The gospels (from Greek εὐ αγγέλιον meaning well and meaning message Good News ) Are the documents that tell the story of the life, doctrine and miracles of Jesus of Nazareth . The proclamation of the gospel is called evangelization .
There are four canonical Gospels recognized as official by the various Christian denominations. They are known by the name of their supposed authors: Matthew, Mark , Lucas and Juan . Most experts believe that these four Gospels were written in the second half of first century C., approximately 35 (Mark) and 60 (John) years after the probable date of the death of Jesus of Nazareth, although other experts suggest earlier dates.
Other Gospels, known as apocryphal gospels, not recognized by the Christian churches.
Origin of the term
The word is used for the first time in Christian literature Paul of Tarsus in the first Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Cor 15), written probably in AD 57:
The gospel is, according to Paul, "that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, that he appeared to Peter and then to the twelve. Then he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once, of whom the majority are still living, though some have died. Then he appeared to James, and later to all the apostles . And after all he appeared to me like a child born at the wrong they were. "}
In the same sense that word occurs in Matthew (4.23, 9.35) and Marcos (1.15). It may be the Greek translation of an Aramaic phrase used in his preaching of Jesus of Nazareth but there are no conclusive evidence to claim anything about it. In total, the term "gospel" is used 76 times in the New Testament. It is significant that sixty of them take place in Paul's letters, and that there is no mention of the term in the gospels of Luke and John.
has been speculated that the Hellenistic Christian communities adopted the term "gospel" of emperor worship. Priene exists in an inscription, dated at 9 a. C. , it appears that word with a meaning very similar to that later will give the Christians. In any case, the word was frequently used in previous literature in Greek, including the first Bible translation into this language, known as the Septuagint Bible .
canonical Gospels of an impressive number of gospels written in antiquity, only four were accepted by the Church and considered canonical. Set as the four canonical Gospels was a central concern Irenaeus, about the year 185. In his most important work, Adversus Haereses , Irenaeus harshly criticized both the Christian communities that had used only one gospel, Matthew, and those who accepted several of the apocryphal gospels that we consider, as Gnostic sect of Valentinian . Irenaeus said that the four Gospels by the defendant were the four pillars of the Church. "It is not possible to be neither more nor less than four," he said, presenting as logic the analogy with the four cardinal points or the four winds (01/11/1918) To illustrate his point of view, used a image, taken from Ezekiel 1., the throne of God surrounded by four creatures with faces of different animals (man, lion, bull, eagle), which are the origin of symbols of the four evangelists in Christian iconography.
Three of the canonical gospels, Mark, Matthew and Luke together present important similarities. Because of the similarity there are between called synoptic since 1776, the scholar JJ Griesbach's first published a table of three columns ( synopsis ), which could be covered in a single glance, for better highlight their similarities.
Origin of the canonical gospels
The history of development of the Gospels is confusing, there are several theories about its composition. Analysis scholars have focused on what is called the synoptic problem , ie literary relations between the three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Luke and Mark.
theory has received the greatest consensus is the "theory two sources."
Theory of the two sources
The differences and similarities between the Synoptic Gospels have been explained in different ways. One of the most prevalent theories is called "theory of two sources." According to this theory, Mark is the earliest Gospel of the three, and was used as a source for Matthew and Lucas, which may explain the large amount of material common to all three Synoptics. However, between Luke and Matthew have been observed coincidences that do not appear in Mark, have been attributed to a hypothetical source Q (from German Quelle , source) or protoevangelium Q, which basically consists of a series of lodge ("sayings" or "teachings" of Jesus), with no narrative elements. The discovery at Nag Hammadi of Gospel of Thomas, a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus, which helps reinforce the hypothesis of the existence of the source Q.
The existence of Q was defended by theologians Protestant Weisse ( Die Evangelische Geschichte und Kritische philosopisch bearbeitet, 1838), and Holtzmann (Die Synoptischen gospel in , 1863), and further developed by Wernle ( Die Frage synoptische , 1899), Streeter ( The Four Gospels: A Study of Origins, treating of the manuscript tradition, sources, Authorship, & Dates , 1924), who came to posit four sources (Mark, Q, and two others, he called M and L) and J. Schmid ( Matthäus und Lukas , 1930). Although Bornkann Dibelius and could be an oral tradition, it is likely that they were written source, given the often literal match between the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Also considered likely that the Q was protoevangelium written in Aramaic, and subsequently translated into Greek.
Other theories
Other assumptions which ignore the existence of a source Q. Of these, some say the time priority of Matthew and others believe that Mark was the first Gospel. The most prominent are the following:
- The hypothesis proposed by Farrer argues that the Gospel of Mark was written first and was used as a source for Matt. Lucas, a third step would used both as sources.
- Griesbach's hypothesis gives priority to the Gospel of Matthew. Luke would have used as a source, and finally, Mark would have made use of the above two. It was proposed by Johann Jakob Griesbach in 1789.
- Augustinian hypothesis holds that Matthew was the first gospel, followed by Mark and Luke, and that each evangelist used the precedent as the source. This is the theory closer to the approach of the Fathers of the Church, and the most common in the Catholic tradition.
