Monday, June 30, 2008

Make Ski Pole Boat Make Ski Pole Boat

What is liturgy?

When we worship, what we mean?

If we are to the Greek etymology, the word liturgy means work (ergon) of the people (Leiton, adjective derived from laos, which means village). We could therefore say that the liturgy is the work of the people, public works dedicated to God. In simpler words would say that the liturgy is the spiritual worship or sacred service to God each of us, that we are his people.

Today we understand the liturgy as the official cult of the Church, the new People of God, the Blessed Trinity, worship, thank you, beg forgiveness and ask for grace and favor.

Since the beginning of the liturgical movement, until now, have been proposed many definitions of liturgy and there is still no unanimously accepted it, given the wealth locked up in this mystery. However, all the authors admit that the concept of worship includes the following elements: the presence of Christ the Priest, the action of the Church and the Holy Spirit, salvation history and updated continuously through effective signs, which are sacraments, and sanctification of the cult o.

As this could be considered the liturgy as the priestly action of Christ, and continued in the Church under the action of the Holy Spirit, through which the Lord has updated his saving work through effective signs, giving most perfect worship of God and men communicating salvation here and now.

A great theologian of our time defines the liturgy: "The liturgy is the celebration of the sacred mysteries of our redemption through the Church, which remains alive in the person of Christ, living the saving events of origin, activates presence of his healing grace and faithful promise, by the signs which he chose and that the community place, chaired by the word of the apostles
and animated by the Holy Spirit of Jesus ... The liturgy is the case history of a community in obedience to his Lord has remembered everything he said and suffered; of what God did with him for us. The Church is joining what was the saving deeds of Christ and still attached and identified with the intercession, as high priest, He is offering to the Father for us as we journey in this world ".

In this context we can appreciate what the liturgy in the Church. The liturgy is but the conclusion of this process of redemption in the world and the world. The liturgy is the "source and summit of Christian life" as he called the Second Vatican Council, because the liturgy is where checks and has its most explicit expression, this model of initiative and response, and divine action human cooperation. As a source, the liturgy is the starting point that drives us to
that satisfied with the Easter sacraments, keep walking toward holiness through honest and upright life, giving glory to God with our words and our actions before men . As culmination, the liturgy is the point of arrival, ie, all activities of the Church is to glorify God.

If asked to why Catholics who attend Mass on Sundays, many would probably say that it is very important to them, or because they like how he speaks the priest who celebrates, or because Catholics are obliged to attend.

However, if we reflect a little, we say that the reason we are going to church is because God has called us to meet with Him in His Church, to give glory, thank you, beg for help and ask for forgiveness . We can therefore say that the liturgy is the celebration of a people made in the name of the Lord who made us brothers, sons of the Father, of the same body, branches the same tree.

In contemporary society, where there are people who believe in all sorts of things or simply do not believe in anything,
faith leads us to church on Sunday, while a neighbor pruning the garden and another reads newspaper or watch a movie, you can give us a lively sense of vocation or calling. Not that we are better or worse than our neighbors, but we, for mysterious reasons known only to God, we have been chosen and called to know Him and His works, to love above all things and serve wholeheartedly in our day day.

While recognizing our infidelities and community, we gather for liturgical celebration, and we remain what we are: a people called by God to be his witness and his help in human history. We are the Body of Christ, his arms and legs, feet and hands to the world that He loves.

Pope Pius XII says that the liturgy is the worship of the full Body of Christ, head and limbs. In the liturgy, we are called together to the presence of the Father, who is the Father of all. We gather in Christ, because without Christ we can stand before the Father. And we met for the Spirit of Christ, which fills our hearts to form "one body, one spirit in Christ." Called to the presence of the Father in Christ through the Spirit!

Thus, the meeting of the assembly is a sign and a symbol of what God does and his work. The work of God in history is to gather into one the children of God who are scattered overcome divisions, provide a place for those who have no home and are alone, to support those who support heavy loads, and create community an oasis in the midst of a painfully divided world in which almost everything and those who lack everything.

