Mythical Mind and Art in the
The Taoist view derived from the Yi-ching, about mythical mind, as the teacher said Chang Wei Chi, not dependent historical perspective, nor scientific. It is rather, ontological character. Art, language, science and religion understood as a unit of natural vision, do not belong to a single individual, the product of a certain culture, but experiences superpersonal. Neither art or science or language represent a stage that can be explained in relation to others, as it considers a causal view of phenomena. They all stem from a common center (chung), which can also be called as mythical mind. This does not refer to the manifestation of a remote past, to disappear, extinguished with her, but something always Present, Timeless, and impenetrable to logical sense. Arguably it is Origin and Presence. Every event independent of temporal considerations is-becoming-symbolized as "flow of a river ', which contains in itself Principle and End
A river is not a static entity, it is the symbolic image of what the Yi-Ching designated as non-being (wu), heaven (chien), which is imperishable, because it crystallizes in moments. He provided evidence as the center and all-forms-is present, never staying anywhere, it's a fleeting time on things like lightning. In the areas of what might be called Science of the Spirit, that is seen more clearly because they do not try to fix and define the events by concepts, but apprehend them through symbols. The field of interest are not objects but processes and relationships through which they connect, depending on ways that can not be determined arbitrarily.
From the perspective of the Yi-Ching, if the objective world is not seen as a flow where the parts or objects are not separated from each other, it is restricted due to a mode of perception that the concepts set hardened past, present and future as immaterial materials divisions such as Time. Thus, the concepts become part of language is a basic tool for communicating intellectual knowledge. But they are not the entire language, for he has in the integrity of nature's ability to express themselves beyond the intellect, so that it does not become a unilateral view center. For example, metaphor, allegory and paradox are resources of the mind in which it operates on a descriptive level, to identify relationships that are not set within the intellectual understanding of life. The description differs from the explanation because in the latter, the only possible relationship is to determine rigid logic.
In the allegory the imagination goes beyond the conceptual limitations. The metaphor provides comparisons that are centralized in the psychic nature, peripheral to the intellect. The paradox is opposed to the determinations, destabilizing the logical sense. With them regain language and being fluent win in the wild, so it becomes a symbolic mediator. The dryness and hardness of the conceptual language are transformed into art rich fluid stream, either as poetry. literature, calligraphy, dance, music, drawing or painting. The mythical mind
not any quality can be characterized by the dip in the temporal, because it refers to a style someone or something particular restriction, but the creative base, generating any and all state of mind. The comparative mythology attempt to find some kind of content you mind explaining this mythical could understand why the mythical creations suggests that it is understood that the mind is the root of all knowledge and cultural expression . blends creativity with creations. The first is Origin and Presence, second identifies the transient phenomena that include everything that has Beginning and End One thing is the power that begets things and quite another thing. For example, an orange is a set of forces converging on the so-called simple. Their qualities are: round, orange, sweet, sour but the complex of qualities, such as Simple as a manifestation of something more basic, the Creative Power that receives different names in different cultures. Is the mana of the Melanesians, the Manitou of the Algonkin, the Orenda of the Iroquois, and the Sioux wakanda. The ancient Chinese portrayed him as Heaven / Chien and called Shan-Ti. They are all mythical mind having different names, and the orange has different qualities, but none of them separately is orange.