- The hypothesis of the Essenes argues that it was this group who wrote and compiled most of the writings of Jesus' life and began the Gospel of Q.
Gospel according to John
John is without doubt the last of the canonical gospels, dated rather later than in the Synoptics. The hypothesis developed by Rudolf Bultmann (Das Evangelium des Johannes , 1941) postulates that the author of this Gospel was available to a source, oral or written, about the miracles of Christ, independent of the synoptic gospels, which been called Signs Gospel, whose existence is purely hypothetical.
canonical Gospels are traditionally credited with authorship of the gospels to Matthew, an apostle of Jesus, a disciple of Peter Mark, Luke, Syrian-born doctor disciple of Paul of Tarsus and John apostle of Jesus. However, until today has not been determined yet the real authorship of each Gospel.
modern biblical scholars suggest that perhaps these books, like other New Testament authors are unknown and well-used tradition or previous documents the author who is credited with the book, and the time to write your edition final using a literary custom of antiquity did so under the name of the character whose stories they collected, what is known as pseudografía.
Within the Catholic Church, Vatican II recognized that there is no evidence who were the authors of the Gospels, but from their point of view, which the authors are not those who are traditionally attributed not remove them validity.
dates from the canonical Gospels
There is no agreement about the exact dates they were written. Most experts believe that the canonical Gospels were written in second half of the first century AD C., about half a century after the death of Jesus of Nazareth, but many experts believe they were written before the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem (eg JAT Robinson in his book Redating the New Testament, Garcia and J. Carron JM García Pérez in his work When were the gospels written? , among others)
There is also a minority who proposed that the Gospels were written after the final destruction of Jerusalem during the reign of Hadrian. Raymond E.
Brown, in his book An Introduction to the New Testament considers that the accepted dates are
- Mark: c. 68-73.
- Matthew: c. 70-100 (although some authors do not accept the priority of Mark, put the wording on a date before AD 70).
- Luke: c. 80-100 (a majority of the scholars around the year data 85).
- John: c. 90-110. (Date given by CKBarrett, Brown does not offer a date agreed for the Gospel of John).
These dates are based on the analysis of texts and their relationship with other sources.
regard to the information you provide archeology, the oldest manuscript of the Gospels is called Papyrus P52, containing a large part of the Gospel of John and, according to Papyrologists is of the first half of the century, although there is no consensus on the exact date, having those who delay their dating to the first quarter of the century II who consider it the second quarter.
apocryphal Gospel Apocryphal Gospel
or Extracanonical is the name given to letters that emerged in the early centuries of Christianity around the figure of Jesus of Nazareth and were not accepted by Catholic orthodoxy, among which are the texts of Nag Hammadi. Rationalewere given the name of gospel for their similarity to the four accepted gospels in the canon the New Testament . However, many of them do not have an evangelical style, as they are not used to announce the good news (this is what it means etymologically Gospel).
Some of these writings emerged in Gnostic communities , intended to contain hidden words (Greek apokryphos ). These messages hidden in the words attributed to Jesus were reserved for the initiated in these communities. Although initially termed "apocryphal Gospel "Only to such writings, was later extended to all those who were not included in the New Testament canon, regardless of their purpose, hidden or not. Nowadays the most used meaning to the term apocrypha refers to falsity, for that reason it has also begun to call, extracanonical Gospels.
Among the 50 described include:
- Gnostic Gospels
- Gospel of Philip Gospel
- Thomas Gospel of Mary Magdalene
- Gospel of Judas
- apocryphal Gospel of John
- Valentine Gospel or the Gospel of Truth
- Gospel of the Egyptians
Nativity and Infancy Gospels
- Infancy Gospel of Thomas
- Arabic Gospel of the infancy Gospel
- Armenian children
- Gospel of the Nativity of Mary Santiago
- Protoevangelium
- pseudo-gospel of Matthew
Passion and Resurrection Gospels
- Gospel of Bartholomew Gospel of Nicodemus
- , also called Facts Pilate " (Acta Pilati)
- Gospel of Judas Iscariot
- Secret Gospel of Mark
- Gospel of Peter
- Gospel of Pseudo-Santiago
- Cathar Gospel pseudo-Juan
- Gospel of the Hebrews Gospel
- Ebionites Gospel of Barnabas
- Tatian
- Gospel Gospel of the Nazarenes
- Ammonius Gospel Gospel
- Revenge of Salvador
- Gospel of Pilate's death
- apocryphal Gospel of Galilee
Nag Hammadi manuscripts
The gospel is very important in our lives as Christians and need to understand it perfectly to follow the path of Jesus and reach the kingdom of God, so it is very important to pay attention at the general meetings of the group listen well when reading and when to explain and understand, also not to miss Mass on Sundays because there is also given by the Gospel reading and homily Father is the explanation of the gospel by the priest.Here you can find information on the Gospels:
Gospel of Mark
And here you can find the Gospels for each Sunday
gospel of the day