonstration that the conspiracy does not exist.
religious sects are religious movements can be free and voluntary, with a tendency to exclusivity, they emerge and grow mainly in popular sectors, develop strong community ties and lack of a group of highly specialized staff. They may also be confused with social movements , protest groups against the social order and dominant religious societies.
religious sect is also called religious group that has differentiated and independent of an established religion. Sects have many beliefs and practices in common with the religion that have separated, but are distinguished by a number of doctrinal differences . Any religious group could be considered cult, because it separates an anterior trunk. The Christianity, which in turn is a sect of Judaism , is the largest current generator sects from belief in Jesus there have been thousands of movements, sects and churches throughout the lower world. However, remembering back to Michael Langone, most organizations institutionalized and socially accepted, are regulatory mechanisms that control and restrict the development of small groups sectarian attitudes.
often respond to a profile doctrinal dualistic, apocalyptic and pre-millennial and literary inspiration (Bible, Koran, Mormon etc) fundamentalist. Sects, with more chances of success are generally traditionalists , and even conservative, ultraconservative. His philosophical approach usually tries to return or at least he wishes, his religion of origin to the perceived religious purity. For which they decide to separate the source group, led by a charismatic character of the new group.
In English, the term cult pejorative Equivalent to the English word "sect" in its most common has a high degree of tension with the surrounding society, but their belief is, in the context of that society, new and innovative.
The sociologists anglophones use the word sect ('creed', 'cult' or 'sect' in its meaning less used) to refer to a religious group that also has a high degree of tension with society surroundings, but whose belief is within the context of that society, largely traditional.
As a first example we can mention the Scientology, considered a sect in several European countries, although in recent rulings has been allowed to give the character of religion. This organization was founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard and has members recognized as Tom Cruise John Travolta and . One way to raise funds is to recruit people who have to pay a high price for the material that is offered as a first point espirutual freedom and happiness.
have emerged from this stream-improvement companies, which though perhaps not as alienating as Scientology, far from being beneficial, and only in a few cases able to help people.
To achieve its mission, such sects use the training ontological (the Greek ontos : 'all' in the sense that it influences every individual's life, including their privacy). Most specialists agree that training (coaching) itself is not bad, is useful for companies and help people (as can be also psychology) while not handle the ideology of the individual. In contrast, the ontological training, which although derived from coaching , often alienating the subject, to make it perform the duties of the company. And mixing a little of everything: training, Gestalt psychology and various metaphysical concepts.
Other movements or recognized such companies, similar to Scientology:
Humanist Movement
The Humanist Movement is listed as a cult in many countries, although its members and people related to this ideology argue that within the Humanist Movement there is full freedom of conscience, requires all members practice "exercises of Self-liberation" and imposed (kindly) ideologizing reading in each of its meetings.
has a political wing that is Humanist Party and its founder is Mendoza Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos , aka Shiloh.
However, from 2000, has within it a gradual opening and delegation of various currents of thought decentralized, which suggested the move away from Rodriguez Cobos and the delegation of authority and power of the sect in the hands of his subordinates, This was not a facade, since the advertised distance Silo became the announcement of a new religion "New Age" in which Mario Rodriguez (Silo) holds the position of ultimate authority ...
Destructive Cults
A destructive cult is a group of people who follow a particular religious movement or ideological in which they practiced mind control , why, under seemingly harmless can be dangerous, for the harmful effects they have on prospective members. These effects are felt long-term and often border on the outrageous case of a violent nature with dyes, suicidal, homicidal or even genocide.
groups are presented in the form of association, or associations which apparently include cultural, political, religious or even therapy for diseases or social problems. Characterized mainly by using techniques coercive persuasion as a method of social influence, previously used methods of seduction and also have one or several leaders. Very often a pyramidal hierarchy of order. Often used in addition to social disorientation situations as natural disasters of war or terrorism to reaffirm the purpose generally apocalyptic world and its falsehood, often also for profit. In some countries are classified as destructive or dangerous and therefore prohibited, often acting in secrecy.
dangerous when it is defined by their allegiance to the sect, the person develops problems of adaptation social work or family, when in addition restricts the freedom or dependence to it. Some psychologists and experts say more than a third of the minions just abandoning them, even if they have a weak personality and "presectaria" have a high risk of re-entering into another social group or sect dangerous as an addiction.
Compared by some subconscious, with a computer, his understanding of the information is different. It is programmed in one way or another and run blindly, without fail, the program has been given. Know it or not the individual. Using if necessary the delusion and auto . See also Brainwashing and Mind Control .
The program provides a simple way. Strictly speaking, there are several programs that are set in the subject, age or emotional state (fatigue, poor diet without protein, infatuation, etc) that his critical sense is still very poorly developed and readily accepted and naturally all the suggestions from outside. These tips, underpin the program, come at the beginning of the parents, later adding other adults, educators and individuals with whom the child or the person relates, which may be of the same age or even younger and sex, and even in the absence of humans, animals and animal societies. Due to the associative property of human beings.
A single word or experience, may well make a living and raise an obstacle which the individual would not be surpassed for many years. A declaration of love, bad news, congratulations ... transform our inner being in one direction or the next, and most notable is that these words are actually suggestions and autosuggestions not even need to be certain to have a strong impact on someone , while conscious mind to accept them.
A belief is a model created by the mind to satisfy a desire , usually on a real or imaginary, which is unknown or is not acceptable as an alternative or a rational response. In a belief that those individuals will share this desire for good a proposition and act as if it were true, but it is not. Since the unconscious , unlike psyche without understanding the processes by logic is more susceptible to cognitive distortions produced by beliefs and feelings. And even the psyche reasoning, tends to be guided by the cognitive biases .
cognitive bias is called to distortion of information that occurs in our brain to process it. Unlike what is commonly understood by Prejudice: Making decisions without having a personal experience.
The main feature of destructive cults is their ability to implement, using mind control, a gregarious personality in their followers, resulting in the person called atypical dissociative syndrome.
additionalso tend to own:
- authoritarian pyramid Organization: There is no democracy in any of the steps or allow criticism and exile instills critical thinking.
- Existence of a leader, or group of leaders, whose decision is the only one that counts. The leader controls all movements of the limbs, and their money and not subject to the same rules as the fans. But the leader and followers will believe the message or you end up thinking, note that second-level leaders do not usually share the belief and if the profit and power. Isolation
- adherents of the world in general and family relations in particular.
- It handles all incoming information.
- Installs a speech demonizing the "world" while urging followers to lay a boundless confidence in the sect, especially in second-level leaders.
In 1995, the National Assembly headed by Alain Gest , defined 10 criteria to characterize destructive cults:
- mental destabilization character
- exorbitant financial demands its adherents
- induced disruption to the environment or home environment
- physical attacks against
- recruitment of child antisocial
- speech disturbances of public order
- importance of lawsuits against sects
- eventual diversion of economic cycles traditional attempts to clash in public authorities
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