Sunday, May 18, 2008

Difference In Darvocet And Percocet


live in a world of events. A world stuck in the past, which worships the dead. 14 years and 5 days Roger Hering, respected Swedish citizen and respectable, he looked and found cuckoo clock inside a big nothing told to hang himself in a bathhouse. 66 years and 6 days, when nothing casual Winston Churchill contacted the sorcerer Aleister Crowley to design a symbol with mystical force capable of defeating the Nazi swastika. The symbol chosen was the V for Victory. We could go on forever, every day thousands of ephemeris absurd. But occasionally, one that deserves to be remembered. This week we have completed 10 years after the death of Frank Sinatra. Yes, death morbid because in this culture is usually held prior to death than life, despite the difficulty is then to look at her face. 10 years without definitive crooner, the most popular. It was the first title that deserves Russ Columbo, not the classic, an honor that should be attributed to Bing Crosby. He had the voice of Nat King Cole or Tony Bennett, or the charm of Dean Martin and versatility of Sammy Davis Jr . He was short, had problems with alopecia and gave the impression of having been malnourished its infancy, but became the most popular singer in the era of the soloists, taking advantage of the decline of big bands because of financial shortages in the years after World War II. He invented the pop album in his years at Columbia, creating the concept of conceptual LP, and even became a good actor, choosing not only musical film forays, but risky roles as the junkie drummer Frankie Machine in The Man Golden Arm ( The Man With The Golden Arm , 1955) by Otto Preminger . He began recording in the 30's and his last recordings were sold in 1994 (!), Which gives us some idea of \u200b\u200bthe longevity of the myth, which still continues for Christmas collections, biographies obscurantist or / and myths and all sorts of material about salable.

crooner legend is all a web of light and shade, ranging from the myth of his silver nasal septum caused by his excesses with cocaine, their excesses and antics with the Rat Pack ( from those realized in the chapter devoted to the group in December 2007) and their relationships with women who largely filled the society pages of the era, especially his blind love for the wayward Ava Gardner scored him deeply and inspired one of his finest works, disc In The Wee Small Hours , recorded after divorcing the diva. As for his relations with the mafia would for several films, and in fact inspired much of the mafia movie par excellence, Godfather. Dark episodes in the life of Sinatra and the Tommy Dorsey to sell his exclusive contract with the singer for a dollar and a gun barrel in his mouth or how he got the role given the Oscar in From Here to Eternity (From Here To Eternity , 1953), resulted in the character of Johnny Fontane in The Godfather , played in the film by a second division as crooner was Al Martino. Kennedy Sinatra introduced to what would be his mistress, Judith Campbell whose arts of love shared with one's own Sinatra and mobster Sam Giancana , creating a dangerous triangle of power by Judith gathered information. The woman was pregnant with Kennedy and Giancana recommended an abortion. He also served as an intermediary when Kennedy hired through Giancana mob to kill Fidel Castro. Mythology, in short, worthy of the man who survived his strongest and young competitors Elvis and The Beatles , leading to the dark side first as many. A world that has lived 10 years without Sinatra, pop the hood tends to become more politically correct and definitely more boring ...


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