MEET GOD This is my Son ... hear him Mt 17, 1-9
To meet God, what matters is not thinking a lot about to the head. Nor is make superhuman efforts to reach the impenetrable, or utter loud cries to do heard by Him The first is to make silence, outside and inside, and hear your presence with us. appease our inner house to house to living in us. As stated J. MartÃn Velasco, "tune your ear to catch the buzz, almost always soft as the breeze, its step." encounter with God is always personal. Transferable. We can intercede for each other, but nobody can pray for someone else. Unable to communicate with God attorney. Each has boldly opened to his presence. is true we can use formulas inherited from previous generations, to pray to God . I can repeat the psalms and prayers that other believers have been used in the past. But in the end, I that I have to go my own way and find God in my life . She said Leon Felipe in the familiar lines from his poem: "No one was yesterday, / no go today, / or gone tomorrow / to God / by the same way / I go. / For every man save / a new ray of light the sun ... / And a path virgin / God. "Each walks to God from their own adventures , problems and moods. So impersonal sentence is a contradiction. Just prayer name and appearance. When there is true communication with God, there is a living person, a man or woman who asks, that seeks to beg, received or complain, that praises or trust. This lively and personal communication with God is able to transform and redirect the person so new life. When you listen peacefully to God in the depths of his heart, he illuminate dark areas that had escaped your eyes and learn to distinguish the real from merely apparent and misleading, discover inside forces that seemed to have vanished forever . Life changed drastically. One has a new light, a force comforting, a free spirit of discouragement. And above all, feel loved and to love forces. In the Gospel story, filled with deep biblical connections, a cloud covers disciples to cast to shake. Emerges from the cloud a voice: "This is my Son ... listen to him. " believer's life changes and moves from fear to peace when you know listen to the mystery of God revealed in His Son Jesus. A practical guide to the practice of communion with God.
daily communion with God
1 The first and primary need of our Christian life is communion with God. The Christian life within us comes from God and is completely dependent on Him As I need every moment to breathe the air again, as every time the sun sends down its light, and only in direct living communication with God My mind can be strong. Manna corrupted one-day tomorrow. I every day have fresh grace from heaven, and waiting only get direct from God Himself. Start each day waiting before God, and letting him touch it. Take time to meet God.
2 To this end, let your first act in his devotion to be a be quiet before God. In prayer, or worship, everything depends on God to take center stage. I must bow quietly before Him in humble faith and adoration, speaking thus within my heart: "He is God. God is near. God is love, longing to reach me. Almighty God, who worketh all in all, now is waiting for work in me, and hoping to get noticed. "Take your time, until you know that God is near.
3 When you have given God the place of honor, glory, and power, take place with deep humility and seek to be filled with the Spirit of humility. As a child, his happiness is to be nothing for God to be everything to you. As a sinner you are not worthy to look upon God, but only to bow in humiliation. As a saint, let God's love overwhelmed, and bend even lower. Down before Him in humility, gentleness, patience, and surrender to His goodness and mercy. He will lift you up. Ah! Take your time to get to be very low before God.
4 Then accept and value their place in Christ Jesus. God does not delight in nothing more than in His beloved Son, and can not be satisfied with nothing else in those who come to Him From deep in the holy presence of God with boldness that gives you the Blood, and the security in Christ you He was pleased. In Christ you are within the veil. You have access to the heart and love of the Father. This is the great object of communion with God that I may have more of God in my life, and that God may see Christ formed in me. Be silent before God and let it bless you.
5 This Christ is a living Person. He loves with a personal love, and he expects every day a personal response to his love. Behold His face with trust, until His love really shines in his heart. Alegre his heart telling him you love him. He is offered as a personal Savior and as a Keeper of the power of sin. Do not ask, "I can be free of sin if I stay close to Him?" But asks: "I can be free of sin if he is always kept near me?" And you will immediately see how safe it is to trust Him
6 have not only the life of Christ in us as a power and presence with us as a person, but we have His likeness to be formed in us. He must be formed in us, that His form or figure, His likeness, can be seen us. Bow before God until you get some sense of the grandeur and bliss of God will continue to work on you on this day. Say to God: "Father, here I am to you, to give me as much as the likeness of Christ can receive." And expect to hear him say, "Son, I give you much of Christ as your heart is open to receive." The God who said to Jesus in flesh and perfected, will manifest in you and you perfected in Him the Father loves the Son, and delights in being His image in you. You can count on blessed this work will be done while you wait on God and fellowship with Him remains
7 Christlikeness consists mainly of two things: the likeness of His death and His resurrection (Rom. 6 : 5). The death of Christ was the consummation of His humility and obedience, surrendering his life to God. In Him we are dead to sin. As we descend in humility, dependence and complete surrender to God, the power of His death works in us, and we are conformed to His death. And then you know the power of His resurrection in victory over sin and all the joy and power of the resurrected life. Therefore, every morning "present yourself to God as alive from the dead." He will keep the life he gave and granted the grace to live as a ghost.
8 All this can only be done in the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. You can count on him so that Christ be glorified in you. And Christ has to increase the internal flow of His Spirit in you. While you wait before God to manifest His presence, remember that the Spirit is in you to reveal things of God. Try in the presence of God have the anointing of the Spirit of Christ so that his whole life really can in every moment be spiritual.
9 As you meditate on this wonderful salvation and seek full communion with the great and holy God, and wait patiently for Him to reveal Christ in you, you feel how necessary it is to surrender all to receive Seek Him the grace to know what it means to live as fully to God as Christ did. Only the Holy Spirit can teach you what it means to give life entirely to God. Wait on God show you about this that you do not know. Let every approach to God and every prayer of communion with Him, accompanied by a new rendition, very defined, and whole to him, to work in you.
10 "By faith" should be the tone here, as elsewhere in Scripture and spiritual life. While you wait before God, let it be in a deep quiet faith in Him, the Invisible, who is so near, so holy, so powerful, so loving. In a deep faith, rested, that all the blessings and divine powers of life are around you, and you. Only offered in the faith of a perfect trust in the Holy Trinity and blessed for they hold the whole purpose of God in you. Start each day and in communion with God, and God will be all around for you.
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