There, in the Christian community, we discover that we all belong to the same humanity and put aside differences. The gathering of believers in a liturgical celebration is the anticipation of the day to establish the Kingdom of God in its fullness, when there is no discrimination on grounds of sex, race or wealth, where there is no hunger or thirst, nor distrust and violence, competition or abuse of power, for all things subject to Christ, and God will reign over His people holy in peace and forever. Every liturgical celebration is "should be" a piece of heaven on earth.

In the words of Vatican II: "So, to build day by day those who are in a holy temple in the Lord and habitation of God through the Spirit to reach the measure of the fullness the age of Christ, the liturgy also strengthened his forces admirably to preach Christ, and thus presents the Church to those outside as a sign up in the middle of the nations under him to gather in the children's unit of God who are scattered, until one flock, one shepherd "(Vatican II, the Constitution" Sacrosanctum Concilium, "n. 2).

The liturgy, therefore, can never be a private matter, individualistic, where everyone reads their private devotions, self-enclosed. It is the Church, the ecclesial community that celebrates the liturgy. The liturgy is an action of all Christians. Nobody is spectator of it, no one is a spectator in it. Everyone should participate "actively, fully and consciously in it," as says the Second Vatican Council.

Another aspect of the liturgy: The liturgy is the present, but points to the future of this world, but it points to a reality that transcends present experience. Is present, it celebrates and makes real the presence among us of God who saves the world and man in Christ, but this presence makes us painfully aware of how far we are the Kingdom of God. It is a call to live and act for God's values, which are the values \u200b\u200bof a society that as a fact of inequality, competition, prejudice, infidelity, international tensions and consumerism without borders. The values \u200b\u200bof God are love, truth, peace and grace.

Thus, the liturgy of this world, but it points to a way of life in the world to recognize its profound meaning. The liturgy takes all elements of human life. It teaches us to use our body and our soul to manifest the presence of God, to worship and serve, and to keep his word and heal others.

teaches us to hear God's voice in the voices of others and to receive from the hands of others the gifts of God. It teaches us to live in society, people of different education and race, as men and women delivered to promote peace and unity and mutual assistance. It teaches us to use the goods of the earth, represented in the liturgy for the bread and wine, water and oil, not for treasure and consume selfishly alone, but as sacraments of the Creator to be accepted with gratitude , used with reverence and share generously.

Yes, the liturgy is an expression of our faith and love, but also informs and deepens that faith and love. It teaches us how to live with faith and how to love deeper and more true. It teaches us that faith, hope and love are alive when we recognize and accept the work of God in the world. We know that the liturgy begins and ends with the sign of the cross because the cross is the sign of the love God has for us and the human response to that love Jesus. Loved to the end, obedient unto death on the cross.

Thus, the liturgy makes us realize that there is no love without sacrifice, no life except by death. In the liturgy and in life we \u200b\u200bidentify with the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in us. The heart of the liturgy, the heart of all the sacraments, from baptism to the rites for the dying, is the Paschal Mystery, the mystery of God's initiative and our response as revealed in the death and resurrection. By liturgy, the Church updated the Paschal Mystery of Christ for the salvation of the world and praise God on behalf of all mankind.

not only the bread and wine are transformed into the liturgy, but also we have to transform, involving the sacrifice of Jesus, allowing God to inspire in us a new life constantly, so that the Church is transformed for the world to evolve according to the will of God to all mankind.

In this sense we can say that in the liturgy together the "lex orandi" (prayer), the "lex credendi" (dogma) and "lex vivendi" (life). They are not separable, as discussed in the first part, prayer, dogma and life, but that should illuminate and interact in return.

The liturgy makes explicit what is hidden and implicit in the history of man reminds us what God has done in the past, so we can recognize the same God acting in this, and reminds us of the purposes for which the world and its history are addressed, the eternal possession of God in heaven. It puts us in contact with the mystery that exists in the heart of all things and every human being.

