Bill Plympton animations are a challenge to reality. A continuous terrorist attacks on the known forms. Metamorphosis and a politically incorrect bad grapes fill the art of an illustrator who has managed to remain independent and original despite its success. With a very peculiar style, full of sketched lines and pastel colors, and arguments that dislocate the ways to expand them and transform them from the most unexpected ways, the mood of Plympton is full of sadism and sex, treated in a fun and crazy. Plympton know it seems that the obsessions of the society and ridicule to their maximum ratings.
Entertainers the likes of Terry Gilliam or Matt Groening has admitted to being fans of Plympton, who has expanded his art to the animated feature film with a few gems as I Married a Strange! ( I Married A Strange Person!, 1997), Mutant Aliens ( Mutant Aliens, 2001) or the jewel of gothic horror rockabilly Hair High (2004). The animator's work has also been reflected in the advertising world. It never hurts to see how far Plympton with animation impossible, trying to prove that animation is not a means only child and that elements such as sex or violence can be part of their arguments. Currently working on a no dialogue throughout true to punk.
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