Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Can Felines Get Hep A

is irritating the effort she puts the time disagreed. If in December 2007 devoted an entry to the actor Fernando Esteso , referring to him as the loser of the comedy they were Pajares and Estes (something like Laurel and Hardy cheesy English cinema during that stage of post-Franco film that was the breakout) I recant today, as Andrés Pajares has fallen lower than did the alcoholic and unemployed Esteso. Pajares, who after passing through the film of the populace, both in his films with Fernando Esteso as films like the bizarre own The Magic Garter (I recommend visiting the Esteso Fernando chapter to learn more about the history of the couple ), took a new name thanks to his collaborations with Luis García Berlanga (Moros y Cristianos ) or Carlos Saura (Ay Carmela!). After new face of continued Pajares getting respectable actor work as an actor (unlike his former partner, are) in popular films such as adapting the comic Makinavaja and the TV series Oh Lord, Lord! that kept him active. In recent years, however, have been dark for the actor. Television scandals of all kinds: divorce with his wife prepared to air the dirty laundry, acknowledging that his son was abused by confessing his homosexuality Pajares, rumors that maintained intimate relations with his illegitimate daughter, in addition to their drug use and a resounding professional failure since his last work had to be canceled for non-public, end up fragmenting desiquilibrada actor's psyche. After organizing a series of unfortunate events on camera, this week came disguised in a cap and a fake mustache to firm lawyers. Armed with an irritant spray and a gun, threatened all those present. Spray with a woman and bit one of the lawyers on the cheek, like Max Cady. Was reduced and finally passed to the police. I fear that history will go beyond, to enjoy these purging behavior of bait that are journalists. But enough about the topic here. Suffice it to say that I was wrong once again. History shows that when it comes to idols of clay, provided can fall lower.


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