Liturgy is undoubtedly the highlight of the life of the Church of the Holy Spirit's action and the presence of Christ in glory. Liturgy salvation is celebrated, lived.

with faith and respect us enter into this mystery of the liturgy.

In the liturgy, Christ and Christians, who form the mystical body, exercising public worship.
"The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church and at the same time, the source of
which comes all her strength."


Monday, June 16, 2008

Cheerleader With Smelly Socks

time ago that I have something left that space. Of course, everything has its consequences, or what we do in life echoes in eternity as I said the chuloplaya of Russel Crowe in Gladiator overrated. Last night, without going any further, he appeared in Jerry Lewis dreams to require me to write about it. In the dream I was on a test (contrary to what the convention demand was not lingerie) and forced me to write the biography of an English actor. I stood between sweating and twitching, his heart galloping fast and the mind obsessed with an idea: write about Jerry, Jerry writes about writes about Jerry ... The terror that stalked me probably will not be because Lewis is one of the most unbearable comic actors of all time (unfortunately the time and a generation of Adam Sandlers , Jim Carreys and Ben Stillers relativize the last sentence) but it opens a door to a new form of torture where the sinister characters of this blog I lurk in dreams, demanding their inclusion in this modest and exceptionally roomy. Just thinking that Arnold Schwarzenegger dreams can come between aspen, and more at the thought of accompanying him Joan Crawford, Jim Morrison or Andy Warhol , To name three people who give me more dread Charles Manson and John Gacy together. It can happen in the future I rise to speak to Jerry. And if one day take long to find a mine entrance ask yourself if maybe I've been eaten by one of the guests with no dinner found me unprepared in a dream.

And talk about the comic, but especially his relationship with his partner and intimate enemy, the glorious Dean Martin, one of the most delightfully perverse association of showbiz ... Martin had little time in the music business when he met a Jewish artist nine years his junior. Jerry Lewis was 20 then and in 1946 joined as artistic partner. Were promoted as the new Abbott & Costello and soon began to take an enormous popularity through appearances on radio, TV and its shows in nightclubs. The young Lewis was the star of the couple, funny, dumb idiot in front of the handsome exemplifying Dean. Lewis also took over the business, making the artistic decisions while Dean spent all, as he liked to do in your particular Epicurean nihilism. In 1949 he signed a contract with Paramount that they will be tied to 1957, beating out 10 movies terrible.

On the way tensions grow in the duet. Dean's figure appears blurred and impersonal, and still waiting for a chance to launch his solo career. The performances are turning into direct attacks, enhanced by the difficult character pasotismo Lewis and Martin, who presents himself at the last hour before performances. In a masochistic relationship laugh at Lennon and McCartney Lewis begins to reduce Dino dialogs, making it a mere decorative item in the escenenario. To make matters worse, Dean gets her solo musical success in 1955 thanks to the hard Memories Are Made of This , which arouses the jealousy of his histrionic and twisted fellow. During the filming of one of his last films almost come to blows, and the preparation of a new script reduces the role of Lewis Dean brief appearances. It's the end of the relationship, they will not talk.

Jerry Lewis comedy relaunched her career after a divorce with Dino. Had prepared a final retaliation fireworks. In what is his best film, The Nutty Professor (The Nutty Professor , 1963), Lewis made a heartbreaking and cruel parody of their partner to be transformed by a magic potion in a beautiful and despicable man, who also sang with the crooner. It was the last gasp showing bitterness hidden in the comic. Dean simply ignore it. Anyway, Lewis's career never went there. His other comedy had to resort to ugly kid model funny - bland pretty boy who had exploited Lewis & Martin. This is Boeing Boeing ( Boeing (707) Boeing (707) , 1965) in which Tony Curtis replacing Dean. Meanwhile Dean had a successful career in musical and a film career with some successes, such as in films of Vincente Minelli ( a torrent 1958), Howard Hawks (Rio Bravo in 1959) or Billy Wilder ( Kiss Me, Stupid in 1964), supported among others by the Mafia and Frank Sinatra .

