Monday, August 11, 2008

Cost Of Alcohol Insurance


The satyr Pan in Greek mythology is not only the God of shepherds and flocks, it is also the god of fertility and male sexuality. That part of man's animal instinct and was represented by a figure, half goat and half human. According to one their pedigrees would be the son of God Hermes (Mercury in Roman mythology), who pretending to be a ram made a divine visitilla (the Greek gods themselves who could ride) to Penelope in the absence of her husband Odysseus . Pan siginificaría word "son of all" as a reference to Penelope's numerous infidelities. Pan is often depicted with a flute, with which delighted the cattle, and chasing nymphs, excessive displays of sexuality.
Inspired by the figure of the satyr hipersexuado, the English playwright Fernando Arrabal the Chilean filmmaker Fernando Jorodowsky and French illustrator Roland Topor, founded in 1962, the Panic Movement, under the slogan of making fun of French philosophy prevailing at the time and principles that bound to Surrealism. Under three basic principles: horror, humor, and simultaneity, the artists claimed the prevalence of insanity as the only way to survive in a society undergoing a crisis of values. The critique of reason and the exaltation of the ambiguity are other characteristics of the members of the movement. The group made several plays that can be framed within the theater of the absurd before being dissolved in 1973 by Jorodowsky.
probably the least known member of the movement is the French artist Roland Topor, despite being in many respects, who best represent the irreverent and humorous character of the movement, filling his extensive work of black humor and surrealist elements both his illustrations and in their collaborations in various arts, most remarkably the film, but also the theater, where he signed original and provocative works as Vinci Was Right. He also stressed writing novels, The Tenant was filmed by Roman Polanski .

illustrator's work Topor soon moved to the world of animation, collaborating with René Laloux one of the most interesting and disturbing work that has been animated film, Wild World ( La Planète sauvage, 1973). The science fiction film marked a before and after the European animated film. Their collaboration on the film was not limited to animation, having participated as an actor in several films, being prominent role in the version made in 1979 Werner Herzog's classic Nosferatu . In 1988, in collaboration with director Enrique Xhonneux , Topor life adapts Marquis de Sade in one of the largest Mars has given the film Marquis, a film in which all actors were covered with animal masks, and where the penis of Sade was a character in the play. Topor died in 1997.

illustrator's work Topor soon moved to the world of animation, collaborating with René Laloux one of the most interesting and disturbing work that has been animated films, The Wild World (La Planète sauvage , 1973). The science fiction film marked a before and after the European animated film. Their collaboration on the film was not limited to animation, having participated as an actor in several films, being prominent role in the version made in 1979 Werner Herzog's classic Nosferatu. In 1988, in collaboration with director Enrique Xhonneux , Topor life adapts the Marquis de Sade on one of the largest Mars has given the film Marquis, a film in which all actors were covered with masks animals, and where the penis de Sade was a character in the play. Topor died in 1997.

Fernando Arrabal happened to be a drunken lunatic after passing through a program in 1989 where he began to defend their theories in favor of millenarianism, one of the most shameful episodes in history cathodic (which attach to the delight of staff). The truth is that the eccentricities of human beings has overshadowed the author. Best known for his work as a playwright, who has won awards internationally, and maintains a spirit of transgression and provocative, Arrabal has been able to move in various fields, seven films coming to sign a surreal style, many of them adaptations of his literary work, some of which are true works full of dissonant elements bizarre as his debut, Viva la death.

Alejandro Jorodowsky has gone through various stages and facets, but surely it is his work as a filmmaker who has provided the most famous and has built an image of the author inaccessible and controversial. Fascinated by the theater world and how to transmit the pampering goes a period of six years next to the legendary mime Marcel Marceau . After this season is set in Mexico, where after installing several plays performed for the movie adaptation of a play by Fernando Arrabal, Fando y Lis . The work was highly controversial, both for its narrative surreal touch as raunchy as sexuality with people with disabilities. Jorodowsky became death threats and was about to be lynched, so he had to escape.

Jorodowsky made in 1970 would be his most popular work, the cult western El Topo where repeated mixing elements in his films, such as references to the spiritual, symbolic objects and characters, a provocative language and excessive footage unfortunately runs counter to the narrative. Despite this, El Topo became a cult classic, a groundbreaking film that gave Jorodowsky international fame to the point of interest John Lennon , who promoted the film and produced, with the representative of the Beatles Allan Klein, his next foray into film, the revolutionary and unclassifiable The Holy Mountain. The original idea is that the film stars George Harrison , but finally he refused demands by Jorodowsky, who wanted the Beatles taught the year. Even without Harrison, The Holy Mountain (1973) remains a jewel of the cinema full of symbology of the tarot and transference elements containing some of the most striking images they have seen these eyes. Halfway between documentary film represents an acid trip of a group of hippies bourgeois aspirations and a first part, more interesting, where a reading Jorodowsky visually stunning of Latin American dictatorships of the 70. The film, not to vary, was a scandal.

The distribution of both films Jorodowsky and Klein embarked on a legal battle did not end until 2004, when he finally was able to reach an agreement. Director's next project would never come to fruition, it was the adaptation of the science fiction novel Dune of Frank Herbert . For this we have an impressive team from whom were Orson Welles, Salvador Dali, Pink Floyd and HRGiger . Especially interesting was the contribution of French comics illustrator Moebius, who made numerous sketches, the absence of the film would eventually become the legendary comic The Incal , written by himself Jorodowsky. Many elements of the film, but it was never made to withdraw the project's producer, would end up being the germ of Alien and Star Wars .
After several failed projects, in 1989 he filmed his last movie interesting in Mexico Santa Sangre , a mix of giallo cinema and Fellini , produced by Claudio Argento . Among his recent projects has failed is a sequel to El Topo starring Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson (!), Which is a big fan of the work of the Chilean. In fact Manson is committed to playing a pope in 300 years of the director's latest project, King Shot . Do not panic, you probably never see this monstrosity.

The comic world has received numerous science fiction works written by Jorodowsky after the Incal, collaborating with artists of the stature of Juan Giménez, Janjetov or Moebius said. In these comics again uses the symbols and elements of the tarot. His passion for him has led him to write several essays on it, even to hold sessions as tarotista and be considered that he defines as psicomago. So the principal offender has become a guru recycled abuelete new wave. Gone was the change the world. Pan you may drag a gray day and teach their back on the road, grazing, with his flute and after the nymphs ...


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