Murderers deflected, deformed monsters and decapitated bodies are natural elements in the chilling tales of Hino, full of autobiographical details. In one of his masterpieces, Panorama Infernal , Hino plague the story of childhood memories. Born in China to Japanese parents, had to endure discrimination against the Japanese after the Second World War and in fact his family had to flee before being lynched by their neighbors, which is reflected in perhaps his masterpiece. Another example: an inflammation of the intestine served the author of raw material for which is possibly his most sick (and that's a lot of sickness), The Red Snake. The author knows how to move these times of illness, prior to the death and terror in his biography to get a story full of visual horror, grotesque and scatological. In other stories Hino is more compassionate towards her and cursed creatures, but always expected a final agonizing stormy use them against the ravages of society and the marginalization of difference, so it is as interesting as works Man Cadaver, El NiƱo Gusano or El Hijo del Diablo, works full of tenderness toward the monstrous. The author has written some of the television adaptations of his works, and has come to address a couple of gore films in the series Guinea Pig, realism of the bloody scenes was such that ran the urban legend that it was snuff movies, which brought the odd little problem with Hino. In any case, the means to understand is to read their sleeves Hino sick. Of course, refrain those with stomach problems ...
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