And it was Sinatra, in his infinite intention of getting into trouble that neither they nor you are, who tried to reunite the couple. Ironically, said that the work done deserved the Nobel Peace Prize this year. It was in 1976 and did not really big deal. The coupled by surprise at a party, and both cameras by witnesses did not know what to do or say, the tension and discomfort was the only thing they shared that night. Years later Dean Lewis attempted to participate in one of his annual charity festivals muscular atrophy. Martin agreed to go on a date. And he never showed. Lewis still have a say in artistic, indeed, a kind of swan song as a wonderful black comedy. As himself (with the name of Jerry Langford ) Lewis was the best role of his career in the play misunderstood Martin Scorsese's The King of Comedy ( The King of the Comedy , 1982) where he was accosted by Robert De Niro one of the best roles of his brilliant career, the psychopath in power Rupert Pupkin. It is urgent to rescue this little jewel of comedy, misunderstood in his time and after his time. Well, that's all. I have done Jerry. Already banned in my dinner. Now leave my dreams and make room again Kim Novak with whom I have much more constructive experience ...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Many Calories Has Gaviscon


The writer of best sellers of terror Stephen King once asked him what was for him the embodiment of terror. The answer was revealing: Ronald McDonald . The clown in charge of deforming the figure for millions of children worldwide through its prefabricated hamburgers received that rare honor. And no wonder, since many people we are disturbed when we see a clown smile. Maybe we can not help wondering what the hell he laughs. Maybe we doubt that you keep your smile behind the mask. Or the smile that has not exactly friendly ... Probably the bitter and contradictory halo accompanying the clowns is something we owe to the Italian OPEA Pagliacci's character, which over time has become more sinister tones. Somehow, as an element that touches our most fragile stage and enabler, childhood, the figure of the clown has got that ability to awaken many of us irrational and childish terrors.

Stephen King himself explored the fear of clowns in one of his most disturbing, It . The novel was a terrible film adaptation (top) and television distribution. And it is something general to say that horror movies with clowns series B are cut very poor or gore movies without any real interest for fans of the genre. The most prominent genre films is perhaps the rare and fun Clowns Murderers ( Killer Klowns from Outer Space , 1988) where the clowns were also aliens. Other titles Dead Clowns (2003), Fear of Clowns (2005), which had a sequel in 2007, does not merit a viewing.

But if there is a medium that has been brilliantly adapted the figure of the clown in all its complexity is the television through the quintessential animated series, The Simpsons . The figure of Krusty the Clown , a television clown drunk, speculator and narcissistic, vicious tyrant with children and their subordinates, as few characters representing the ambiguity of the clowns. The drink also the sinister character Ronald McDonald, and in fact has a chain of restaurants, among many other businesses of dubious provenance. The character has starred in some of the popular Halloween events, leaving out the more macabre side of the series.

As if this were not enough the series offers another sinister clown figure of the villain par excellence, Bart's alter-ego in the series, the Machiavellian, intellectual and refined psychopath Sideshow Bob. The character has starred in numerous plans of annihilation, becoming one of the most popular side show.

