Chien-Wu-Sky its meaning is natural Life or Universal Mind. It works on all levels of existence. Represents the invisible, intangible, inaudible, is non-being is independent of space and time, when they are conditioned by the senses, thought, imagination, etc. Its quality in action is force, strength, power. Because this quality everything is "easy." All without becoming transformed itself. His qualities are four
Yuan is his nature to move forward without going back, and as such, is the origin of everything.
Heng is the power it has to manifest itself as being or seed of things and beings, promoting its continued development. Li
through continuity makes things reach a figure and makes the invisible visible. So non-self shows its external form. Li is the creative here, is internally as "spirit or soul." Chen
is the quality to harmonize the internal of the form with the exterior. This harmony is an agency that sets the pace and duration of life with all that exists.
When Chien manifests appears Kun (the being of things) but never loses its nature Chien to remain invisible, without assuming any form. In this sense Chien qualities are:
Yuan original, only without origin, without beginning or end. Heng
continuity of life without transformation. Li
is lightness, transparency, space without obstacles or resistance. Chen
lasting, eternal, because no parts.
Chien natural as life or mind manifests itself in humans as simple. this simple mind is "easy" to see the beginning and end of things. This simplicity is a carcaterística of primitive or archaic as well as people living in rural areas and is minimally influenced by the "culture" or the "spirit of time."
The nature of the mind can be seen from the perspective of power or natural or innate ability when I do not have the overwhelming force that is constituted as an individual. From the perspective of power or strength, the natural mind sees and does things easily. So everything is "easy." It is the quality of the natural power (creative)
From the perspective of the creative (how easy) is described in six stages:
Mind "simple" for whom everything is "easy" sees things in their beginning and end. The significance of this is that the human being senses the beginning of life, rather than in adolescence or adulthood, because it is closer to its origin. At the end of life, is again close to its origin, and there recovers easy to see things as they are. Beginning and end are taken as a metaphor for "intuitive."
In the beginning, the mind to be direct knowledge of things natural. When it becomes the natural development of self, this, influenced by the culture deteriorates and denatured. This is the downside of it. The culture is symbolized by the quality Li of creativity. Li is the media created that encompasses all members of humanity. Thus, when more advanced is a culture, the more "negative" results for its members. From this perspective, when the vital capacity of man is stronger, clings strongly that cultural possibility, which is the Creative ambushed or masked. As time passes, when the vital energy of man is weak and nearing its end, the original force of the Creative emerge easily and allows you to see things "as is". So beginning and end down all the time interdependence between the individual and based on universal life energy.
beginning and end point to the coexistence of "see and experience" where the intentional and natural are in a continuous exchange. The Creative
itself is the wisdom and "innate ability" in all beings. She is also called "Great" in the Book of Changes.
The "innate wisdom" or intuitive in the human mind is to reflect rather than act. She is like a mirror reflecting everything as is, without adding or taking anything away from things. This is also the flow or Devenir which speaks Lao TTch the Tao Te Ching . The future is always present.
creative in the action of the mind "Simple" is to "facilitate" the work of Nature, which is to follow the course of it. Just as the Creative creates things in due time, this "simple minded" let things sprout by themselves. This spring "for themselves" is the "spontaneous" as it is based all the creativity of art and "human nature."
The image of Creative in the Yi-Chin g is that pulls its forces "self", indicating that the mind to turn inward regenerates without need anything from the outside world. Here is an allusion to the vacuum where "intuitive wisdom" reveals the primordial forces of life and all the events. The Creative (Spirit) to be "strong and vigorous" Rebirth of self and is in a vacuum where is the mystery of the regeneration of life and eternity. This in scripture Taoist is called "Hsuan-ming (Mysterious Life and Inscrutable Mystery) Chuang-tzu also called Hun-tun in Nei-Pien .
When the text of Yi Ching speaks of heaven and says that he draws strength from self implies that even after the generated "ten thousand things" remains in force enough on it to recover its own existence. This "strong enough" is the Void from which comes the mysterious life or true.
Mystery The term used to indicate that all quality or property attributed to life is not real life but fleeting qualities. The Void is the unique quality of life, as seen by the Taoists, both its mystic and its philosophers and artists.
Thus the Spirit is the "essence or nature of the Void" The Void is the Spirit and the Spirit is the Void. Tao
, Vacuum , Spirit and Nonbeing are an "identity."
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