Another medium that has known exploit the figure of the clown incident has been the comic through the figure of Joker, nemesis of the Dark Knight, Batman. The character was designed by the creator of the comic, Bob Kane, in 1940, inspired by the film The Man Who Laughs (1928), a silent film by director Paul Leni expressionist. The film is a melodrama based on the work of Victor Hugo , but the terrifying image of the protagonist's contorted smile (below) served to define the clown of the most popular crime comics. The Joker was the perfect counterpoint to Batman sinister, depicting a colorful harlequin a sinister side and extremely psychotic. Originally the character was very dark, a ghoulish murderer who was turning in 60, through the popular comics and the Batman TV series into a joker joker and heavy.

is in the 80's when the character recovers all the horror of its origins, through such notable works as The Killing Joke, probably the masterpiece of character, a jewel by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland . Tim Burton chose to call Jack Nicholson to play the character in the movie adaptation, a Specialty wise choice given the actor's wacky characters, but Nicholson was not the physical aspect of the Joker. Christopher Nolan has chosen to take better care of their part of the image (and possibly less background) by hiring the late Heath Ledger for what will be one of the blockbusters this summer, Batman: The Dark Knight .

And we left for the final as terrorism, the reality. We talked about John Wayne Gacy , also known as Pogo the clown or murderer. This sinister serial murderer killed 33 people, of which 28 bodies were found, between 9 and 20. Gacy was a model citizen, a businessman who loves his family spent their free time to entertain hospitalized children dressing up as a clown. He even submitted to council, but the fact that one of his victims did survive the discovery of the secret macabre Gacy, who sexually abused 33 young people and children and then kill them and end up burying them. In 1978 he confessed his crimes.

Gacy was executed in 1994 during his time in prison painted many naive-style paintings, one of the reasons most often repeated the clowns. After his death his paintings were auctioned, and as often happens in such cases the murderer macabre found a small cult of fans who every year celebrate its implementation shirts and holidays. There are also films based on the life of Gacy, the telefilm To Catch a Killer (1992) and the latest movie Gacy (2003), and various musical groups that have paid their particular cult clown terror through bizarre songs and other tributes.

Does Lidocaine Upset Your Stomach?

live in a place called Europe. It is a place built by killings and plundering throughout the world. It is a old and decadent, drinking of old empires and the blood of millions of innocent souls. Is a hypocrite, able to organize a forced alliance based on economic interests to spit after the most basic of human rights. The cradle of colonialism, genocide and the gas chambers. Today being an immigrant in Europe is a crime. Try leaving a country pillaged and drawn by Europeans is a crime. Fleeing from a depleted by Europeans, raped, tortured and burned to bonzo by Europeans is a sin. The new Napoleons, new Hitlers, proposed to criminalize illegal immigration. Locking a human being by the simple fact of not play a role. For the simple fact of not being able to choose where he was born. For the simple fact of not being one of the sacred spoilers. Look at your neighbor. Suspected him. Not one of yours. It is a descendant of the enclaves, like you. Italian ultraconservative governments propose laws as inhumane and the European parliament raises hard unjust laws. And social democratic governments, such as English, create future concentration camps. In this I agree. The young man napoleons with Barbie as Sarkozy , the mafia with lifting Duces to Berlusconi , new iron ladies swastika in the brain to Merkel, all agree. The great film Alfonso Cuarón Children of Men gives us a clue of where shots are going to go, cell on the platforms and containment neighborhoods ... Europe, dreamland, paradise of freedom and the birthplace of the world wars, only time, of course, that developing countries could exploit their raw materials without outside intervention. Europe is stepping on and continues to bite, because I lost hard. Water beats rock. And there are Europeans who are not willing to continue criminalizing life. And many immigrants need not follow suit or lose their values \u200b\u200bto plunge into the gray world of Europeans. We need the best of each world give an answer to your game bulldozers and death.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Can You Crush Motrin?


In Progressive Rock groups everything was great (often grandiose, so we're going to cheat). If you managed to capture music to audiences, leading them to a world of unknown sounds, their shows should be equally mammoth. Using light show, dry ice, three-dimensional sets, revolving stages, costumes and overwhelming voltages to leave his audience with his mouth open. The phrase of the day is "do not go there's still more." Those were times of Peter Gabriel doing theater, costume and become a character in Lewis Carroll , a Keith Emerson torturing his hammond and piano playing a flying!, About Pink Floyd with hallucinogenic projections and Robert Fripp soloing carrying ecstasy or boredom. was a time of lavish record folders. Of artists who developed the image of the Rock and the concept of what was a cover of an album, the wonderful times and evocative covers of Roger Dean for Yes, the great Hipgnosis designs for the label Harvest of HR Giger illustrating a cover of Emerson, Lake & Palmer . Those were times of direct double in any other decade appeared points, triple and even quadruple. Issues were times of twenty minutes of wildly imaginative self-taught musicians. Times of excess ...
British groups were undoubtedly the most imaginative and pioneers of the genre, which contributed most fruitful ideas for the new style. Although born in the U.S. psychedelia, progressive rock as a concept and musical movement was born in England. The pioneers of the genre are British pop group whose approach to arrangements more sophisticated places like Arrowhead new germ, both groups who stepped forth to experiment, as is the case Cream, The Pretty Things or of Traffic Steve Winwood or groups that come with that concern and explore new avenues, such as The Nice , The Moody Blues and Procol Harum.
The five key names, the great progressive rock groups, are English: Yes, Pink Floyd, Genesis, King Crimson and Emerson, Lake & Palmer . But many more came in the shadow of those: Atomic Rooster, Renaissance, Gentle Giant, Van Der Graaf Generator, Caravan ... The list is endless, but they are the most prominent of a genre that represented their most shameful excesses the middle of the decade. I'm a big fan of Rick Wakeman, but I have to admit that his idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the Arthurian legend is an ice show too much even for minds as twisted as mine. U.S. contributed little to progressive rock as an exception can name any American group, as Vanilla Fudge and Spirit , or at great inspiration was Frank Zappa , without being an artist known progressive as one fuse these two worlds, rock and classical, in an unparalleled musical world. Without doubt, one of the most fertile imaginations and influential of the century, and the only American artist who was a notable reference to gender.

Zappa was a reference especially for musicians from other European countries began to develop their own vision of progressive rock music fused with its traditions and enriching the world to the absolute limits Progressive far talent and virtually no business sense. It may due to the European musical roots, the symphonic strongly rooted in many European countries, resulting in remarkable groups in countries like Italy ( Bank, Premiata Forneria Marconi, Le Orme ), France ( Ange, Lard Free, Magma ), Sweden ( Samla Mammas Manna), Netherlands ( Supersister, Focus ), Denmark ( Savage Rose ), Greece ( Aphrodite's Child ) ... but if there is a place that Progressive reached a status notable was in Germany, where he became a form of expression native with a peculiar name: Krautrock. This is her story ... For some strange reason several musicians from Germany, Austria and Switzerland came up with the great idea of \u200b\u200bgiving us history lessons, biology, astronomy, and even annoying do geology through progressive rock concept albums. The label that encompassed such a creative stream called Krautrock and if there is something to admire about these "geniuses" is the tenacity with which he sought to unite concepts as exciting as the instrumental virtuosity, outer space, electronic music and Wagner. In the late 60's, after two decades of American music had totally dominated the entertainment of millions of Germans because of the semi-colonization experienced by the country with the installation of North American military bases after World War II and in a period when everything was purely Germanic associated with Nazism, some groups began to provide its own personality, ie the German spirit, to rock'n'roll. Did so mainly through sound offered by the new keyboards and moog synthesizers. A solemn sound, baroque and bombastic perfectly suited to the musical tradition of this country. The first public indication that things were changing was the emergence in 1968 of two German groups in Tagen Song Festival Essen (traditionally dominated by American groups) were Tangerine Dream and Amon Düül . In the years following two stamps, Ohr and Brain, edit records of new groups as Ash Ra Temple, Embyo, Guru Guru, Neu Cluster or , and in 1972 had already published an incredible 500 discs German rock. Soon all the majors wanted to have in their ranks and a representative of Krautrock bands like Passport, Can Kraftwerk and took to the international level. The invasion had begun.